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CHAPTER TREASURER TRAINING MODULE . GENERAL GUIDELINES. Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. Speak one at a time and so everyone can hear you. Please return from breaks promptly (or quietly).
GENERAL GUIDELINES • Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. • Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. • Speak one at a time and so everyone can hear you. • Please return from breaks promptly (or quietly).
VIRTUAL ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS • Please ensure your phone is kept MUTED. • NEVER put your phone on hold. • Review participant logon screen features. • Slides and reference materials are posted on-line.
BEING CHAPTER TREASURER MEANS … • The Chapter Treasurer is NOT: • The last person left holding the chapter checkbook. • A branch bank teller. • The Chapter Treasurer IS: • The “Comptroller” of the chapter. • The “Chief Financial Officer” of the chapter. • The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that a relationship of trust is built among members and ASIS International when it involves chapter finances.
YOUR TREASURER’S “BIBLE” The Chapter Financial Handbook assists you in maintaining financial accountability. Available on 2012 Chapter Management Resource CD and ASIS International website.
CHAPTER FINANCIAL HANDBOOK • The handbook covers ASIS policies on finances : • ASIS Policy 4005 : Chapter Meetings and Records • ASIS Policy 4011 : Chapter Finances • ASIS Policy 4015 : IRS Group Exemption • It also provides examples of the various forms, reports and worksheets to be used by the Treasurer for chapter financial recordkeeping.
CHAPTER TREASURER RESPONSIBILITIES • As per ASIS Procedure 4006 : • Receive and deposit in an account in the name of the chapter, in a sound and well-established banking institution, all monies, securities, funds, and monetary credits of or on behalf of the chapter. • Take, receive, hold, and safely keep, as custodian on behalf of the chapter, all property and other physical assets that from time to time may come into the ownership, possession, or control of the chapter, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws.
CHAPTER TREASURER RESPONSIBILITIES • Keep regular accounts of all receipts and disbursements in suitable books provided for that purpose. These records must be available at all reasonable times for inspection by all officers and chapter members in good standing, and by authorized representatives of the Executive Committee of the Board, the ASIS Treasurer, and the Regional Vice President in whose region the chapter is located. • Obtain and keep vouchers covering all disbursements wherever it is possible and practical to obtain them, and produce them if called upon to do so by any chapter member in good standing.
CHAPTER TREASURER RESPONSIBILITIES • Present at each regular meeting of the chapter a detailed report of the chapter's accounts, showing the accounts received and expended since the last preceding regular meeting and the chapter balance as reflected by the books. • Ensure that the financial information on the chapter activity report is properly completed each month. • Prepare and submit a written financial report at the chapter’s annual business meeting. • Adhere to Internal Revenue Service filing requirements as set forth in Policy and Procedure 4015.
CHAPTER TREASURER RESPONSIBILITIES • If absent from a chapter meeting, the Treasurer duties will be performed by the Chapter Chair or their designee. • The role of “Chapter Assistant Treasurer” is not officially described in ASIS policies and procedures.
POLICY 4005: CHAPTER RECORDS • Chapters will maintain appropriate records of chapter business. • Chapters should make every effort to retain as a permanent record all correspondence, minutes, and financial records deemed appropriate. • Chapters should establish a policy pertaining to length of record retention, with a minimum of 3 years. • Chapters will submit a financial status statement to ASIS HQ at the end of each year.
POLICY 4011: CHAPTER FINANCES • Chapters will utilize chapter funds for regular chapter activities and to encourage membership growth and the advancement of ASIS International. • ASIS is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt Delaware Corporation. To maintain its tax exempt status, it may not distribute its assets or surplus to members. • It is improper for a chapter to pay annual dues for its members at the international or chapter level from chapter funds. • There is no prohibition against a chapter advancing a new member's entrance fee or paying dues for a member on an interim basis, provided the chapter is assured of reimbursement by the member or his/her company.
