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French Pisa Mathematics Results and Reactions

This article explores the results and reactions to the PISA Mathematics assessment in France, highlighting the challenges and potential reasons for the country's performance. It addresses the concept of mathematical literacy and compares results across countries and time. The article also discusses potential biases in the PISA design and process. Reactions from the French education system, including official comments and concerns from mathematicians and the mathematics community, are also discussed.

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French Pisa Mathematics Results and Reactions

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  1. French Pisa Mathematics Results and Reactions Communication to the Second Iberian Mathematical MeetingBadajoz, October 3-5, 2008 • Antoine Bodin • Research Institute of Mathematics Education • University of Franche-Comté / France • & EMS (Société Mathématique de France) Pisa Maths in France

  2. Understanding the Project Understanding the Scores PISA Mathematical Content Lessons for France Reactions in France Focus Pisa Maths in France

  3. What PISA seeks to assess In its four fields : Reading, Mathematics, Science and Problem solving…. “PISA seeks to measure how well young adults, at age 15 …are prepared to meet the challenges of today’s knowledge societies. The assessment (Focus) on young people’s ability to use their knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges, rather …on the extent to which they have mastered a specific school curriculum. … (OECD 2003, The PISA 2003 Assessment framework) Pisa Maths in France

  4. Mathematical literacy in PISA “PISA defines mathematical literacy as the ability to formulate and solve mathematical problems in situations encountered in life » (OECD, 2001 : Knowledge and skills for life) Pisa Maths in France

  5. Mathematical literacy in PISA Definition of mathematical literacy for OECD/PISA “Mathematical literacy is an individual’s capacity to identify and understand the role that mathematics plays in the world, to make well-founded mathematical judgements and to engage in mathematics, in ways that meet the needs of that individual’s current and future life as a constructive, concerned and reflective citizen.” Pisa Maths in France

  6. PISA scores 1 Understanding PISA Scores Pisa Maths in France

  7. PISA scores 2 Understanding PISA scores Pisa Maths in France

  8. Comparisons 1 Comparisons Across Countries and Time Pisa Maths in France

  9. Comparisons 2 Comparing across countries and time Pisa Maths in France

  10. Mathematical content: M547_STAIRCASE Pisa Maths in France

  11. Mathematical content: M547_STAIRCASE 2 Pisa Maths in France

  12. Mathematical content: M555_NUMBER CUBES 1 Pisa Maths in France

  13. Mathematical content: M555_NUMBER CUBES 2 + EVAPM Pisa Maths in France

  14. Mathematical content: M266_CARPENTER 1 Pisa Maths in France

  15. Mathematical content: M266_CARPENTER 2 Pisa Maths in France

  16. Correlations Math - Reading - Science - Problem solving Pisa Maths in France

  17. French results • Not satisfactory …in all domains •  Space and shapes (508 on the Pisa scale)) •  Change and relationships  (520) •  Quantity (507) •  Uncertainty (506) • Better results for students attending the first year of secondary school and of normal age. • PISA confirms other studies (TIMSS, National studies,…): • France is not successful in providing the weakest part of the population with basic mathematical knowledge. • The most successful French students don’t reach a satisfactory level on the subject covered by the PISA framework. Pisa Maths in France

  18. Possible Reasons • Due to True Weaknesses in the French Educational system • Formal and abstract way of teaching • Competition between Maths and Other subjects • Lack of general interest for maths • Lack of interest for PISA • Influence of social and societal problems • Due to the PISA Design and Process • Curriculum Biases • Cultural Biases • Sampling and data Gathering Biases Pisa Maths in France

  19. Reactions 1 • Until recently, official comments aimed mostly at reassuring public and teachers • “In mathematical literacy, …, they are at ease in activities based on “school oriented” subjects. They are, however, able to apply their acquired theoretical knowledge…to cope with exercices not usually presented within the French school system.” DEPP (Ministry of Education) 01/52/2001 • “France scores significantly above the mean score of the OECD countries.” DEPP 04/12/2005DEPP 01/52/2001 Pisa Maths in France

  20. Reactions 2 • Dramatic change after PISA 2006 (and after a change in French government). • Alert on the school “level”. Negative signals are piling up on French School performance. Le Monde 16/12/2007 • The minister: • "This is not normal – we are going to see this very soon with the PISA study on mathematical competency at the end of lower secondary school, - that France hasn’t stopped sliding downward. We are much below European average.” (2/11/2007) • “The PISA study… shows that the results obtained by the end of the compulsory schooling period are at the same time poor for scientific literacy, …of considerable concern for reading comprehension, … and alarming for mathematics where France’s results regress …” (12/12/2007) Pisa Maths in France

  21. Reactions3 • Mathematicians and the Mathematics community take their share in the alarming observations • APMEP (Association of Mathematics Teachers) • Alert on Mathematics (01/12/2003) • Laurent Lafforgue (Field medial): • “…People don’t realize it, but we are witnessing a wreckage! Most people think French youths are good in maths. But, presently they are definitely poor, …” (04/12/2004) • Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (Head of the IHES): • “… We must acknowledge that the French educational System doesn’t succeed in raising everyone to a correct level. We may fear that in this regard, the gaps are constantly becoming larger.”(4/12/2007) Pisa Maths in France

  22. References and Links • References in : • A. Bodin (2007) : What does PISA really assess? What it doesn’t? A French view. In S. Hopman, G. Brinek, M. Retzl (éds): PISA according to PISA. Wien: Lit Verlag, 2007.  • Download: http://www.univie.ac.at/pisaaccordingtopisa A. Bodin (2006) : Ce qui est vraiment évalué par PISA en mathématiques. Ce qui ne l'est pas. Un point de vue Français. Bulletin de l'APMEP. Num. 463. p. 240-265. • Pisa on the APMEP site: http://www.apmep.asso.fr/spip.php?rubrique114 • Contributions to the Joint Finnish-French Conference "Teaching mathematics: beyond the PISA survey » Paris 6 - 8 octobre 2005 • http://smf.emath.fr/VieSociete/Rencontres/France-Finlande-2005/ResumeConferences.html • EMS REFERENCE LEVELS STUDY • http://www-math.univ-fcomte.fr/DEPARTEMENT/CTU/IREM/internat.htm • http://www.emis.de/ Antoine Bodin : antoinebodin@mac.com Web site : http://web.mac.com/antoinebodin/ Pisa Maths in France

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