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Large Deformation Plasticity of Amorphous Solids, with Application and Implementation into Abaqus. Kristin M. Myers January 11, 2007 Plasticity ES 246 - Harvard. References:
Large Deformation Plasticity of Amorphous Solids, with Application and Implementation into Abaqus Kristin M. Myers January 11, 2007 Plasticity ES 246 - Harvard References: [1] Anand, L., Gurtin, M.E., 2003. “A theory of amorphous solids undergoing large deformations, with application to polymeric glasses.” International Journal of Solids and Structures 40, 1465-1487. [2] Boyce, M. C., Arruda, E. M., 1990. “An experimental and analytical investigation of the large strain compressive and tensile response of glassy polymers.” Polymer Engineering and Science 30 (20), 1288-1298. [3] Lubliner, J. Plasticity Theory. 1990. Macmillan Publishing Company. (Chapter 8) [4] Abaqus 6.5-4 Documentation “Getting Started with ABAQUS/EXPLICIT.” Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen,INC.
Motivation – Examples of Materials • Amorphous Solids – • polymeric and metallic glasses (i.e. Polycarbonate) • Rubber degradation • Biomaterials • Soft Collageneous Biological Tissue (i.e. cartilage, cervical tissue, skin, tendon, etc.) • Engineering Collagen Scaffolds (i.e. skin, nerve, tendon etc.) • Material Characteristics: • Large stretches – elastic & inelastic • Highly non-linear relationships between stress/strain • Time-Dependent; viscoplasticity • Strain hardening or softening after initial yield • Non-linearity of tension & compression behavior (Bauschinger effect)
Experimental Results – PolycarbonateFrom Boyce and Arruda TENSION COMPRESSION • Large deformation regime • Strain-softening after initial yield • Back stress evolution after yield drop to create strain-hardening
Kinematics – Multiplicative Decomposition of the Deformation Gradient Segment of the “current configuration” Segment of the “relaxed configuration” “Relaxed Configuration”: Intermediate configuration created by elastically unloading the current configuration and relieving the part of all stresses. Deformation Gradient Decomposition of deformation gradient into its elastic and plastic components (Kroner-Lee) Velocity tensor Velocity Gradient
Kinematics – Multiplicative Decomposition of the Deformation Gradient II Conditions of Plastic Flow Incompressible Irrotational
Principle of ObjectivityPrinciple of Material Frame Indifference Smooth time-dependent rigid transformations of the Eulerian Space: Principle of Relativity: relation of the two motions is equivalent Relative motion of two observers Eulerian bases To be objective (in general): The relaxed and reference configurations are invariant to the transformations of the Eulerian Space
Principal of Virtual Power External expenditure of power = internal energy Macroscopic Force Balance Internal energy Wint is invariant under all changes in frame Microforce Balance
Dissipation Inequality and Constitutive Framework 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: The temporal increase in free energy ψ of any part P be less than or equal to the power expended on P • Constitutive framework: Free energy, stress, and internal variables are a function of deformation.
