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Enhancing ESeC: Eurostat Project & Objectives

Explore ESS.Net objectives to test, study, and reach agreements on deriving and applying socio-economic classifications. Delve into core variables, skill levels, and quality to improve ESeC precision.

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Enhancing ESeC: Eurostat Project & Objectives

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  1. ESS Net on ESeC - Eurostat 23 March 2010 Project objectives and work that could be undertaken

  2. 1. ESS Net objectives2. The work that could be undertaken OUTLINE

  3. PART 1ESS Net objectives

  4. ESS Net objectives • Test different combinations of core variables in different Member States to analyse which derived classification would be relevant for the EU • Study the possibility of providing more precise results from the LFS • Test the quality of ESeC and its components • Reach an agreement with the research Community • Investigate the applicability of the ESeC on the social policies • Present a clear proposal to the DSS in 2012-2013

  5. Test different combinations of core variables The number of combinations of CV being very large, one has to restrict the investigation to those making sens for the general public: • ESeC could incorporate the concept of skill and professional status in its construction • As ISCO updating anchored the classification even more explicitly to the skill criterion, ESeC could easily be based on ISCO-08 1 or 2 digits

  6. Test different combinations of core variables In accordance with researchers and social policy specialists 3 prototypes could be built depending on the emphasis put on status : 1, 2 or 3 classes of self-employed skill-level : 4 or 5 levels, coherent or not with ISCO skill specialisation: agricultural-tertiairy-industrial, expertise-management sector

  7. Test different combinations of core variables

  8. Test different combinations of core variables

  9. Test different combinations of core variables

  10. Test different combinations of core variables How to choosebetween prototype classifications? • the skilllevel dimension must bevalidated (especially if skill-level are differentfrom ILO definitionseeexamples 2 and 3) • the discriminatory power of the classification must be as high as possible in a wide set of domains • the classification must bevalidated by the twoadvisoryboards and through a written consultation with the researchcommunity

  11. Test the quality of final ESeC • quality of the core variables especially: status, ISCO-08 • clarity of the classification for the general public

  12. Study the possibility of providing more precise results from the LFS • Firm size, ISCO-08 3 digits, supervisory responsabilities and sectors can be used to construct a detailed level to final ESeC • Study the possibility of deriving the ESeC based on employment relations from this second level

  13. Reach an agreement with the research Community • to assess the project: Set up an advisory board of researchers in the field of: - social stratification - education - labour market - health - cultural participation - living conditions Consult researchers through a survey

  14. Investigate the applicability of the ESeC on the social policies set up an advisory board of social policy specialists at the national and european level in the field of - employment - social affairs - social inclusion - education, culture - health - consumption - housing

  15. Present a clear proposal to the DSS in [2012]-2013 Deliverables include : a validated two levels classification - derivation matrix - manual for implementation guidelines to improve the harmonisation of the core variables used in the derivation matrix

  16. Present a clear proposal to the DSS in 2012-2013 Deliverables include : a panorama of the European society through final ESeC ie description of classes using ESS surveys presentation of socio-economic indicators at the national and European level according to final ESeC (agregated and detailed level)

  17. PART 2The work that could be undertaken

  18. Work package 1a: relations with the advisory board (researchers) • in accordance with Eurostat and NSIs, recruitment of a dozen researchers As far as possible, the board should be representative of : - sociological and economical schools: - domains: labour market, health, education, living conditions - institutions and financing (national and European, university-government , trade unions)

  19. Work package 1a: relations with the advisory board (researchers) Organisation of several meetings to support and assess the work of the ESS Net At the end of the first meeting, an agreement should be reached - on the three prototypes to be tested - on the criteria retained to test the classifications At the end of the last meeting, the final proposition should be validated (relevance, limits)

  20. Work package 1b: relations with the advisory board (social policies specialists) in accordance with Eurostat and NSIs, recruitment of a dozen social policy specialists the objective of the board is twofold: validate the classification create a set of socio-economic indicators

  21. Work package 2: preliminary work on statistical data • Most of the sources necessary to the validation are available in the ESS. But some of them may be incomplete : • Ex : ISCO-08 not available • but ISCO-88 3 digits + supervisor available • (ex: LFS and SILC before 2011) • Mapping into ISCO-08 (using a derivation matrix)

