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Concept paper Task XXI Standardisation of Energy Savings Calculations (ESC). Harry Vreuls, SenterNovem IEA DSM EXCO meeting 3-4 April 2008, New Delphi, India. Overview. Introduction Background Ongoing work in Europe Ongoing other (inter)national work Objective Approach
Concept paper Task XXIStandardisation of Energy Savings Calculations (ESC) Harry Vreuls, SenterNovem IEA DSM EXCO meeting 3-4 April 2008, New Delphi, India
Overview • Introduction • Background • Ongoing work in Europe • Ongoing other (inter)national work • Objective • Approach • Subtask 1: existing ESC standards and standards under development • Subtask 2: basic concept, rules and systems for ESC standards • Subtask 3: maintenance of ESC standards • Subtask 4: Communication and information • Information plan • Timetable • Decisions to be taken
Background • October 2006, EXCO Maastricht: Action plan for the IEA DSM-programme; Item 8 in this plan is the EU Directive on Energy Efficiency and Energy Services (ESD) in relation to evaluation • April 2007, EXCO Seoul: idea was discussed • October 2008, EXCO Brugge: decision that a concept paper on “Standardisation of Energy Efficiency Calculations” should be developed • April 2008, EXCO New Delhi: decision requested for Task Organising meeting and draft Task Work Plan
Ongoing work on energy savings calculations Europe • European Commission within the Energy Service Directive • EMEEES project • Behave and others • Harmonised reporting (ESD committee) • European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 2006-2012 • Workshop Agreement on energy savings lifetime • Taskforce on Energy Efficiency and Energy savings calculation
EU bottom-up energy saving monitoring and evaluation2007-2012; EMEES project • EMEEES project to support the European Commission in developing a standardized monitoring system • 3 Levels of evaluation effort • data sources, • processing and • documenting • 4 steps calculation process • Unitary gross energy savings • Total gross energy savings • Annual (ESD) energy savings • Total cumulative (ESD period) savings
main data used levels of evaluation efforts An evaluation method may combine several levels of efforts, using different data collection techniques EU-wide reference values level 1: minimum evaluation efforts MS-specific values (following harmonised rules) level 2: intermediate evaluation efforts data collection techniques already available data measure-specificvalues (following harmonised rules) level 3: enhanced evaluation efforts well-known data collection techniques specific data collection techniques Bottom-up calculation - three levels of efforts an evaluation method may combine different levels of efforts, according to the parameters needed
CEN • A standard (Workshop Agreement) for lifetime of energy efficiency measures • Ongoing work in Task Force 189 standards for energy efficiency calculations • Top down (related to the Odyssee indicators) • Bottom up (new following the work in the EMEEES project) • Ongoing/planned work for: • Energy Management Systems • Benchmarks
Other (inter)national work • USA; a lot of ongoing M&V and evaluation activities. • Updating IPMVP, M&V Guidelines (US DOE Federal Energy Management Program, and starting actions by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) and Canada • the EPA Model Energy Efficiency Program Impact Evaluation Guide and work by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), • International CFL Harmonisation Initiative and to develop standards that apply to energy-using appliances, equipment and systems and allied activities of APEC Energy Stands Information System; discussed in 2003/04 but not resulted in a new IEA DSM Agreement Task • IEA workshop 28-29 February 2008 (Paris) “Meeting energy efficiency goals: enhancing compliance, monitoring & evaluation • UNFCCC, future reporting and rules for CDM and JI
Motivation • Many policies and measures for improving energy efficiency now exist and continue to improve, both of a voluntary and mandatory nature • November 2007 report of the United States (US) National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Leadership Group • the European Union (EU) Energy Efficiency Action Plan, which anticipates that if energy consumption is cut by 20% by 2020 • Fourth Assessment Report (2007) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which concludes that energy efficiency measures will play a key role in mitigating the human-induced effects of climate change
Evaluation • Evaluation: an essential component of any compliance process. • Evaluation plays a key role in helping to determine whether energy efficiency policy has met its goals. • Some compelling reasons to evaluate energy efficiency programmes are:: • Ex-ante analysis of policy options to select the most appropriate policies. • Evaluation during policy implementation: address policy design problems. • Ex-post analysis for assessment whether a measure has achieved its intended objectives or not, how and why, and thus can enhance learning from the effectiveness or otherwise of past measures. • Evaluation is essential for verifying tradable units of energy conservation, such as in White Certificate Trading programmes and government commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Objective • To identify national and regional existing energy saving calculation (ESC) standards and standards under development; • To identify what basic concept, calculation rules and systems are in use in ESC standards • To identify how and why these standards are or will be used in impact evaluation for policies and measures • To identify what organisations are responsible for the maintenance and future development of these standards • To explore to what extent the basic concepts, calculation rules and systems could be organised in such a way that (inter)national (standardisation) organisation can use these to improve international comparison • To explore how these standards can improve international comparable reporting and evaluation of policies and measures • To provide comments to ESC standards under development
Approach • A combination of the country experts, the Operating Agent and inputs for (experts involved in) standardisation bodies. • In general the experts are responsible for identifying and obtaining information on ESC standards in their countries. • The Operating Agent is responsible for mobilising inputs and comments from standardisation bodies, analysing and drawing conclusions for the information provided by the experts. • Two regional workshops to mobilise input for standardisation bodies; to be discusses at the Task Organising meeting • The Work plan for Standardisation of Energy Efficiency Calculations will comprise four subtasks
Four subtasks • Subtask 1: Existing energy savings calculation (ESC) standards and standards under development • Subtask 2: Basis concept, rules and systems for ESC standards • Subtask 3: Maintenance of ESC standards • Subtask 4: Communication and information
Subtask 1: Existing energy savings calculation (ESC) standards and standards under development Objective To identify national and regional existing energy saving calculation (ESC) standards and standards under development Deliverable A report summarising the national and regional (international) ESC standards, specified for existing standards and standards under development
Subtask 1: Existing energy savings calculation (ESC) standards and standards under development Work to be carried out Country experts • Identify national standards and indicate regional standards. • The information include details about the objective of the standards, the concepts used, the rules for energy savings calculations, the use of databases and models, the systems, the legal status of the standards and the status. The Operating Agent • Ensure international standards will be included. • Experiences from other Tasks & development in other IEA IA • Draft report: summarise the results and conclusions about the ESC standards. The draft report will be discussed and/or commented by the country experts.
