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What are speech and language?. Speech and language are tools that humans use to communicate or share thoughts, ideas, and emotions.Language is the set of rules, shared by the individuals who are communicating, that allows them to exchange those thoughts, ideas, or emotions. Speech is talking, one
1. Language Development: General Development and Infancy EDU 280
2. What are speech and language?
Speech and language are tools that humans use to communicate or share thoughts, ideas, and emotions.
Language is the set of rules, shared by the individuals who are communicating, that allows them to exchange those thoughts, ideas, or emotions.
Speech is talking, one way that a language can be expressed.
Language may also be expressed through writing, signing, or even gestures in the case of people who have neurological disorders and may depend upon eye blinks or mouth movements to communicate.
3. Rules of Language While there are many languages in the world, each includes its own set of rules for:
phonology (phonemes or speech sounds or, in the case of signed language, handshapes),
morphology (word formation),
syntax (sentence formation),
semantics (word and sentence meaning),
prosody (intonation and rhythm of speech), and
pragmatics (effective use of language).
Phonemes are the smallest units of language or sounds. In English there are 36 44 units and there are specific rules that are used to combine sounds.
Morphemes are strings of sounds that have meaning.
Semantics is the study of meaning. It refers to words used in the correct context and attached to the appropriate referent.
Syntax refers to the rules regarding word order.
Pragmatics has to do with the rules for using language appropriately and to advantage.Phonemes are the smallest units of language or sounds. In English there are 36 44 units and there are specific rules that are used to combine sounds.
Morphemes are strings of sounds that have meaning.
Semantics is the study of meaning. It refers to words used in the correct context and attached to the appropriate referent.
Syntax refers to the rules regarding word order.
Pragmatics has to do with the rules for using language appropriately and to advantage.
4. Theories of Language Development Learning theory (Behaviorist)
B.F. Skinner
views language acquisition as a result of classical conditioning.
The child imitates what he hears and is rewarded when he makes a sound that sounds to others like a real word.
5. Theories of Language Development The structural-innatist theory.
Noam Chomsky
It is felt there is a human biological need to develop rule systems for language.
The structural-innatists believe in a built-in language device that helps humans acquire language.
6. Theories of Language Development Cognitive -Transactional Theory
Language acquisition develops from basic social and emotional drives.
Language is learned as a means of relating to people. Others provide social and psychological supports that enable the child to be an effective communicator.
Vygotsky suggested that children’s meaningful social exchanges prepare them for uniting thought and speech into “verbal thought.” Vygotsky: children are naturally active, curious, and adaptive and are shaped by transactions with people in their environment.
Vygotsky: children are naturally active, curious, and adaptive and are shaped by transactions with people in their environment.
7. Theories of Language Development Maturational-Normative Theory
Arnold Gesell
Children are primarily the product of genetic inheritance, and environmental influences are secondary.
Children are seen as moving from one predictable stage to another with “readiness” as the precursor to of learning.
8. Theories of Language Development The interactionist position is that there is an interchange between biological and environmental factors.
9. Many factors affect the rate at which a child develops language Sometimes language development slows down while a child is learning other skills , such as standing or walking.
The amount and kind of language the child hears may also affect the rate of language development.
The rate of language development may also be affected by how people respond to the child. Sometimes language development slows down while a child is learning other skills , such as standing or walking.
In other words, the bulk of the child's concentration and energy may be going to gross motor development at this point with little reserve for the development of language.
The amount and kind of language the child hears may also affect the rate of language development.
For example, if the child is hearing two languages at home , his or her brain is trying to learn two sets of vocabulary, process two sets of speech sounds, and understand two sets of grammatical rules. That is a lot of work! It may take longer to begin talking, and still the child may at first feel comfortable speaking in only one of the languages. Some children who are immersed in a new language at school may be silent for a long period of time.
The rate of language development may also be affected by how people respond to the child .
For example, the child whose communication attempts are greeted with eye contact, acknowledgement ("Uh huh. Tell me more. What else happened?"), and expansion of his or her ideas is likely to develop language faster than the child whose communication attempts receive little or no response.
Sometimes language development slows down while a child is learning other skills , such as standing or walking.
In other words, the bulk of the child's concentration and energy may be going to gross motor development at this point with little reserve for the development of language.
The amount and kind of language the child hears may also affect the rate of language development.
For example, if the child is hearing two languages at home , his or her brain is trying to learn two sets of vocabulary, process two sets of speech sounds, and understand two sets of grammatical rules. That is a lot of work! It may take longer to begin talking, and still the child may at first feel comfortable speaking in only one of the languages. Some children who are immersed in a new language at school may be silent for a long period of time.
The rate of language development may also be affected by how people respond to the child .
