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This project, led by INSEE and NSIs from Italy, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, aims to develop European Socioeconomic Groups (ESeG) based on European surveys data. The project involves methodologies, prototypes development, consultations with NSIs and researchers, and collaboration for classification standardization. Challenges such as time constraints, varied perspectives, and coordination complexities are navigated for a better understanding of economic activities and occupations in Europe.
ESS-net ESeG Elaborating European Socio economic Groups for the ESS
ESS-net ESeG • The project • First steps and Consultations • First lessons : advantages and disadvantages
The ESSnet ESeG project • An ESSnet was launched on October 21st 2011 • coordinated by INSEE with the NSIs from Italy, the Czech Republic and Hungary, for two years,(now 2,5 years) • in order to elaborate European Socioeconomic Groups (EseG). • Building on previous works • the ESEC prototype (2004-2006) built up by a consortium of researchers set up by the European Commission’s DG Research • and its evaluation (2006-2009) by Eurostat • Using Isco08 (2digits) and the core variables from European surveys (status of employment and activity –NACE)
The ESSnet EseG project : steps and method • The ESSnet (and partners) asked and has now obtained access to microdata from the main European surveys : • - LFS, with ad hoc modules • - SILC and AES Other surveys like EWCS and ESS are also used Transition tables from ISCO-88 to ISCO-08 are built • (necessary because micro data in new classification will only lately be available - 2011 data) • Methodology: these sets of data are to be used • - to elaborate several prototypes of classifications • - exploring different options • - essentially by crossing known elements on employment status and activity • - top-down approach is favored (but bottom-up approach also explored if possible) • - to test the discriminating power of such prototypes in a wide set of thematic domains • - only one prototype will be selected in the end, • - but a more detailed 2-digit version will also be developed - other variables may also be mobilized (such as supervision or the size of the enterprise)- in order to offer the possibility of other groupings • This will allow to reconcile different points of view on the relevant aggregated levels.
The ESS-net ESeG project : Work Packages • -WP1 : elaboration of a methodology and access to microdata • -WP2 : assessing the necessary variables, specifically ISCO08. • -WP3 : to elaborate several prototypes of classifications • foreseeing different options, • essentially from known elements on employment and occupation. • -WP4 : to test the different prototypes • (with the possibility to come back to the step of elaboration) • in order to determine which prototype is the best • ie: which one discriminates behaviours in a wide set of domains • -WP5 : dedicated to the completion of reports and studies • in order to explain and to codify the new classification
The ESSnet EseG project : collaborations and consultations • A large consultation, with the 27 NSIs… • A questionnaire sent and received from the 27 NSIs to know the MS contexts about Socio economic Classifications (january 2012) • (12 NSIs describe a classification, most often based on occupation, Status of employment and qualification, even if this term does not always have exactly the same meaning) • A questionnaire sent to know how occupation and economic activity are coded in the main European surveys (LFS, EUSILC, AES) (may 2012). • A third consultation on prototypes for testing (contact through Classification working group) …and with researchers and potential users of the classification Collaborations with researchers : • Some NSIs are now working with research laboratories • In France, 3 laboratories are working on the project • In Czech Republic, 1 laboratory is working with the NSI. • Presentation of the project to the ESAC is envisaged
The ESSnet EseG project : first steps and consultations • Kick-Off meeting: 14-15th of November 2011 • Budapest meeting: 20-21th of February 2011 • International workshop if researchers in Paris in June 2012. • - 20 participants from different countries (sociologists, statisticians…) • - and from different schools of thought, even from the previous ESEC - They gave us good ideas and useful ways of working and some consensus were found • - They wish to keep in touch with us • Interim report: by the end of October 2012 • Eurostat Workshop on classifications: 7-8th of November 2012 • Rome meeting: 17-18th of December 2012
Working with ESSnet : advantages and disadvantages • -The subject is interesting but difficult • Many years of trying beforehand (ESEC…) • Several theories and difficult discussions… • Impossible to reconcile ? But interesting to gather several points of view, from different countries, NSIs and laboratories of research • - Working with others is not so easy • NSIs do not have so much time for classifications • We don’t know each other and how we are organised • - To consult researchers : • everybody has his own rythm, world, way of thinking • They are very dispersed and we discover each day a new point of view!
Working with ESSnet : advantages and disadvantages • The relationship with EUROSTAT and the role of one another : • We expect a lot… and there are some ambiguity and difficulties of understanding • They pay, we work • Need to trust • Who does what? • Need for help • Microdata: how to do? How long does it take to receive them ?! • About history: who is aware ? Who keep track (report of Gray..) • Who decides? Who organises? • Not always so clear… • But interesting and rewarding to work with Eurostat and other NSIs • Useful to better know one another…
Insee 18 bd Adolphe-Pinard 75675 Paris Cedex 14 www.insee.fr Informations statistiques : www.insee.fr / Contacter l’Insee 09 72 72 4000 (coût d’un appel local) du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 17h00 The ESSnet ESeG project Thank you for your attention ! Monique Meron and Michel Amar Coordinators of the ESSnet ESEG monique.meron@insee.fr tel : 33 (0)1 41 17 57 24 michel.amar@insee.fr tel : 33 (0)1 41 17 54 65