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Selling Success Steps in Rhymes

Remember the seven sales steps with a catchy poem, rap, or jingle! Learn the importance of approach, determining needs, presenting, overcoming objections, closing, suggestion selling, and relationship building. Discover the three initial approach methods in retail. Enhance your sales skills with observing, listening, and questioning techniques. Master nonverbal communication and open-ended questions to understand customer needs better.

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Selling Success Steps in Rhymes

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  1. Unit: Intro to Selling

  2. Unit: Intro to Selling • Professional salespeople go through seven steps when helping a customer make a purchase. • 1. Approaching the customer • 2. Determining needs • 3. Presenting the product • 4. Overcoming objections • 5. Closing the sale • 6. Suggestion selling • 7. Relationship building In groups ,come up with a poem, rap or a jingle to help you remember these steps!

  3. SECTION 13.1 The Sales Process What You'll Learn • The seven steps of a sale • The importance and purposes of the approach in the sales process • The three initial approach methods used by retail salespeople

  4. SECTION 13.1 The Sales Process Key Terms • service approach method • greeting approach method • merchandise approach method

  5. SECTION 13.1 The Sales Process Steps of a Sale • Professional salespeople go through seven steps when helping a customer make a purchase.

  6. Group 1 SECTION 13.1 The Approach Approaching the Customer • The approach is the first face-to-face contact with the customer. The approach sets the mood or atmosphere for the other steps of the sale. It has three purposes: • to begin conversation • to establish a relationship with the customer • to focus on the merchandise Slide 1 of 2

  7. SECTION 13.1 The Approach Approaching the Customer When approaching the customer, follow these rules: • Treat the customer as an individual. • Be perceptive about the customer’s buying style. • Be enthusiastic, courteous, and respectful. Slide 2 of 2

  8. SECTION 13.1 The Approach The Approach in Retail Selling There are three methods you can use in the initial approach to retail customers: • the service approach • the greeting approach • the merchandise approach

  9. SECTION 13.1 The Approach The Service Approach In the service approach method, the salesperson asks the customer if he or she needs assistance. This method is acceptable when the customer is obviously in a hurry or if you are an order taker for routine purchases.

  10. SECTION 13.1 The Approach The Greeting Approach In the greeting approach method, the salesperson simply welcomes the customer to the store. This lets the customer know that the salesperson is available for any questions or assistance.

  11. SECTION 13.1 The Approach The Merchandise Approach In the merchandise approach method, the salesperson makes a comment or asks questions about a product in which the customer shows interest. This method can only be used if a customer stops to look at a specific item.

  12. Group 1 Interactive Activity Retail Approach Methods Hurried Customer Routine Purchase BrowsingCustomer Fixated Customer ServiceApproach GreetingApproach MerchandiseApproach

  13. ASSESSMENT 13.1 Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts • 1. List the seven steps of a sale. • 2. What are the purposes of the approach in selling? • 3. Name the three approach methods retail salespeople use, and suggest when it is appropriate to use each method.

  14. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales What You'll Learn • Why determining needs is an essential step in the sales process • Three methods used for determining needs Key Terms Key Terms • nonverbal communication • open-ended questions

  15. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales Determining Needs Customer needs are directly related to buying motives. Motives can be rational, emotional, or a combination of both. In this step of the sale, your job is to uncover the customer's reasons for wanting to buy. Group 2

  16. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales How to Determine Needs • Three methods will help you determine customer needs: • observing • listening • questioning

  17. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales Observing • When you observe a customer, you look for buying motives that are communicated nonverbally. Nonverbal communication is expressing yourself through body language such as facial expressions, hand motions, and eye movement. In B2B selling, nonverbal communication can include the personal belongings in a buyer's office.

  18. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales Listening • Listening helps you pick up clues to the customer's needs. Remember these five important listening skills when talking to your customers: • Maintain good eye contact. • Provide verbal and nonverbal feedback. • Give customers your undivided attention. • Listen with empathy and an open mind. • Do not interrupt.

  19. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales Questioning • In order to listen to customers, you must get them talking. One way of engaging a customer in conversation is to ask questions. • Build your questions around words like: • who • what • when • where • how • why Slide 1 of 2

  20. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales Questioning • Do ask open-ended questions—questions that require more than a yes or no answer. • Do ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand customers' needs. • Don't ask too many questions in a row. • Don't ask questions that might embarrass customers or put them on the defensive. Slide 2 of 2

  21. SECTION 13.2 Determining Needs in Sales Interactive Activity Group 2 Slide 2 of 2

  22. ASSESSMENT 13.2 Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts 1. Why is determining needs an essential step in the sales process? • When should you begin determining needs in the sales process? • At what point in the sales process do you stop determining the customer's needs? • Name three methods used to determine customers' needs. Slide 1 of 2

  23. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs What You'll Learn • The goal of the product presentation • How products are selected for the presentation • What to say during the product presentation • Four techniques that will make a lively and effective product presentation • layman's terms Key Terms

  24. Group 3 SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Product Presentation During the product presentation phase of the sale, you show the product and tell about it. The goal of the product presentation is to match the customer's needs with appropriate product features and benefits.

