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The STAR Decadal Plan: Advancing Science at RHIC

This presentation outlines the goals and strategic approach of the STAR collaboration at RHIC, including the study of quark-gluon plasma, open charm and charmonium measurement, and flow systematics. It emphasizes the need for R&D and upgrades, as well as the importance of a balanced portfolio of soft physics studies and rare probe measurements. The plan also addresses the challenges and future goals of spin physics at RHIC.

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The STAR Decadal Plan: Advancing Science at RHIC

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  1. The STAR Decadal PlanTim HallmanRHIC Open Planning MeetingDecember 3-4, 2003

  2. The STAR Decadal Plan • This talk: • addresses the period now to 2010 + • Provides a vision of the compelling science STAR • proposes to accomplish (a picture being developed) • - high Q2 (triggered) probes  high luminosity, good • tracking, and vertexing • - studies of bulk  fast DAQ, FEE • phenomena • Identifies important R&D and upgrade directions • that are beginning now to carry out the proposed • program

  3. Three “Must do” STAR Physics Goals in the next 5+ years that drive the planned use of RHIC: • Have we produced the quark-gluon plasma • pT dependence of suppression • Measurement of open charm and charmonium • Full flow systematics (mesons, baryons, multiply strange baryons, open charm) • Evolution versus energy/species • Gluon contribution to the nucleon spin • ALL for mid-rapidity jet production • ALL for direct photon + jet • Gluon density saturation in cold nuclei at very low Bjorken x • Inclusive leading hadrons/jets in d+Au collisions • Search for mono-jets in d+Au collisions • With a 27 week standalone run each year only one of these can be accomplished • With an additional 5 weeks per year, all 3 can be achieved in the STAR plan

  4. A Strategic Approach / Scientific Plan for STAR Significant results from 1 shift at sNN = 19.6 GeV ! Why does it work: large acceptance and very high tracking/detector efficiency STAR Preliminary The results from one shift of data taken at sNN = 19.6 GeV ! NA49 STAR

  5. Pedestal&flow subtracted A Strategic Approach/ Scientific Plan for STAR First high pt suppression data at sNN = 130 GeV from a relatively short ( 2 week) period of actual data taking pointed out the need for more data at 200 GeV, and finally the need for d+Au leading to: Au+Au, sNN = 130 GeV  Adiverse portfolio of soft physics studies and measurements of rare probes is possible within STAR

  6. STAR Rare Probes Di-Jet trigger in d+Au collision in STAR EMC

  7. RHIC Opening a Window in STAR on Onium • First look in STAR at the onium states (J/, Upsilon, and excited states) to measure the • thermodynamics of deconfinement through varying dissociation temperatures Study vs. pT Study vs. centrality Study in lighter systems Study vs a control (the ) To deeply probe the plasma through studies of (Debye) screening length l ~ 1 /gT • Upsilon rate ~ 10-3 J/Y Yield in 10 weeks of AuAu running at 32 μb-1 /week will be a start To fully utilize this probe requires high luminosity RHIC running

  8. STAR Scientific Approach STAR has tremendous capability and flexibility due to its large acceptance and efficient, complimentary suite of detectors A robust program of measuring rare probes, as well as soft physics observables to study the bulk matter properties is possible STAR believes the way to achieve maximum scientific impact and full utilization of the machine is to have a balanced portfolio: soft physics studies of the properties of the bulk matter triggered rare probes measurements change of energy change of system size This will provide the most leverage in understanding the new matter produced at RHIC.

