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Detailed course information for General Biology 1 at Valencia College - West Campus, updated for Fall 2019. Includes instructor contact details, FERPA guidelines, student accommodations, course calendar, important dates, textbooks, lab requirements, and more.
General Biology 1Course Syllabus Professor Laura D’Alessio, M.A. Valencia College – West Campus Updated for Fall 2019
Course Sections • Course Name: General Biology 1 Course Number: BSC1010c • Term: Fall 2019 Hours: 4.0 Credit Hours, 6.0 Contact Hours • This is a rigorous, college-level science course intended to satisfy requirements for STEM and Allied Health degree paths. BIO1 “A”– CRN:11146 Meeting Times and Locations: Lec: Mon (AHS-213) 1:00-3:45pm Lab: Wed (AHS-318) 1:00-3:45pm BIO1 “B” – CRN: 11149 Meeting Times and Locations: Lec: Mon (AHS-213) 5:30-8:15pm Lab: Wed (AHS-318) 5:30-8:15pm
Instructor Contact Information • Title: Mrs. Laura A. D'Alessio, M.A. • Student Hours: Visit https://tinyurl.com/ProfDSchedule • Office: West Campus, AHS-207 • Call: 407-582-5048 (voice only, can't receive texts) • Text: 407-917-2001 (text only, can't receive calls) • E-Mail: LDalessio@valenciacollege.edu • CANVAS Messenger: Via website or mobile app • NOTE: Instructor will always attempt to contact students using CANVAS Messenger
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) • Summary: • Your instructor cannot discuss confidential information (ex. grades, attendance, etc…) to non-authorized persons including family members, friends, or classmates • Your instructor prefers having face-to-face conversations about grades and attendance • Fine Print: • Valencia College is committed to protecting the privacy and access rights of its students by adhering to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, (20 U.S.C. 1232g and 34 C.F.R., 99.1-99.67) and formulating institutional policies and procedures that govern the maintenance of student records in accordance to Section 1002.22, F.S. with regard to their College Officers. • Administrators, faculty, staff and student workers shall respect the rights of students and appropriately maintain the confidentiality of student educational records. • For more information regarding FERPA, visit: http://valenciacollege.edu/generalcounsel/policy/default.cfm?policyID=186&volumeID_1=19&pcdure=0&navst=0
Students with Disabilities • Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with me during the first week of class. • The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. • The Office for Students with Disabilities • West Campus, SSB-102 • Ph: 407-582-1523 • Fax: 407-582-1326 • TTY: 407-582-1222 • http://valenciacollege.edu/osd/
Food & Drink • On LECTURE Days • Food is NOT allowed in the lecture classrooms • Drinks are allowed as long as they are in spill-resistant containers • On LAB Days • Food and Drink are ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED at all times • Food and Drink cannot enter the lab facility for any reason • If it enters the lab, it will be thrown away or poured out
Course Calendar • We will use CANVAS Calendar to organize our course schedule • The CANVAS Calendar is available by logging into the CANVAS website or app and clicking on the tiny grey icon that looks like a calendar • Students are expected to check the course calendar on a daily basis during the school week • Major changes to the calendar will be accompanied by a class announcement • Minor changes may not be announced • CRITICAL: You need to check your CANVAS notification settings to make sure you are getting course announcements
IMPORTANT DATES First Day of Semester: Mon., August 26th Drop/Refund Deadline: Tue., September 3rd by 11:59pm Student Withdrawal Deadline: Fri., November 1st by 11:59pm Instructor Withdrawal Deadline: *Fri., December 6th by 5:00pm *This is my personal deadline as I will not be available that weekend Final Exams:Week of December 9th(See Canvas) Grades Due to Admin: Mon., December 16th by 9:00am Holidays (College Closed/No Classes): Mon., September 2nd– Labor Day Mon., November 11th – Veteran’s Day Wed., Nov. 27th– Sun., Dec. 1st – Thanksgiving Break
Textbooks DO NOT PURCHASE ANY BOOKS UNTIL AFTER THE FIRST CLASS MEETING! Textbook Openstax Biology, 2nd Edition Free at this website: https://openstax.org/details/books/biology-2e Lab Manual General Biology I Laboratory Manual, 5thEdition By Lindbeck & Matthews ISBN: 978-1-5339-1572-6 Lab Supplemental Workbook Available for free through Canvas Must be printed and completed for a grade each week
Materials Lab coat (Required) Purchase a white cotton lab coat that fits you well and covers your arms, torso, and thighs. Coats are available in the campus bookstore. You could also go to a local medical supply retailer to find a better-fitting coat, but you will pay more. Black Sharpie Markers (Required) Safety Eyewear (Optional) Select goggles that are comfortable and fit well. Safety goggles must conform to ANSI-z87+D3 standards. Eyewear must be approved by the professor. Write your name on all personal belongings and books using permanent ink. Valencia College and Professor D’Alessio are NOT responsible for lost or stolen supplies. Supplies left in the classroom at the end of the semester will be donated to future students.
