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The National Level Foundation for Restoration. Chapter 17. The Family Level Foundation for Restoration. Jacob-Esau United. 1600 Years Adam’s Family. 400 Years NOAH’S FAMILY Flood Judgment. 120 Years United Family ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB. 40 Years Divided Family ESAU V. JACOB.
The Family Level Foundation for Restoration Jacob-Esau United 1600 Years Adam’s Family 400 Years NOAH’S FAMILY Flood Judgment 120 Years United Family ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB 40 Years Divided Family ESAU V. JACOB 21 Years Captivity & Return 40 Years Preparation for Egypt JOSEPH Victory! The National Level Foundation (Israel) 400 Years Slavery in Egypt 400 Years MOSES Period of Judges God will use the victorious model in the Family Level Foundation and expand that to the National Level Foundation for the Messiah.
Providence Centered on Moses Building a God-Centered Nation
Moses’ Ten Commandments • Origin of Israel’s legal system; The first nation to prepare Foundation for Messiah • Basis of the U.S. Constitution: “One Nation under God” • Root of Father Moon’s vision for world peace: “One World under God”
Moses’ Course 40 years in the desert Third course 21-months in wilderness Second course 21-day course to Canaan First course 40 years in Pharaoh's palace
Foundation for the Messiah Foundation of Faith God Moses C.F. = Faith in God’s Word
1. “I am the Lord your God… “You shall have no other gods before me.” God is the Parent of All Humankind. We are one family.
2. “You shall not make for yourself any other gods.” Spiritual things must be given priority over material things.
3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” Acknowledge the work of God in all religions.
4. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” Work to fulfill your responsibility; in order to give God a day of rest.
5. “Honor your father and your mother.” Be a leader with a Parental Heart.
6. “You shall not murder.” Control your emotions. Love your enemy.
7. “You shall not commit adultery.” Absolute Sex: Purity before Marriage
8. “You shall not steal.” Live for the sake of others.
9. “You shall not falsely accuse your neighbor.” Be humble; first acknowledge your own mistakes.
10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or property.” Absolute Sex: Fidelity in marriage.Control excessive desires.
Foundation for the Messiah Israel Moses Elder Foundation of Substance Moses Younger Israel Foundation of Faith God Moses C.F. = Faith in God’s Word
Lessons Learned Human portion of responsibility is necessary in fulfilling God’s will. Renewed understanding of the Old Testament . God’s desire for Absolute Sexual Purity was at the root of the Central Nation. The greater one's mission, the greater their responsibility. National Restoration prolonged to Jesus
The Family Level Foundation for Restoration Jacob-Esau United 1600 Years Adam’s Family 400 Years NOAH’S FAMILY Flood Judgment 120 Years United Family ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB 40 Years Divided Family ESAU V. JACOB 21 Years Captivity & Return 40 Years Preparation for Egypt JOSEPH The National Level Foundation (Israel) 400 Years Slavery in Egypt 400 Years MOSES Period of Judges 120 Years United Kingdom SAUL, DAVIDand SOLOMON 400 Years Divided Kingdom North & South 210 Years MALACHI Captivity & Return 400 Years Preparation for Messiah The Foundation for the Messiah prolonged until the coming of Jesus.
Affirmations: Bible and Quran • Jesus was born sinless. • Jesus was the Messiah.
God’s Will and His Alternative The Original Will of God God’s Kingdom Lord ofGlory Isaiah 9, 11, 60 Jesus • Jesus came to build a Peace Kingdom • Israel should be the model world • Jesus came not for one nation or people. • He was the True Parent of all humankind. • He brought New Truth, but was misunderstood
God’s Will and His Alternative The Original Will of God God’s Kingdom Lord ofGlory Isaiah 9, 11, 60 Jesus Lord of Suffering Restoration Prolonged The Alternative Will of God Isaiah 53:5
Divine Principle After Jesus realized that the people’s disbelief was unalterable, he chose the path of the cross in order to lay the foundation for spiritual salvation… Exposition of Divine Principle, p. 121
His First Words on the Cross • “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” • Luke 23:34
Victory at the Last Moment Thief on the Right Believed and defended Jesus Thief on the Left Rejected and ridiculed Jesus
Victory Through Suffering • Jesus’ absolute faith in God. • Set the Foundation for Spiritual Resurrection. • God’s Providence could continue to the world level. • Prepared for Second Coming.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son…” John 3:16
Although Jesus’ life ended his mission did not… God worked to raise up a world-level religion to prepare for the Second Coming.
The Family Level Foundation for Restoration Jacob-Esau United 1600 Years Adam’s Family 400 Years NOAH’S FAMILY Flood Judgment 120 Years United Family ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB 40 Years Divided Family ESAU V. JACOB 21 Years Captivity & Return 40 Years Preparation for Egypt JOSEPH The National Level Foundation (Israel) Malachi 400 Years Slavery in Egypt 400 Years MOSES Period of Judges 120 Years United Kingdom SAUL, DAVIDand SOLOMON 400 Years Divided Kingdom North & South 210 Years MALACHI Captivity & Return 400 Years Preparation for Messiah The World Level Foundation (Christianity) LSA Luther 400 Years Persecution in Rome 400 Years ST. AUGUSTINE Period ofPatriarchs 120 Years United Kingdom CHARLEMAGNE 400 Years Divided Kingdom East and West 210 Years Captivity & Return 400 Years Preparation for Second Advent
Lessons Learned • Moses taught us to build a peace kingdom you need: • Faith in God • Self-control; Purity • Jesus’ absolute faith in God allowed God’s providence to continue. • Parallels in history Principles in history purpose & direction for history God is working in human history.