  9. For the physics that drives the Run IV BUR, the requirements are: GoalHours/weeksNNDead TimeWeeksMin L0 30M (50M) Central 45 200 50% 6(10) 12 μb-1 /week 50M Min-Bias 45 200 50% 6.8 2 μb-1 /week π to pT  15 GeV/c 45 200 50% 6 (10) 33 (20) μb-1 /week 4σ  signal 45 200 50% 10 32 μb-1 /week h± to pT  8 GeV/c45 63 100% 1 1.8 μb-1 /week Even for rare probes  relatively modest running periods yield significant reach in pt ( 8 GeV/c at sNN = 63, which is the full reach of the reference) • This is reflected in response to request for 5 year, 27 week projection • Run/WeeksMode 1/WeeksMode 2/WeeksMode 3/weeksMode 4/weeks • Run IV, 27 AuAu @ 200, 5+14 p+p @ 200, 5 • Run V, 27 AuAu @ 20, 2 AuAu @ 40, 3 AuAu @ 63, 5 + 4 p+p @ 200, 5+5 • Run VI, 27 d+Au @ 200, 5+9 p+p@200, 5+5 • Run VII, 27 AuAu@200, 5+5 p+p@200, 5+9 • Run VIII, 27 AuAu@200, 5+10 p+p@500, 5+5 But… STAR’s conclusion is that scenario is unworkable to achieve the goals of both the heavy ion and spin physics programs

  10. Future STAR Spin Physics Goals G (x) determination via ALL in p + p   + jet + X   – –   u , d determination via ALPV in p + p  W ± + X @  s = 500 GeV To get into the game: •  s = 200 GeV, P 4L eff dt  100 pb –1 •  s = 500 GeV, P 4L eff dt  250 pb –1

  11. The Nature of the Problem Spin Physics Machine Development that has to happen: Test effectiveness of NEG coated beam pipe Commissioning of polarized gas jet target Commissioning of warm-bore helical dipole Commissioning of RHIC AC dipole Establish new RHIC working point (WP) (2 IR’s ?) Luminosity in Roser model somewhat better than Run III (~ 1 pb-1/week) at this point Testing of RHIC working point First calibration of gas-jet target Luminosity development Commission cold bore helical dipole (P 70%) Complete calibration of gas-jet target Luminosity in Roser model something like  2 pb-1/week at this point Annual access for key developments is inconsistent with long runs to develop luminosity and polarization required ( > 10 pb-1/week,  60-70% ): A 27 week standalone run will not work for both the heavy ion and spin programs 5 +0 weeks in Run IV? Run V 5+5?

  12. Some important strategic considerations for STAR: There is excellent, high impact science waiting to be done, near and long term ! p+p  π°+ x Possible for Run IV A number of Institutions have or will invest in junior faculty appointments in the area of RHIC Spin: SUNY Stony Brook Indiana University Massachusetts Institute of Technology U.C. Riverside University of Illinois The period 2005 -2006 is a natural time frame to try to achieve several of the main spin physics Goals: Analysis of the large data set from Run IV will take a significant amount of time After this period, new upgrades for the ion program will start to come on the horizon and there will be a strong interest in continued ion measurements to utilize the new capability The evolution in this area has consequences for the future of both the heavy ion and spin programs

  13. A Possible Path Forward: • Within STAR, in the context of the planning group discussions, alternative scenarios have been discussed, including the constant effort scenario (#2) shown by Tom Ludlam. • With 5 weeks of additional running there is a qualitative change in the robustness of the program. This allows: • an energy scan • a species change • high statistics Au+Au running • a second d+Au run • robust, timely spin physics (ΔG(x) and commissioning for Ws at s = 500) • In preliminary discussions STAR’s preferred 32 week scenario: • Run/Weeks Mode 1/Weeks Mode 2/Weeks • Run IV, 32 AuAu @ 200, 5+14 p+p @ 200, 5+0 • Run V, 32 AuAu @ 63, ?,6+8 p+p @ 200, 5+10 • Run VI, 32 Cu+Cu @ 200, 5+8 p+p@200, 5+11 • Run VII, 32 AuAu@200, 5+10 d+Au@200, 5+9 • Run VIII, 32 AuAu@200, 5+10 p+p@500, 5+9

  14. RHIC II Physics in STAR QCD studies of unprecedented breadth and depth • Detailed studies of the fundamental properties of matter by heating the QCD vacuum • Studying the accompanying phase transitions, and the hot, superdense states preceding the formation of a plasma of quarks and gluons to understand e.g. : – the nature of chiral symmetry breaking and how is it related to the masses of the hadrons – the quark mass dependence of partonic energy loss – collective behavior in partonic systems – the nature of a possible saturated gluon state in cold nuclei at low Bjorken x • The helicity preference of gluons inside a proton; the origin of the proton sea; the transversity distribution for quarks in a proton