For example, the child whose communication attempts are greeted with eye contact, acknowledgement ("Uh huh. Tell me more. What else happened?"), and expansion of his or her ideas is likely to develop language faster than the child whose communication attempts receive little or no response.
10. How do speech and language normally develop? The most intensive period of speech and language development for humans is during the first three years of life, a period when the brain is developing and maturing.
These skills appear to develop best in a world that is rich with sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to the speech and language of others.
These skills appear to develop best in a world that is rich with sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to the speech and language of others.
These skills appear to develop best in a world that is rich with sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to the speech and language of others.
11. There is increasing evidence suggesting that there are "critical periods" for speech and language development in infants and young children.
This means that the developing brain is best able to absorb a language, any language, during this period.
The ability to learn a language will be more difficult, and perhaps less efficient or effective, if these critical periods are allowed to pass without early exposure to a language
12. The beginning signs of communication occur during the first few days of life when an infant learns that a cry will bring food, comfort, and companionship.
The newborn also begins to recognize important sounds in his or her environment. The sound of a parent or voice can be one important sound.
As they grow, infants begin to sort out the speech sounds (phonemes) or building blocks that compose the words of their language. Research has shown that by six months of age, most children recognize the basic sounds of their native language.
13. As the speech mechanism (jaw, lips, and tongue) and voice mature, an infant is able to make controlled sound.
This begins in the first few months of life with "cooing," a quiet, pleasant, repetitive vocalization.
By six months of age, an infant usually babbles or produces repetitive syllables such as "ba, ba, ba" or "da, da, da."
Babbling soon turns into a type of nonsense speech (jargon) that often has the tone and cadence of human speech but does not contain real words.
14. By the end of their first year, most children have mastered the ability to say a few simple words.
Children are most likely unaware of the meaning of their first words, but soon learn the power of those words as others respond to them.
15. Stages of Communication and Language Development The foundations of language the child will soon master and use has its base in the words and gestures within interactions with parents.
The infant has the ability to listen and gradually understand the sounds, meaning and rule system inherent in language.
16. Stages of Communication and Language Development Within the first year the infant both understands words and phrases and begins to speak his first word.
Smiling and laughing
Infant signaling
Receptive language
Simple words
Double syllables
17. Crying From birth until about 4 months of age, this communication consists mainly of reflexive crying to express feelings (Fitzpatrick, 2002).
At this point, it is imperative to continue speaking with the baby. Mirroring sounds and early words, responding to her communication, and answering her cries are all ways to start an infant on the road to speech.
The best strategy at this level is understanding her cries and expressing the desired response. Showing interest and attending to the baby’s needs shows that the communication is working and builds the attachment and trust between child and caregiver. Studies of babies’ interactions with their caregivers show that these interactions foster behaviors that contribute to their emerging identities (King and Park, 2003). At this stage, reacting to crying is extremely important.Studies of babies’ interactions with their caregivers show that these interactions foster behaviors that contribute to their emerging identities (King and Park, 2003). At this stage, reacting to crying is extremely important.
18. Cooing Repetition of vowel sounds.
Cooing seems to be related to a child’s comfort and satisfaction.
During cooing sounds are relaxed, low pitched, and gurgly vowel sounds that are made in an open mouth way.
19. Babbling Early random sound making at the age of around 4 to 6 months
Before speaking words, babies practice the sounds, intonations and rhythms of language (Fitzpatrick, 2002).
Infants the world over babble sounds they have not heard and will not use in their native language.
Peak is 9-12 months
20. Signaling During the latter part of the first year alert caregivers will notice hand and body positions that suggest the child is attempting communication.
As time progresses, more and more infant body signaling takes place.
Signals are used over and over and a type of sign language communication emerges.
21. Sign Language All babies use their hands to communicate before they can speak, such as waving bye-bye and clapping.
Research shows that babies can learn to communicate using sign language as early as ten months old, well before their vocal capacity to formulate spoken words is developed.
You can begin signing with a baby at any time and the baby is likely to show a great deal of interest in your hand movements from a very young age.
The motor skills necessary for babies to sign back to you mature at around 10 months of age
22. Signing with your baby is a bridge to speech. You will want to maintain a strong connection between the sign and the word so that once the baby learns to speak she will have already learned that signs and words are interchangeable.
You will also want to give the baby the opportunity to sign or speak a given word as she grows older and is ready to speak
23. Understanding Most babies get some idea of the meaning of a few words at about 6-9 mos.
Language at this stage is passive for he or she primarily receives (or is receptive)
24. First words
Around 12 months
Range is 9-16m
Generally proper names or nouns—foods, animals, people, toys
25. Holophrastic Stage About one year of age
One word sentences
One word can have many meanings
Holophrases the expression of a whole idea in a single word. Characteristic of a child’s language from 12-18 monthsHolophrases the expression of a whole idea in a single word. Characteristic of a child’s language from 12-18 months