Valencia Course Description • Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English, and English for Academic Purposes. • Course Outline: • Introduction to fundamental biological principles emphasizing common attributes of all living organisms. • Unifying concepts include: chemical structure of living matter, structure and function of the cell, specialized cells, major metabolic functions, control systems, reproduction, genetics, evolution and ecology. • Prerequisite for advanced biology courses. • Students should be prepared to complete college level reading, writing, and mathematics assignments as part of this course. • This course meets the General Education science requirements for graduation.
Major Topics, Concepts, Skills, & Issues • Characteristics of living organisms • Ecological and evolutionary organization of life • Molecular structure and functions in cells and living organisms • Fundamentals of structure, function, and evolution of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells • The integrative structure and function of cells in the structure and function of eukaryotic, multicellular organisms • Fundamentals of the molecular and cellular basis of metabolism and relationships to ecology and evolution • Cellular level fundamentals of asexual and sexual organismal reproduction and the genetic and evolutionary significance • Fundamentals of genetic organization and the processes and patterns of inheritance in sexual, eukaryotic organisms • Fundamentals of molecular genetic processes; structure and function of DNA encoding for polypeptide sequences at the molecular level of organisms
Valencia Student Core Competencies • This course seeks to reinforce the following Valencia Student Competencies: • THINK clearly, critically and creatively by analyzing, synthesizing, integrating, and evaluating symbolic works and truth claims. • REFLECT on your own and others’ VALUES from individual, cultural and global perspectives. • COMMUNICATE by reading, listening, writing and speaking effectively. • ACT purposefully, reflectively and responsibly by implementing effective problem solving, and decision making strategies.
Letter grading scale 89.45% - 100.0% = A 79.45% - 89.44% = B 69.45% - 79.44% = C 59.45% - 69.44% = D 0.00% - 59.44% = F Attendance, Academic Dishonesty, or Behavioral Violations = W Numerical grades are rounded out to the hundredths place Grades are calculated and maintained in the CANVAS Gradebook
Grade calculations Course uses weighted grading: 70% - 5 Exams 10% - In Class Quizzes 10% - Online Quizzes 10% - Assignments + Discussions Online Quizzes and Assignments are MANDATORY to take the Exams Withdrawal Possible for Attendance, Academic Dishonesty, or Behavioral Violations (See Withdrawal Policy)
Unit Exams • Must be taken at a Valencia Testing Center on any Valencia campus. • Students must have a Valencia, state, or military photo ID. • Exam is administered through CANVAS on a computer. • Exam window of availability lasts a minimum of 4 business days. • Students must reserve a date and campus using a website called Doodle. • No time limit on exam. • I do not accept late or incomplete exams! • Exams cannot be taken during class meeting times. • Students must have permission from instructor to take an exam during class time • Students who skip class to take an exam will lose 5% off their exam grade • See course calendar in CANVAS for exam availability and due dates.