Constitutive Theory – Framework Frame Indifference Euclidean Space Amorphous Solids: material are invariant under all rotations of the Relaxed and Reference Configuration
Constitutive Theory – Thermodynamic Restrictions and Flow Rule Plug into dissipation inequality Energy dissipated per unit volume (in the relaxed configuration) must be purely dissipatative. Dissipative FLOW STRESS: FLOW RULE: Define:
Free Energy Equations for Stress Constitutive Equations material parameters Constitutive prescription TeStress conjugate to Ee = Cauchy Stress
Constitutive Equations material parameters • FLOW RULE for Plastic STRETCHING • Evolution of Internal Variables Constitutive prescription Effective Stress: DP=(magnitude)(DIRECTION) Saturation value: = evolution of shear resistance (captures strain softening) = change in free-volume from initial state
L0 L Force Limiting extensibility Micrograph by Roeder et al, 2001 Evolution of the Back Stress: Langevin Statistics undeformed • Amorphous polymeric materials: • • Wavy kinked fibrous network structure • • Resistance of the network in tension • • Have finite distensibility (maximum stretch ) • Once material overcomes the resistance to intermolecular chain motion • chains will align w/principle plastic stretch (Bp,λp) • Alignment decreases the configurational entropy • creates an internal network back stress Sback deformed Force-stretch relationship: - Initially compliant behavior followed by increase in stiffness as the limiting stretch is approached Stretch Parameters: • Rubbery Modulus • Limiting stretch
State Variables in Summary: In VUMAT C********************************************************************** C STATE VARIABLES - Variables that need to be evolved with TIME C STATEV(1) = Fp(1,1) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (1,1) COMP. C STATEV(2) = Fp(1,2) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (1,2) COMP. C STATEV(3) = Fp(1,3) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (1,3) COMP. C STATEV(4) = Fp(2,1) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (2,1) COMP. C STATEV(5) = Fp(2,2) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (2,2) COMP. C STATEV(6) = Fp(2,3) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (2,3) COMP. C STATEV(7) = Fp(3,1) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (3,1) COMP. C STATEV(8) = Fp(3,2) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (3,2) COMP. C STATEV(9) = Fp(3,3) -- PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (3,3) COMP. C C STATEV(10)= Internal variable S - shear resistance C C STATEV(11)= dFp(1,1) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (1,1) COMP. C STATEV(12)= dFp(1,2) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (1,2) COMP. C STATEV(13)= dFp(1,3) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (1,3) COMP. C STATEV(14)= dFp(2,1) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (2,1) COMP. C STATEV(15)= dFp(2,2) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (2,2) COMP. C STATEV(16)= dFp(2,3) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (2,3) COMP. C STATEV(17)= dFp(3,1) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (3,1) COMP. C STATEV(18)= dFp(3,2) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (3,2) COMP. C STATEV(19)= dFp(3,3) -- incre in PLASTIC DEFORMATION GRADIENT, (3,3) COMP. C C STATEV(20)= Internal variable eta: eta=0 at virgin state of the material, C and change in free volume with time evolution C C**********************************************************************
Material Parameters in Summary: In VUMAT C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C MATERIAL PARAMETERS C C Elastic Properties C EG = elastic shear modulus C EK = elastic bulk modulus C Langevin Properties (Statistical Mechanics) C MU_R = rubbery modulus C LAMBDA_L = network locking stretch C C D0 = reference (initial) plastic shear-strain rate C m = plastic strain rate dependency (m=0; rate independent) C ALPHA = coefficent of pressure dependency C Internal Variable S coefficients (s monitors the isotropic resistance to deformation C H0 = initial hardening rate C SCV = equilibrium hardening strength C SO = initial resistance to flow (yield point) C Coefficients for ETA - free volume C G0 = coefficent of plastic dilantancy C b = coefficient for evolving eta C NCV = equilibrium value for free volume C----------------------------------------------------------------------
F_t = F at start of step F_tau = F at end of step U_tau = U at end of step For the first time step Initialize state variables Fp_tau = 1 Fe_tau=F_tau Calculate Ce_tau Calculate Ee_tau Calculate Te_tau Calculate T_tau Rotate Cauchy stress to Abaqus Stress and update Abaqus stress variables For other time steps Get state variables from last step Calculate Fp_tau Normalize Fp Calculate Fp_tau_inv Calculate Fe_tau Calculate Ce_tau Calculate Ee_tau Calculate Te_tau Calculate pressure Calculate Tmendel; Mendel stress Calculate μ Bp_tau_dev; Back Stress (USE LANGEVIN) Calculate Tflow; Flow Stress Calculate tau: Equivalent Shear Stress IF tau is not ZERO THEN EVOLVE DP; calculate ANUp; EVOLVE dFp EVOLVE S EVOLVE eta IF tau is ZERO Do not evolve state variables Update Fp, F, C, U, T Update state variables Update Abaqus stresses VUMAT Program