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Level-1 Global Trigger. Hardware: http://wwwhephy.oeaw.ac.at/p3w/cms/trigger Software: http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/orca/Manuals/ORCA_8_8_0/doc/ReferenceManual/html/L1GlobalTrigger.html. Presented by Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz. Joint L1/PRS Workshop on Trigger for P-TDR
Level-1 Global Trigger Hardware: http://wwwhephy.oeaw.ac.at/p3w/cms/trigger Software: http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/orca/Manuals/ORCA_8_8_0/doc/ReferenceManual/html/L1GlobalTrigger.html Presented by Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz Joint L1/PRS Workshop on Trigger for P-TDR CMS Week, CERN, 16 March 2005
Global Trigger ORCA-Software • Based on work by M. Fierro and N. Neumeister • Documentation: • http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/orca/Manuals/ORCA_8_8_0/doc/ReferenceManual/html/L1GlobalTrigger.html
Global Trigger Design • The trigger decision is taken by combining the trigger objects: • Logic combinations of trigger objects sent by the Global Calorimeter Trigger and the • Global Muon Trigger • Best 4 isolated electrons/photons ET, h, f • Best 4 non-isolated electrons/photonsET, h, f • Best 4 jets in forward regions ET, h, f • Best 4 jets in central region ET, h, f • Best 4 t-Jets ET, h, f • Total ETSET • Total ET of all good jets HT • Missing ETETmissing, f(ETmissing) • 12 jet multiplicities Njets (different ET thresholds and h-regions) • Best 4 muons pT, charge, f, h, quality, MIP, isolation • Thresholds (pT, ET, NJets) • Optional topological and other conditions (geometry, isolation, charge, quality) 128 flexible parallel running algorithms for physics are possible at one time. The trigger decision (Level-1-Accept) is a function of the 128 trigger algorithm bits, applying a predefined mask.
Actual Low Luminosity Trigger Menu in ORCA Algorithm Trigger Condition Threshold (low luminosity) 0 Single muon pT > 14 GeV/c 1 Di-muon pT > 3 GeV/c 2 Single isolated e/g ET > 23 GeV (29 GeV @ 95% eff) 3 Isolated 2e/2g ET > 12 GeV (17 GeV @ 95% eff) 4 2e/2g (isolated + non-isolated) ET > 19 GeV 5 1 muon + 1 isolated e/g pT > 5 GeV/c, ET > 15 GeV 6 total transverse energy ET > 600 GeV 7 missing transverse energy ET > 140 GeV 8 1 central jet ET > 177 GeV 9 1 forward jet ET > 177 GeV 10 1 tau jet ET > 93 GeV (86 GeV @ 95% eff) 11 2 central jets ET > 130 GeV 12 2 forward jets ET > 130 GeV 13 2 tau jets ET > 66 GeV (59 GeV @ 95% eff) 14 3 central jets ET > 86 GeV 15 3 forward jets ET > 86 GeV 16 3 tau jets ET > 40 GeV 17 4 central jets ET > 70 GeV 18 4 forward jets ET > 70 GeV 19 4 tau jets ET > 30 GeV 20 1 muon + 1 central jet pT > 5 GeV/c, ET > 30 GeV 21 1 muon + 1 forward jet pT > 5 GeV/c, ET > 30 GeV 22 1 muon + 1 tau jet pT > 5 GeV/c, ET > 25 GeV 23 1 muon + missing energy pT > 5 GeV/c, ET > 45 GeV 24 1 isolated e/g + 1 central jet ET > 21 GeV, ET > 45 GeV 25 1 isolated e/g + 1 forward jet ET > 21 GeV, ET > 45 GeV 26 1 isolated e/g + 1 tau jet ET > 14 GeV, ET > 52 GeV 27 1 isolated e/g + missing energy ET > 21 GeV, ET > 75 GeV 28 1 central jet + missing energy ET > 88 GeV, ET > 46 GeV 29 1 forward jet + missing energy ET > 88 GeV, ET > 46 GeV 30 1 tau jet + missing energy ET > 35 GeV, ET > 40 GeV