  22. Work package 2: preliminary work on statistical data • There are sources necessary to the validation but not harmonised by Eurostat. Especially as regards the measurement of: • - skill-level required for the job • - the discriminatory power in the field of working conditions, health, living conditions

  23. Work package 2: preliminary work on statistical data Other sources needed: • - Programme for the International Assessment of Adults Compentencies (OECD) • - Working Conditions Survey (Dublin foundation) measurement of skill-level • - European Quality of Life Survey (Dublin foundation) • - Working Condition Survey (Dublin foundation) • - Eurobarometer (Commission) test of the discriminatory power of the classifications

  24. Work package 2: preliminary work on statistical data • But some of these sources are also incomplete: • Ex 1: ISCO-08 1 digit available, no job title available • Ask for more details in the coding of the next survey • Ex 2: ISCO-08 1 digit available, job titles available • Coding by the institution responsible for the survey or by NSIs

  25. Work package 3: analysis of the quality of professional status • A statistical analysis (LFS, EU-SILC, WCS, national data) to assess how accurate the current measurement of the professional status is - comparability between countries and surveys • - identification of « false employees »  and « false self employed » according to a range of criteria • - focus on the new self-employed, and the blurring of the frontier of self-employment

  26. Work package 3: analysis of the quality of the professional status • A written consultation of NSIs to collect • - their practice : questions used to collectprofessionalstatus, instructions to interviewers • - their opinion on several propositions to improve the quality of the professionalstatus

  27. Work package 4: analysis of the quality of occupations coding • A statistical analysis (LFS, EU-SILC) to identify ISCO-08 minor groups that are atypical in one country or more A unit goup is atypical in one country: - if it is not comparable between surveys - or if its relative size is different compared to other countries - or if the characteristics of its members are specific education level, share of self-employment, gender ratio, permanency of job etc…

  28. Work package 4: analysis of the quality of the coding of occupations • Discussion with NSIs concerned to know whether differences can be explained by national specificities or by the coding process • A list of recommendations and best pratices by ISCO-08 minor groups and by occupations

  29. Work package 5: validation of the skill-level dimension of the prototypes • Methods: - scoring + variance analysis - maximum likelyhood tests • Sources: LFS, WCT, PIAAC • Variables: • task repetitivness • cognitive contents of the job • level of education required to enter the job • specificity of training

  30. Work package 6: test of the discriminatory power of prototypes and their dimensions • Methods: scoring + variance analysis / dichotomic variable + maximum likelyhood test • Statistical unit: individuals or households • Special attention to unemployed and family workers

  31. Work package 6a: test regarding work • Sources : LFS, AES, WCT • Examples of variables: • permanency of the job • unemployment • - risk of loss of job • - training • work intensity • risk for health

  32. Work package 6b: test regarding health • Sources : EU-SILC,LFS, EQLS, Eurobarometer • Examples of variables: • perceived health • - hampered in activities because of health problems • overweight • - difficulty to see a doctor • handicap at work

  33. Work package 6c: test regarding education, and culture • Sources : EU-SILC, AES, Eurobarometer • Examples of variables: • cultural participation • training to increase knowledge • reading as a leisure activity • language skills • interest in politics

  34. Work package 6d : test regarding living conditions (household) • Sources : EU-SILC,HBS, EQLS, TUS • Statistical unit: household, reference person ESeC class • Examples of variables : • income, savings • deprivation-wealth • tenure status • - quality of accommodation • domestic help services • consumption expenditures

  35. Work package 6e : test regarding living conditions (individuals) • Statistical unit: individuals • Examples of variables : • Sources : EQLS, TUS • social network • time spent on household and family care • time spent on social life • - time spent on travel

  36. Work package 7: survey modules to assess the understanding of finalised ESeC by the general public • The modules could include self-identification question, spontaneous regrouping of occupations, classification of occupations in final ESeC • design of the collection • survey(s) to be used • choice of the countries • questionnaire • field work • results analysis

  37. Work package 8: written consultation of researchers • Writing and testing a questionnaire to collect via internet: • - their opinion on the three prototypes • - their proposals if Eurostat’s prototypes do not suit • - the translation of the classifications’ labels into their language • Analysing the results

  38. Work package 9: finalisation of the deliverables • finalisation of the deliverables • presentation of the main conclusions to ESAC

  39. Thanks for your attention

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