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„ Turning research into practice – learning from PISA” REGIONAL CLUSTER OF KNOWLEDGE Belgrad, 15 -17 June 2011. PISA results and changes in educational system Case study Poland. Outline of the presentation. Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland
„Turning research into practice – learning from PISA”REGIONAL CLUSTER OF KNOWLEDGEBelgrad, 15 -17 June 2011 PISA results and changes in educational system Case study Poland
Outline of the presentation • Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland • Comprehensive reform of the educational system being implemented from1999 • Context of the comprehensive reform – educational aspiration • Main features of the comprehensive reform and its context
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland PISA gives us the opportunity to observe the development of competences of young people in the last decade in 38 countries Poland is among the 13 countries that showed improvements in average reading performance since 2000 Polish 15-year-old students’ mean performance in readingversus OECD average in 2000-2009
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Change in reading mean performance across 38 countries in 2000-2009
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland • PISA discovers that development in average reading performance among 13 countries since 2000 can be attributed mainly to: • improvments among the lowestperforming students • improvement of girls performance • Poland is an example of the role of such improvements
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Change in in the percentage of low and top performers in reading across 13 countries in 2000-2009
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Percentage of students below proficiency level 2 in reading in 2000-2009
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Improvement of reading performance among boys and girls in 2000-2009 in chosen countries
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Percentage of 15-year-olds according to the level of reading competence PISA 2000 • In 2000 Poland noted one of the largest variances in student performance between schools compared to the EU and OECD countries. • This can be referred mainly to the division into general education schools and vocational education schools, including basic vocational schools. • Basic vocational schools were attended by 26% of students, over 73% of them belonged to the category of low achievers.
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Variance of student performance between schools in Poland in 2000-2009 versus OECD • PISA revealed in Poland that the variance of student performance between schools was reduced. This decrease was the most significant in the OECD countries • It concerned students’ achievements in all competences measured by PISA (reading, mathematics, science)
Main findings of PISA 2000-2009 in Poland Variability in reading performance between and within schools – PISA 2009
Comprehensive reform of the educational system being implemented from 1999 • Improvement in reading performance and reduction in variance in student performance between schools can be related to the comprehensive reform of the educational system implemented since 1999 • PISA 2000 examined the previous system of education; PISA 2003 - 2009 examined the new one
Comprehensive reform of the educational system being implemented from 1999 • Educational system reform of 1999 was one of four systemic changes which contributed to preparing Poland’s accession to the EU: • other structural reforms covered public administration, health care and social security systems • local governments, as a real partner to the government administration, have become responsible for many new tasks, including new educational tasks
Comprehensive reform of the educational system being implemented from 1999 • Comprehensive reform of educational system included the following actions: • complete delegation of the responsibilities for the administration of schools to local governments with financial resources based on the number of students • change of the structure of school system with focus on secondary schools • adoption of core curricula (national curricula)
Comprehensive reform of the educational system being implemented from 1999 • reform of the system of students’ assessment, including introduction of external examinations • rationalization of school network, especially in rural areas • modernization of school equipment particularly regarding ICT • implementation of the system of teachers’ career promotion and the new remuneration system • incentives for broad participation in teachers’ in-service training
Previous structure of school system (PISA 2000): ISCED 0 ISCED 1-2 ISCED 3 ISCED 4-6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION UPPER SECONDARY GENERAL PRIMARY SCHOOL UPPER SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BASIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL New structure of school system (PISA 2003, 2006): ISCED 0 ISCED 1 ISCED 2 ISCED 3ISCED 4-6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION LOWER SECONDARY UPPER SECONDARY GENERAL PRIMARY SCHOOL UPPER SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BASIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Comprehensive reform of the educational system being implemented from 1999 Structural changes introduced since 1999 - including extension of comprehensive compulsory education by one year (related to 15-year-olds) general education extended by one year 16
Context of the comprehensive reform – educational aspiration Is it worth gaining education?1993 – 2009 Significant growth of citizens' educational aspirations in 1993 - 2009: nowadays 91% of adult Poles believe that it is important to get an education, of which 68% are strong supporters of this viewpoint
Context of the comprehensive reform – educational aspiration Graduates of primary/lower secondary schools studying in upper secondary schools1980 – 2009 Change in choosing different types of uppers secondary schools in 1980-2009: the basic vocational education is chosen now by relatively small number of graduates of lower secondary schools
Context of the comprehensive reform – educational aspiration Educational boom in Poland Students (ISCED 1-6) aged 15-24 years - as % of corresponding age population – Eurostat 2009 Number of students and graduates of higher education institutions1960 – 2009
Main features of the comprehensive reform and its context • Increase in reading performance in last decade occurred in Poland despite: • lowest participation in ECEC in EU • high at-risk of poverty rates of children aged 0-17 years • low salaries of teachers • low education attainments of adults, including parents of PISA „generation” • slow development of information society
Main features of the comprehensive reform and its context • Important factors for educational successes, including improvements discovered by PISA: • educational aspirations of youth and adults • ambitions related to modernization of economy, society and the European integration • education system's ability to cope with the great increase in educational aspirations
Main features of the comprehensive reform and its context • Important factors in the 1999 reform: • concentration on the conception of secondary education (lower and upper) • comprehensive approach to the reform (links with other sectorial reforms and links between different parts of education system) • discovery of hidden potentials, especially of lower achievers (mainly in basic vocational schools) and girls
Main features of the comprehensive reform and its context • Links to interesting reports of the World Bank on secondary education (general and vocational): • A New Agenda for Secondary Education • http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTEDUCATION/0,,contentMDK:20543206~menuPK:738179~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386~isCURL:Y,00.html • Vocational education in the new EU member states • http://www.worldbank.org.pl/external/default/main?pagePK=51187349&piPK=51189435&theSitePK=304795&menuPK=64187510&searchMenuPK=304822&theSitePK=304795&entityID=000020953_20070829092548&searchMenuPK=304822&theSitePK=304795