Procedure 4011: CHAPTER FINANCES-Expenditures • Chapter funds may be used for : • Normal chapter expenses. • Mailing of chapter meeting announcements to members. • Publication of chapter newsletter. • Purchase of official chapter banner. • Purchase of chapter badges for members and guests. • Payment for meals of speakers and guests at chapter meetings. • Payment for meals for any individuals submitting an application for membership at a particular chapter meeting. • Gratuities for speakers at chapter meetings in special circumstances. • Providing for chapter and regional seminars and other educational endeavors at the local, regional, or international level of ASIS.
POLICY 4011: CHAPTER FINANCES-Dues • Dues paid by chapter members to the chapter are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. • Membership dues are deductible for most members under Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code as an ordinary and necessary business expense. • Chapters must print this information on any dues invoice or dues notice it sends to its members. • Secretary shall notify all members of the dates on which chapter dues and assessments (if any) become due and payable and their amounts, and collect these monies for transmittal to the Chapter Treasurer.
POLICY 4011: CHAPTER FINANCESContributions • ASIS contributions to a political party are allowed for the ASIS International Political Action Committee (ASISPAC). • Other than ASISPAC, ASIS contributions to political campaigns or fund raising activities of a declared candidate are not allowed. • Contributions made in the name of a chapter to other tax-exempt organizations are proper and will not jeopardize the tax-exempt status of ASIS. • Contributions made in the name of the chapter should be limited to those organizations that are in harmony with the purposes and objectives contained in the ASIS Bylaws.
Procedure 4011 : CHAPTER FINANCESExpenses and Reporting • Vouchers should be maintained by the Chapter Treasurer concerning all disbursements. • At each chapter meeting the Treasurer should report on expenditures and receipts since the last regular meeting and how they affect the chapter’s balance in its financial records. • Every chapter must submit a report each month to ASIS HQ detailing income and expenses and chapter equity. • Chapters must submit their final/audited annual financial reports (e.g. Balance Sheet and Income Statements) to ASIS Headquarters/Member Services no later than three (3) months following the end of the year.
TREASURER REPORT SECTIONS Balance as of ____________ (date of last reconciliation) Checking Account $ _________ Savings Account $ _________ Other Account $ _________ Total Chapter Accounts $ ____________
TREASURER REPORT SECTIONS Savings Account Activity Interest $ _________ Transfers from Checking $ ____ Date ___________ Transfers to Checking $ ( _____) Date ___________ Total Savings Account Activity $ ____________ Balance as of ____ (date of current reconciliation)
TREASURER REPORT SECTIONS Income to Checking Monthly Meeting $ _________ Seminar/Workshop $ _________ Interest $ _________ Other _____________________ $ _________ Total Income to Checking $ __________
TREASURER REPORT SECTIONS Inter-Account Transfers Transfers to Savings $ _________ Date___________ Transfers to Other $ _________ Date ___________ Total Inter-Account Transfers $ ________
TREASURER REPORT SECTIONS Checking Account $ _________ Savings Account $ _________ Other Account $ _________ Total Chapter Accounts $ ____________ Submitted by __________________ Date __________ (Chapter Treasurer’s Signature)
IRS FORM 990/990EZ • A chapter may be required to file IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax. • An exception to this rule is made for an organization that normally has gross annual receipts (e.g., contributions, gifts, grants, dues, receipts from business activities) of < $25,000. • Most chapters need only complete the name and address section, plus check the appropriate box indicating the chapter had annual gross receipts of < $25,000. (990EZ) • Most chapter returns must be filed by May 15th. • Chapter’s last 3 tax returns must be kept for public review.
IRS FORM 990-T • If a chapter has gross income of $1,000 or more in unrelated business income, it must file Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return, • “Unrelated business income” is income not substantially related to the exercise or performance by the organization of its charitable or educational purpose. • Most chapter returns must be filed by May 15th. • Form 990-T is not subject to public inspection.
POLICY 4017: LIABILITY INSURANCE • A certificate of insurance is issued annually in July to each domestic chapter. Chapter Resource CD has 2010 form. If there is a change in the 2010 form, ASIS will provide an update. • ASIS provides limited general liability insurance coverage to chapters at no cost as a safeguard for chapters conducting meetings and educational seminars, banquets, and similar activities. The premises that a chapter temporarily leases or occupies automatically become insuring locations. • The general liability coverage described in this policy is limited. It is possible that the chapter may engage in activities that are beyond the scope of this coverage.