Subtask 2: Basis concept, rules and systems for ESC standards Objective • To identify what basic concept, calculation rules and systems are in use in ESC standards and to identify how and why these standards are or will be used in impact evaluation for policies and measures • To provide comments to organisations those have draft ESC standards or standards under development. Deliverable • A report summarising the basic concepts, calculation rules and systems and an advise what elements could be use make national and regional (international) ESC standards international more comparable and more harmonised in the future. • A report with comments on draft ESC standard and reactions from the standardization organisations.
Subtask 2: Basis concept, rules and systems for ESC standards Inputs for the work to be carried out • By the end of 2007 a draft for harmonised bottom up evaluation methods for the EU that countries will use for reporting the progress in NEEAP • By the end of 2007 a draft CEN standard for bottom-up and top-down energy savings calculations will be available for comments. • The work undertaken in Subtask 1 will result in information on ongoing work for drafting national and regional standards outside Europe.
Subtask 2: Basis concept, rules and systems for ESC standards Work to be carried out Country experts • comment of the draft report, especially for the opportunities to implement the common elements in the national and regional standards for energy savings calculations. • report on the (potential) usefulness of the three level approach and the harmonisation of energy savings lifetime. • Draft comments to (draft) national standards. Operating Agent • drafts discussion papers to be discussed by the experts and on international workshops • drafts comments on regional standards • organising the process of discussion on these drafts (using a restricted section of the IEA DSM Website) and the co-ordination of the reactions to and from the standardisation organisations.
Subtask 3: Maintenance of ESC standards Objective • To identify what organisations are responsible for the maintenance and future development of these standards. • To explore to what extent the basic concepts, calculation rules and systems could be organised in such a way that (inter)national standards organisation can use these to improve international comparability. • To explore how these standards can ease international more comparable evaluations of policies and measures. Deliverable • Report on roadmaps along which ESC standards could be further development, taken into account the working processes of responsible standardisation organisations, but given more attention to international comparability. The report will also deal with the improved use of the ESC standards in evaluation of policies and measures.
Subtask 3: Maintenance of ESC standards Work to be carried out Country experts • research the (inter)national organisations responsible for the maintenance and further development of ESC standards, the working processes and the planning. • report on the (expected) use of ESC standards in evaluation of policies and measures and meta-evaluation and/or reports. Operating Agent • combine the country reports and organise the communication with the standardisation organisation. If there is added value one or two regional workshop could be organised. • drafts the conclusions and recommendations for maintenance of ESC standards and after discussion with country experts and relevant market parties, integrate two drafts into one report.
Subtask 4: Communication and information Objective • The inform experts and inform and engage stakeholders and communicate the ongoing work in the Task on ESC standards Deliverables • Task leaflet and newsletter • At least one presentation on a relevant international conference • Regional workshops on ESC standards • Status reports and final reports to the EXCO • Participating in relevant workshop related to EXCO meetings • Contributions to the IEA DSM Annual reports and spot lights
Task information plan • The Task will result in • 3 reports and a • final management report. • At the start and end of the project a leaflet • Additional 4 numbers of news letter distributed electronic and copies by relevant conferences and workshops. • The Operating Agent will present (at least) at one conference the (interim) results of the Task during the Task and at one conference within a year after the Task is finalised. • The reports from the subtasks will be available at the Website for the IEA DSM Agreement
Timetable April 2008 EXCO Approval of the concept paper June or August 2008 Task Organising meeting October 2008 EXCO Approval of the Task Work plan November 2008: Task work, Subtasks 1-4 – November 2010
Decisions to be taken • Countries should indicate their interest in the work • Decide to initiate the Task Definition for a new Task (Decision Type 2) • Countries should be willing to sent an expert to the Task Organising meeting