  15. RHIC II STAR Physics Probes: In the heavy ion program, to test and extend QCD theory and its predictions regarding the behavior of bulk color-deconfined matter, STAR will: • use hard probes such as • Inclusive jets and direct photons • back to back jets (correlation of leading particles) • direct gamma + leading hadron from jet • flavor tagged jets • measurement of spectra and yields for the Upsilon family of states to measure the differential energy loss for gluon, light quark, and heavy quark probes which couple differently to the medium • measure very large samples of “soft physics” events to unfold the bulk properties of the produced matter, studying e.g. • heavy quark thermalization • heavy baryon / meson (open charm) elliptic flow • spectrum of extended hadronic matter (resonances) • broken / restored symmetries (e.g., cp violation, chiral restoration)

  16. High pT hadrons in coincidence withg High Luminosity STAR Physics Quantitative measurements of partonic energy loss Measurement of the gluon density via direct  + jet and flavor-tagged jets to study the quark mass dependence of energy loss AuAu (b = 0), s1/2 = 200 GeV • Leading hadrons are very rare: only • ~0.1% of jets fragment hard enough • that hadrons are above incoherent • background • cross section for  + jet coincidences • (central Au+Au): • Eg=10 GeV: 6 nb/GeV • Eg=15 GeV: 0.6 nb/GeV • 50 weeks of Au+Au @ RHIC I design: • 10 nb-1 !!  luminosity upgrade • needed to access this physics! dN/dyd2pT (y=0) (GeV-2c-3) PT (GeV/ c)

  17. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades • The next step? -- Trying to be quantitative and understand • quark mass dependence of partonic (?) energy loss. • A possible approach: • differential energy loss of gluon, light quark, and heavy quark jets • Statistical, kinematic separation of gluon and light quark jets based • on underlying PDF’s and “reconstructed” parton- parton cms • flavor tagging of heavy quark jets • D/ , B /  ratio versus pT Dokshitzer and Kharzeev (hep-ph/0106202): 0.8 1 dV qsea 1.4 Q2 = 100 GeV2 uV 10 g(x) Q2 = 10 GeV2 Suppression of co-linear gluon radiation 10-3 10-1 10-3 10-1 XBJ Further theoretical and experimental development needed !

  18. Pythia p-p 200 GeV Au-Au Thermal* D+/ D0 0.33 0.455 Ds+/ D0 0.20 0.393 Lc+/ D0 0.14 0.173 J/Y/D0 0.0003 0.013 Pressing the search with heavy flavor: first direct observation at RHIC of open charm in d+Au and min-bias Au+Au collisions Open charm: a probe of initial conditions, and possible equilibration at early times For high statistics measurements and event-by-event open charm, MRPC TOF and silicon μvtx essential (This buys a factor of ~ 100 reduction in event sample required) D± K, d+Au D0 K, d+Au Star Preliminary STAR Preliminary | y |< 0.25, 7 <pt <10 GeV/c |y| < 1, pt < 4 GeV/c Do c quarks thermalize?If yes, ratio of charm hadrons yield changes from p-p to Au-Au ; Ds+ most sensitive. D± K, Au+Au A.Andronic, P.Braun-Munzinger, K.Redlich, J.Stachel (nucl-th/0209035) STAR Preliminary

  19. With regard to flavor tagging, e.g. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades Ramona Vogt, hep-ph/0111271 p+p • pT ~ 15 GeV/c: s (p+p)~5x10-4mb/Gev  s (Au+Au) ~ 20mb/Gev centrally produced • 5 years of Au+Au =10 nb-1 200K b-bar pairs The yield is there! Can they be pulled out?