LIABILITY INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS • Specifically excluded from coverage are exposures resulting in bodily injury or property damage from: • With its own office. • Involving any type of athletic event or exhibition. • Sponsoring fireworks displays or musical concerts. • Involving the use of watercraft or aircraft. • Sponsoring or using any type of amusement or arcade ride. • Sponsoring an event to which the public is admitted for a fee. (Personal and advertising injury liability are excluded here as well.) • Other exclusions may apply. For clarification, the chapter should contact Novick Group listed on form.
CHAPTER HOST LIQUOR LIABILITY • Generally speaking, the serving of alcohol in a business or social setting is viewed as a covered activity under the host liquor liability coverage. • If the state in which the chapter is located requires the chapter to become temporarily licensed to dispense liquor, the host liquor liability coverage may be inadequate. • This coverage also may be inadequate if the chapter will serve or charge for the alcohol (either for admission or by the drink) or benefit financially from the sale of alcohol served by the chapter or others. • Alcohol liability is rooted in common law principles of negligence and varies from state to state. See legal counsel for advice.
CHAPTER AUDIT REQUIREMENT • Chapter Chair must appoint a committee each year to review the chapter’s financial records. • The committee consists of at least three members, none of whom are current chapter officers or nominees for a chapter office. • The committee will report the results of its financial audit at the final chapter meeting of the year. • This audit report should be noted in the chapter monthly activity report to RVP and ASIS HQ.
CONDUCTING AN ANNUAL AUDIT • POLICY 4005 : VI. Chapters will submit a financial status statement to ASIS HQ at the end of each year. • Procedure 4006 III G. Treasurer prepare and submit a written financial report at the chapter’s annual business meeting.
RECORDS TO BE AUDITED Accounts payable ledger and corresponding invoices. Cash receipts journal and corresponding cash receipts backup. Bank statements for all chapter accounts and the corresponding bank reconciliations. Chapter’s monthly financial statements. Any accounting record for funds or assets controlled by the chapter.
CHAPTER AUDIT CERTIFICATION FORM Chapter Name ___________________________________ Chapter Number _______ Chapter Chairperson ______________________________ Phone ________________ Chapter Treasurer ________________________________ Phone ________________ Date of Audit ____________________________________ Period Covered _________ Date of Last Audit ________________________________ Period Covered _________ Reason for Audit : ___ New Treasurer ___ Annual Audit ___ Other (Explain reason for audit):_________________________________________________ Audit Participants _____________________ _____________________________ (Name) (Position) _____________________ _____________________________ (Name) (Position) _____________________ _____________________________ (Name) (Position)
CHAPTER AUDIT CHECKLIST CHAPTER NAME _______________________________ CHAPTER NUMBER ___________ DATE OF AUDIT ________________________________ PERIOD COVERED ____________________ General YES NO [ ] [ ] 1. Were all financial records for the period provided and organized in a logical manner? [ ] [ ] 2. If the reason for the audit is a new treasurer, were the financial records transferred from the previous treasurer in an orderly manner? [ ] [ ] 3. Were the books reviewed for proper procedures? [ ] [ ] 4. Were reconciliations done to verify chapter records versus bank balances as of the end of the audit period? [ ] [ ] 5. Are all funds received, disbursed, or otherwise controlled by the chapter accounted for in a manner consistent with the ASIS International Policies and Procedures Manual and generally accepted accounting practices? [ ] [ ] 6. Are all funds received, disbursed, or otherwise held or controlled by the chapter maintained in appropriate accounts of deposit ie checking, saving, certificates of deposit? [ ] [ ] 7. Does the chapter use the Cash Basis Method for recording it’s financial activity? If not, indicate the method used and the reason for doing so. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