  25. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Show and Tell • This is the step of the sale where you have the opportunity to share your expertise with the customer. At this point you must make the following decisions: • Which products to show. • What price range to offer. • How many products to show. • What to say.

  26. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Make the Presentation Come Alive • Planning is necessary for an effective product presentation. You must plan use the following four techniques: • Display and handle the product. • Demonstrate the product. • Use sales aids. • Involve the customer.

  27. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Displaying and Handling the Product • Creatively displaying the product is the first step in an eye-catching presentation. • The way you handle a product presents an image of its quality. Handle it with respect and point out its features.

  28. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Demonstrating • Demonstrating the product in use helps to build customer confidence. • Example:To prove that a fabric is water resistant, you can pour water on the garment.

  29. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Using Sales Aids When it is impractical to demonstrate the actual product or when you want to emphasize certain selling points, you can use sales aids such as samples, audiovisual aids, models, photographs, drawings, charts, specification sheets, customer testimonials, and warranty information.

  30. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Involving the Customer • Get the customer physically involved with the product as soon as possible in the sales presentation. • Example: Have a customer hold and swing golf clubs. • Involve the customer verbally by confirming selling points. When you involve a customer in the sale, you help the person make intelligent buying decisions.

  31. SECTION 14.1 Product Presentation Needs Interactive Activity Group 3

  32. ASSESSMENT 14.1 Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts • 1. What is the goal of the product presentation? • 2. Which products and how many of them should be selected for the presentation? • 3. Give some guidelines for what to say during the product presentation. • 4. Describe four techniques that will make the product presentation lively and effective.

  33. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections What You'll Learn • The difference between objections and excuses • Five buying decisions upon which common objections are based • The general four-step method for handling customer objections • Six specific methods of handling objections and when each should be used

  34. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Key Terms • objections • excuses • paraphrase • boomerang method • superior point method • third party method

  35. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Understanding Objections • Objections are concerns, hesitations, doubts, or other honest reasons a customer has for not making a purchase. Objections give you an opportunity to present more information to the customer. • Excuses are insincere reasons for not buying or not seeing the salesperson. Group 4

  36. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Welcome and Plan for Objections • Objections can guide you in the sales process by helping you redefine the customer's needs and determine when the customer wants more information. • Prepare yourself for most objections by completing an objection analysis sheet, which lists common objections and possible responses to them.

  37. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Common Objections • Most objections are based on key decisions the customer must make before buying: • need • product • source • price • time Slide 1 of 3

  38. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Common Objections • Need The customer does not have an immediate need for the item or wants the item but does not truly need it. • Product The customer is concerned about such things as construction, ease of use, quality, color, size, or style. Slide 2 of 3

  39. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Common Objections • Source The customer has had negative past experiences with the firm or brand. • Price The customer does not want to spend so much money. • Time The customer is hesitant to buy immediately (sometimes an excuse). Slide 3 of 3

  40. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Four-Step Process for Handling Objections Successful salespeople have learned to use a very basic, four-step strategy when answering all objections: Listen Carefully Acknowledge the Customer's Objections Restate the Objections Answer the Objections Slide 1 of 4

  41. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Four-Step Process for Handling Objections Listen Carefully To demonstrate sincere concern for your customer's objections, be attentive, maintain eye contact, and let the customer talk. Slide 2 of 4

  42. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Four-Step Process for Handling Objections Acknowledge the Customer's Objections Acknowledging objections demonstrates that you understand and care about the customer's concerns. This makes a customer feel that his or her objections are understandable, valid, and worthy of further discussion. Slide 3 of 4

  43. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Four-Step Process for Handling Objections • Restate the Objections To be sure you understand the customer, paraphrase the objections (restate them in a different way), but don't change the meaning of the customer's objection. • Answer the Objections Answer each objection tactfully. Think of yourself as a consultant, using the objections to further define or redefine the customer's needs. Slide 4 of 4

  44. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Specialized Methods of Handling Objections • There are six specialized methods for handling objections: • boomerang • question • superior point • denial • demonstration • third party

  45. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Specialized Methods of Handling Objections • Superior Point Admit disadvantages in certain products but then present superior points to offset or compensate for them. This technique puts the customer in a position to decide between the different features and see additional reasons for buying.

  46. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Specialized Methods of Handling Objections • Denial When a customer's objection is based on misinformation, provide proof and accurate information to answer the objection. • Demonstration Demonstrate a product's features (but make sure they work before using them in a sales situation). • Third Party Use a testimonial from a previous customer or another neutral person.

  47. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Specialized Methods of Handling Objections • Boomerang Use a friendly, helpful tone to explain how the objection is really a selling point. • Question Question the customer—but never in an abrupt manner—to learn more about the objections.

  48. SECTION 14.2 Handling Customer Objections Interactive Activity Group 4

  49. ASSESSMENT 14.2 Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts • 1. Distinguish between objections and excuses. • 2. Why should you welcome objections in the sales process? • 3. Name the five buying decisions upon which common objections are based. • 4. List the four steps involved in the process for handling customer objections. • 5. Name six specific methods of handling objections.

  50. SECTION 15.1 Customer Buying Signals What You'll Learn • The buying signals that a customer sends • The rules for closing a sale • The specialized methods of closing a sale

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