  20. High pt e+/- triggered by EMC Enhance yield; some h +/- mis-id’d as e+/- Remove hadronic background Associate e+/- with h +/- at a displaced vtx DCA sign positive if displaced vertex and Pe point in the same direction STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades A First look - Using a proposed STAR VTX Detector B - Jet Tagging - Heavy Quark Energy Loss: B  e+/- + hadron + X EMC triggers e+/- from B, mVertex cleans the sample - Pe > 4 GeV/c, Ph > 0.7 GeV/c - DCA between e and h < 150 m - Assume 50% e+/- misidentification CDF Data STAR  vtx simulation The first look is encouraging! distance

  21. *(1520) STAR preliminary p+p at 200 GeV  K*0 STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades , , *(892), *(1385), *(1520) , D* Probing Rescattering: Resonances pp • Short-lived resonances probe the medium and map the history wrt rescattering after chemical freezeout • Destruction of signal in hadronic channel • Regeneration in “elastic” scattering stage • Large data samples necessary • PID from TOF essential to extend pT reach Au+Au 40% to 80% STAR Preliminary pp STAR Preliminary 0.2  pT  0.8 GeV/c |y|  0.5 0.2  pT  0.9 GeV/c |y|  0.5 0 f0K0S  K*0 K*/K pp Statistical error only Au Au

  22. To carry out its future program STAR needs: • A Barrel MRPC TOFPID information for > 95% of kaons and protons in the STAR acceptance; extended scientific reach for key observables • A micro-vertex detectorprecise (3 m) hit position close to the primary vtx  D’s ,flavor- tagged jets • A DAQ/ TPC FEE Upgradenew architecture / FEE  1 khz of events sampled at L3; effective integration of 10 x more data • Development of GEM tech. Preparation for a compact, fast, next generation TPC needed for 40 x L • Forward Tracking Upgrade W charge sign identification • High Luminosity 10 - 50 times the luminosity (10 nb-1) integrated at RHIC up to 2010 (Thomas Roser will provide)

  23. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades The STAR MRPC TOF Barrel will: • allow STAR to provide PID for an additional 60% of the particle in the hadronic final state • Cut the time (events) needed to measure the open charm yield by a factor of 5 (12.6M  2.6M) (TPC + SVT versus TPC + SVT + TOF) • Cut the time (events) needed for bulk measures (e.g. heavy baryon elliptic flow) which may distinguish between hadronic/ partonic degrees of freedom by a factor of 10 (200M  20M) • allow the detailed unfolding of large and small scale correlations & fluctuations to map the dynamics/evolution of the produced matter • extend the pt reach to for measuring resonances to 1-2 GeV/c affording a precision tool for model comparison and a definitive determination of the importance of re-scattering versus regeneration (calibration of an important set of standard candles)

  24. The STAR Barrel TOF MRPC Prototype Prototype Tray Construction at Rice University MRPC design developed at CERN, built in China 28 MRPC Detectors; 24 made at USTC FEE Neighbor CTB Tray EMC Rails   70 ps, 2 meter path Strong team including 6 Chinese Institutions in place Completed Prototype 28 module MRPC TOF Tray installed in STAR Oct. ‘ 02 in place of existing central trigger barrel tray

  25. The STAR Barrel TOF MRPC Prototype Prototype modules met all performance specs in the STAR environment and produced important physics on PID’d Cronin Effect Proposal reviewed and approved by STAR and submitted to BNL Management

  26. Important new data from the MPRC TOF Prototype Results will be key to help understand the processes underlying particle production in the intermediate pT region Entirely new capability for measuring open charm opened up as well !

  27. Open charm Charm quark yield Reconstructing D0 Charm hadron chemistry Reconstructing D+, Ds+, … Charm hadron flow Constructing D0 spectra Open beauty Identifying B mesons Identifying heavy quark jets Physics provided by the STAR mVertex detector STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades Thin silicon ladders under tension

  28. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades • Key features of the proposed STAR vtx detector: • ultra-thin 50 m silicon (APS) chips • excellent position resolution (~5 m), 20 m x 20 m pixels • minimal coulomb scattering, beam pipe wall < 600 m • state of the art mechanical support allowing easy insertion/removal and eventual replacement with faster APS chips • 10-20 ms readout initially; storage of all events in 20 ms “bucket”; per pixel probability of hit 0.5% at 4 x L; per pixel probability of pile up in 20 ms, ~ 10-5 • data matching offline • upgrade to 5 ms readout for 40 x luminosity upgrade