Extra Credit Opportunities & Curving of Grades Extra Credit • Extra credit is added onto an exam grade. • Students cannot earn extra credit if they do not take the exam. • Extra credit opportunities and curves are extended to the whole class and will never be given on an individual basis. Curves • If necessary, additional points may be applied to any assessment at the instructor’s discretion. • Curves are very unlikely. • Your instructor will NOT curve final course grades at the end of the semester.
Quizzes • All Quizzes are worth 10-points. • The lowest in-class quiz grade (including zeros for absences) will be dropped. • Quiz re-takes are not available unless the absence is excused for serious reasons. • Students can expect a mix of the following: • In-Class, Scheduled Lab Quizzes • These are clearly defined assessments and are explained in the course schedule. • At-Home, Online Quizzes • These assessments must be completed before a student can take the Unit Exam. • Unscheduled, In-Class Pop Quizzes • Due dates are listed in the course schedule.
Assignments • Weekly Lab Activity completion and participation, and other assignments are averaged and counts toward the “Assignments” grade category • Students are expected to attend and participate in labs, and complete all lab activities and class assignments. • The instructor will check assignments at various points in the semester. • Students will either receive “complete” or “incomplete.” • There is no partial credit available. • Students who are absent are still expected to complete lab assignments. • Absent students must collect information from their lab partners, and use that information to complete the assignment. • Absent students must see the instructor to have their manual checked by the following week’s lab.
Cumulative Final Exam • Final exam is cumulative and will cover all material in the course. • More details about the format of the final exam will be released closer to the end of the term. • See the course schedule for the date, time, and location.
Grade Penalties • Students will lose 5% off an exam grade if they: • Do not take their exam on the date and/or at the campus matching their Doodle reservation • Take their exam during the class meeting time without instructor permission • Submit an exam late (with instructor permission) • Will receive a 0% on exams submitted late without instructor permission • Students will lose 1 quiz point off their in-class lab quiz if they: • Do not bring a lab coat (and have to borrow one from the instructor) • Bring food or drink into the lab • Fail to properly store their microscope • Fail to properly clean their workspace • Leave the lab room messy • Improperly dispose of wastes • Any other infraction I deem worthy of a lost point • If no lab quiz is scheduled that day, the point will be deducted from another in-class quiz
MISSING CLASS • Students are expected to attend all class meetings. • Students are permitted 3 sick days per term without providing documentation. • Additional sick days require documentation (see next slide). • Students who miss more than 5 days of class BEFORE the student withdrawal deadline may be withdrawn at the instructor’s discretion. • Students who accumulate more than 5 absences AFTER the student withdrawal deadline must contact the instructor and provide a valid and serious reason to request a late-term withdrawal. • It is entirely up to the instructor to decide if the request will be granted.
Tardiness and Leaving Early • Students are expected to be in their seats at the time class begins, and remain in class until dismissed by the instructor. • Tardiness and leaving early are considered highly unprofessional. • Tardiness or leaving early greater than 5 minutes counts as ½ of a sick day. • Tardiness or leaving early greater than 1 hour counts as 1 full sick day. • Students who miss a quiz will not be permitted to retake the quiz. • All students are allowed to drop their lowest in-class quiz grade.
Excused Absences • Truly excused absences are RARE • Most absences will be categorized as “sick days” (see previous slide). • If an absence is for severe personal illness, illness/death of a close family-member, military service, school activity, religious observance, or civic duty, it may be excused. • Student must contact the instructor regarding the absence within 1 week. • Students should be prepared to provide documentation regarding the absence. • “Severe illnesses” typically require medical intervention such as extended hospital admission. • Choosing to excuse an absence and/or accept make-up work (such as in-class quizzes) is the sole right of the instructor and is entirely up to her discretion.
