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Common Engine Room Accidents During Dry-Docking

There have been various cases of accidents that have led to unconsciousness and death of seafarers even after these spaces were gas-freed. Thus, it is important to ensure that enclosed spaces are gas freed and tested.

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Common Engine Room Accidents During Dry-Docking

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  1. Common Engine Room Accidents During Dry-Docking. Sinotech Marine Corporation

  2. A dry dock of a ship is a hazardous place to work at. Despite implementing measures for ensuring the safety of seafarers and workers at the dry dock, accidents can still occur frequently. Be it human error, lack of knowledge, experience, or insufficient safety equipment, in the end, the seafarers have to suffer the most.  • A various number of causes are asserted reasons for accidents that occur onboard ships during dry docking in the vessel’s engine and deck sections. Although most of these causes are similar for both sections, the engine room is highly prone to accidents during the dry dock.

  3. Injuries due to falling of load– When machinery and the system go for maintenance during ship dry-docking, parts are lifted to and from the engine room. There have been several cases where the falling of load on crew members has led to deaths. Thus, wearing a helmet is compulsory in the ship’s engine room. In addition to this, the following can be considered to prevent accidents in the engine room- • A minimum of two people must be assigned for any task of lifting load using cranes. One member can operate the crane, and others can give directions and warn people to avoid accidents.  • Members of the crew should not walk under any load when it is lifted by the crane, even when they are wearing helmets. 

  4. Contact Us- • Email - enquiries@sinotechmarine.com • Phone – 302103007223 • Website - https://www.sinotechmarine.com/ • Address - Ermou 56, Athens, Greece

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