CHAPTER AUDIT CHECKLIST (Cont.) CHAPTER NAME _______________________________ CHAPTER NUMBER _______ DATE OF AUDIT __________________ PERIOD COVERED ____________________ General (continued) YES NO [ ] [ ] 8. Has the chapter refrained from frequently switching accounting systems? [ ] [ ] 9. Are financial statements, balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, included with the chapter’s monthly report to the membership? [ ] [ ] 10. Is monthly financial data reported on the chapter activity reports and filed with headquarters on a timely basis? [ ] [ ] 11. If the chapter’s financial processes are controlled by one person, is there a procedure by which a reconciliation of the chapter’s accounts to the bank statements may be verified monthly by someone not directly responsible for the chapter’s finances? [ ] [ ] 12. Has the chapter obtained the required tax status for an ASIS International chapter and obtained a chapter tax identification number? [ ] [ ] 13. Has the chapter filed tax information and reports required by the IRS for the prior fiscal period, if applicable? Recommendations: ________________________________________________________________________
CHAPTER AUDIT CHECKLIST (Cont.) CHAPTER NAME _______________________________ CHAPTER NUMBER _______ DATE OF AUDIT __________________ PERIOD COVERED ____________________ Cash Receipts YES NO [ ] [ ] 1. Is all income to the chapter recorded in a cash receipts journal or checkbook with all necessary information such as source, purpose, date and amount? [ ] [ ] 2. If cash is received, are consecutively numbered receipts issued to payers and a corresponding record made of the payment in the cash receipts journal or checkbook? [ ] [ ] 3. Are checks received endorsed “for deposit only” immediately with the chapter’s bank account number? [ ] [ ] 4. Is all income deposited promptly upon receipt, within a few days? Cash Disbursements YES NO [ ] [ ] 1. Is a numbered voucher system used to control all funds disbursed through chapter accounts? [ ] [ ] 2. If a voucher system is not used, is there a cash disbursements ledger or checkbook that records the invoice details, the check number, date and amount for each disbursement? [ ] [ ] 3. Do checks disbursed through chapter accounts require at least two signatures? [ ] [ ] 4. Are the records controlling accounts payable complete?
CHAPTER AUDIT CHECKLIST (Cont.) CHAPTER NAME _______________________________ CHAPTER NUMBER _______ DATE OF AUDIT __________________ PERIOD COVERED ____________________ Cash Disbursements (continued) YES NO [ ] [ ] 5. Are voided checks retained and accounted for? [ ] [ ] 6. Are individuals who are authorized to approve disbursements clearly designated? [ ] [ ] 7. Is the supply of unused checks adequately safeguarded? [ ] [ ] 8. Are the duties of writing checks and reconciling the bank statements separated? [ ] [ ] 9. Are all disbursements approved by an authorized individual? [ ] [ ] 10. Are all invoices recorded in a voucher register? [ ] [ ] 11. Are all unpaid invoices kept in a separate file and scheduled for payment? [ ] [ ] 12. Are statements from vendors compared with open invoices? [ ] [ ] 13. Does the chapter take advantage of discounts in paying invoices? [ ] [ ] 14. Are all original invoices marked “paid” or immediately filed to avoid duplicate payments? [ ] [ ] 15. Are the invoices approved for payment by the appropriate individual who has verified receipt of goods or services? Recommendations: ________________________________________________________________________
EVENT MARKETING Marketing fundraisers and other events has always been a challenge for volunteer organizations
EVENT MARKETING In the current economic climate this daunting task becomes even more difficult
EVENT MARKETING There are a number of things to do in order to have a successful event. The first thing to do is solidify the program, the date, time and location.
EVENT MARKETING The next step is to market the event
EVENT MARKETING You must convey the four W’s to potential customers Who What When Where
EVENT MARKETING • WHO • Who should attend • Who will be speaking/teaching/performing • Who do you contact for information/reservations
EVENT MARKETING • WHAT • What is the event • What will be the benefit to attending • What should customer bring to event • What will customer take away from event
EVENT MARKETING The more lead time you give potential customers the more attendance/sales you will have.
EVENT MARKETING Successful chapters market recurring events such as golf tournaments and seminars for the next year the day after an event is over!
EVENT MARKETING • WHERE • Event location • Building(s) • Room(s) • Parking location • Where to send registration or money
EVENT MARKETING Records of donors and attendees for past events provide the leads for marketing future events. Normally at least half of prior donors will donate again!