Actual High Luminosity Trigger Menu in ORCA Item Trigger Condition Threshold (high luminosity) 0 Single muon pT > 20 GeV/c 1 Di-muon pT > 5 GeV/c 2 Single isol. e/g ET > 28 GeV (34 GeV @ 95% eff) 3 Isolated 2e/2g ET > 14 GeV (19 GeV @ 95% eff) 4 2e/2g (isolated + non-isolated) ET > 19 GeV 5 1 muon + 1 isolated e/g pT > 7 GeV/c, ET > 17 GeV 6 total transverse energy ET > 800 GeV 7 missing transverse energy ET > 250 GeV 8 1 central jet ET > 250 GeV 9 1 forward jet ET > 250 GeV 10 1 tau jet ET > 106 GeV (101 GeV @ 95% eff) 11 2 central jets ET > 200 GeV 12 2 forward jets ET > 200 GeV 13 2 tau jets ET > 72 GeV (67 GeV @ 95% eff) 14 3 central jets ET > 110 GeV 15 3 forward jets ET > 110 GeV 16 3 tau jets ET > 70 GeV 17 4 central jets ET > 95 GeV 18 4 forward jets ET > 95 GeV 19 4 tau jets ET > 50 GeV 20 1 muon + 1 central jet pT > 14 GeV/c, ET > 40 GeV 21 1 muon + 1 forward jet pT > 14 GeV/c, ET > 40 GeV 22 1 muon + 1 tau jet pT > 12 GeV/c, ET > 30 GeV 23 1 muon + missing energy pT > 16 GeV/c, ET > 80 GeV 24 1 isolated e/g + 1 central jet ET > 25 GeV, ET > 52 GeV 25 1 isolated e/g + 1 forward jet ET > 25 GeV, ET > 52 GeV 26 1 isolated e/g + 1 tau jet ET > 20 GeV, ET > 57 GeV 27 1 isolated e/g + missing energy ET > 25 GeV, ET > 150 GeV 28 1 central jet + missing energy ET > 113 GeV, ET > 70 GeV 29 1 forward jet + missing energy ET > 113 GeV, ET > 70 GeV 30 1 tau jet + missing energy ET > 60 GeV, ET > 60 GeV
Global Trigger options in ORCA Parameters Name Description Default L1GlobalTrigger:TriggerMenu Trigger menu lumi2x1033 L1GlobalTrigger:Mask Disable some L1 GT algos 0 (128 bits, "1" at bit nr. N disable algo nr. N) L1GlobalTrigger:InputMask Enable/Disable Trigger Object inputs 3 (Enable all inputs ==> InputMask = 3) (Disable Global Calorimeter Input only ==> InputMask = 2) (Disable Global Muon Input only ==> InputMask = 1) L1GlobalTrigger:Algorithm Adding one algorithm to the default ones "” e.g. The user can choose between these two trigger tables by setting a parameter in the .orcarc file: L1GlobalTrigger:TriggerMenu = lumi2x1033 or L1GlobalTrigger:TriggerMenu = lumi1034
Current Setup Tool WriteThresholds A trigger algorithm is a logical combination of different Particle Condition blocks. A tool exists to set up algorithms and thresholds, based on these blocks: # MU_xx Identifier for a Muon Particle block # EL_xx Identifier for a Electron/Gamma Particle block # IE_xx Identifier for a Isolated Electon/Gamma Particle block # CJ_xx Identifier for a Central Jet Particle block # FJ_xx Identifier for a Forward Jet Particle block # TJ_xx Identifier for a Tau Jet Particle block # EM_xx Identifier for a Transverse Missing Energy Particle block # ET_xx Identifier for a Total Transverse Energy Particle block # JN_xx Identifier for a Jet Counting Particle block For istance, if you wish to require a lepton (muon or electron) plus Missing Energy, the algorithm looks like +MU_00+EM_02|+EL_00+EM_02; It is intended to change over to a tool using xml files as in HLT, which will include also the possibility of topological conditions.
Adding algorithms 1. Adding one algorithm to the default trigger table using the L1GlobalTrigger:Algorithm parameter in .orcarc file L1GlobalTrigger:Algorithm = +MU_00+EM_02|+EL_00+EM_02; 2. cvs co Data/TriggerData/L1GlobalTrigger and create a new subdirectory (e.g. mytrigger). Provide an ASCII file (named "trigger_menu.dat") in this directory, one algorithm description per line; white lines and comment lines (preceded by "#") are allowed. Provide the corresponding threshold files which can be created with the application WriteThresholds. Finally you have to specify the new trigger table in your .orcarc file: L1GlobalTrigger:TriggerMenu = mytrigger For PTDR studies more algorithms exploiting the full potential of the Global Trigger should be put in. Thresholds should also be updated if feasible.
Summary The basic Global Trigger ORCA software exists. There is still work to be done to expand the trigger menu possibilities, to switch to xml based input and to fix a few bugs at the same time. Thresholds and algorithms should be updated for the PTDR.