  29. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades • The DAQ and Front End Electronics Upgrades • The DAQ and FEE upgrades will allow STAR to acquire large data • samples, increasing the luminosity effectively integrated by STAR • by a factor of 10 • This upgrade will increase the number of events sampled to 1000/sec • minimum bias, ~ 200 Hz central. The baseline plan is to present • these to level III and write out 100/sec. • The upgrade will address the present bottlenecks throughout the • DAQ/FEE chain: • DAQFEE • DAQ CPU Chip Speed • VME Bandwidth Analog Processing • Event Builder Zero Suppression • LIII CPU Noise

  30. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades The Scope & Scientific Merit of Proposed R&D / Upgrade Plan SystemR&DConstr/CostBenefit to STAR Barrel MRPC ‘ 04  ‘05 ‘ 05  ‘06 PID information for ~ 95% TOF $260k $4.3M of kaons and protons in acc; + $2.5M in- kind extended pT for resonances;  v2; D’s; ebe correlations; anti-nuclei; inclusive electrons Inner vtx ‘04  ‘06 ‘ 06  ‘07 D’s , flavor- tagged jets (Forward Tracker) $ 965K $4M (TBD) (Charge sign for W± ) DAQ Upgrade ‘04  ‘06 ‘ 06  ‘08 1 kz  L3; D’s;  & D, $1.77M $5M v2, cp, D thermalization FEE Upgrade ‘04  ‘05 ‘ 05  ‘06 1 kz  L3; D’s; , D, $250k $2.5M v2, cp, D thermalization GEM DeV ‘ 04  ‘06 ‘08 - ‘10 Compact, fast TPC;robust $900k ? tracking for high Q2 physics at 40 x L Serious R&D on these projects has begun

  31. Enhancements possible with existing machine: Double the number of bunches to 112 Decrease b* from 2 m to 1m STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades This projection for the TPC assumes the following RHIC Luminosity Upgrade Plan 4x increase in ave. L; Still limited by I.B.S. Electron beam cooling at full RHIC energy will eliminate intra-beam scattering effects and reduce beam emittance: 10x increase in average luminosity Evolution of Au Au parameters: Luminosity in units of 1026 cm-2sec-1 Current in units of 1010 ions/beam

  32. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades • The GEM Development: essential for STAR tracking • in the High Luminosity Era at RHIC • In 2010: • the STAR TPC will be ~ 15 years old • large space charge distortions and pile-up may be problematic • for the high luminosity, high pt program STAR intends to carry out • The proposed GEM development will: • lay the foundation for a possible future high rate, compact TPC with • shorter drift and additional trigger capability • develop important technology which may also be needed elsewhere • in STAR (e.g. forward tracking)

  33. STAR Future Physics and Planned Upgrades What about the STAR Spin Program G (x) from) u , d determination via ALPV in p + p  W ± + X @  s = 500 GeV pp + X The baseline physics will take until ~ 2010 A forward (GEM ?) tracking detector will be needed for W+/- sign

  34. STAR Decadal Plan Conclusions STAR proposes a future program of QCD studies of unprecedented breadth and depth to study – the nature of chiral symmetry breaking and how is it related to the masses of the hadrons – the quark mass dependence of partonic energy loss – collective behavior in partonic systems – the nature of a possible saturated gluon state in cold nuclei at low Bjorken x – the helicity preference of gluons inside a proton; the origin of the proton sea; the transversity distribution for quarks in a proton This physics program requires: a Barrel MRPC TOF detector to extend STAR’s scientific reach a micro vertex detector to enable measurement of D’s and flavor-tagged jets a DAQ / FEE upgrade to allow 1 khz to L3 to integrate needed event samples a tracking upgrade to afford good forward charge sign determination Development of GEM technology to insure the possibility of robust tracking for the 40 x L era STAR has embarked on this plan; work is beginning

  35. The Feasibility of the Future STAR program 21 scientific papers published (16 PRL, 4 PRC, 1 PLB), and 9 submitted (8 PRL, 1 PRC) 18 technical papers published 1060 Citations 28 Ph.D’s granted STAR is a vibrant, strong collaboration which can successfully carry out the proposed program

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