Student Withdrawal Policy • Student Withdrawal Deadline for SUMMER 2019 – Friday, July 5thby 11:59pm • Students should always discuss withdrawing with both their instructor and an advisor. • Valencia Policy 4-07 • A student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of W. • A student is not permitted to withdraw himself after the withdrawal deadline. • If a student continues in the course beyond the withdrawal date, he/she will be assigned the letter grade earned in the course. • For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 visit: http://valenciacollege.edu/generalcounsel/policy/default.cfm?policyID=75&volumeID_1=4&navst=0
Instructor Withdrawal Policy • Faculty may withdraw a student up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of class and/or Valencia policies. • Your Instructor’s withdrawal deadline for SUMMER 2019 is Friday, July 26th by 5:00pm • Faculty withdrawals after the student withdrawal deadline are entirely at the discretion of the instructor. • Valencia Policy 4-07 • Students may be withdrawn by faculty for attendance violations, failure to complete major course components (greater than 100 points), or major behavioral violations such as academic dishonesty. Other situations not listed here may also warrant a withdrawal. • A student who is withdrawn by faculty will receive a grade of W. • Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of F. • Students who withdraw may be required to pay back financial aid.
Academic Honesty:Valencia’s policy • All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College: • Academic dishonestly includes, but is not limited to: • Acts or attempted acts of plagiarism • Cheating • Furnishing false information • Forgery • Alteration or misuse of documents • Misconduct during a testing situation • Facilitating academic dishonesty • Misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive • Unauthorized use of the professor’s intellectual property (see below)
Academic Honesty:Valencia’s policy • All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of each student’s individual thoughts, research, and self-expression. • Whenever a student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source (such as the internet, or another student), the source must be appropriately acknowledged. • According to Valencia College policy, academic and disciplinary penalties for academic dishonesty may include: • Loss of credit for an assignment, examination, or project, withdrawal from the course, a reduction in course grade, a grade of F in the course, warnings, probations, suspensions, and/or expulsions from the College. • Anyone observing an act of academic dishonesty must refer the matter to the instructor as an academic violation, and/or to the Dean of students or designee as a violation of the Student Code of Conduct as described in the Student LifeMap Handbook.
Academic Honestyinstructor’s policy • In this course, students found in violation of Valencia’s College Policy with regard to graded assessments will face the following specific repercussions in addition to those listed above: • The Student will receive a 0 for the assessment in question AND will lose all of the points associated with that entire grade category. • Example: If a student cheats on an exam, the student will receive a 0 for ALL previous and future exams, and will fail the course. • Example: If a student cheats on a daily quiz with another student, both students will receive 0s for their entire quiz grade, including all previous and future quizzes. This will severely negatively affect the student’s final course grade. • Any instances of more severe cheating will follow Valencia’s policy above, and will include both academic and disciplinary action at the College level. • ALL disciplinary decisions are the sole discretion of the instructor. Severe issues may be discussed with the Dean of Science and/or Dean of Students.
Academic Honesty: Intellectual Property • All course materials created by Instructor Laura D’Alessio are her intellectual property. • Course resources, including all videos, quizzes, exams, answer keys, and completed assignments cannot be: • Photocopied, printed, or photographed • Uploaded to the internet • Shared with other students (past, present, or future) • Sold or published • Improper use or distribution of course materials may constitute theft, cheating, or both depending on the scenario. These activities violate Valencia’s Academic Honesty Policy.
Academic Honesty:Collaboration • Students are allowed to collaborate through things like study groups, social media sites, and group texts. • Anything a student shares in a collaborative setting MUST be something they would be comfortable: • Sharing with the WHOLE CLASS and • Sharing with the instructor • If you are distributing something you would NOT want your instructor to see, you are probably violating academic honesty policy. • If you receive something from a classmate that *may* violate academic honesty policies, you are OBLIGATED to report that to a Valencia employee.
Grade Grievances:Valencia Policy • Students have recourse to dispute their grades through the Student Academic Dispute Resolution Committee, in order to seek a fair determination for the assignment of a final course grade. • Final grades of W, based upon the failure of the student to take an exam, excessive unexcused absences, or other administrative reasons may not be grieved to the Student Final Grade Dispute Resolution Committee. See Withdrawal Policy for further information. • For non-final grades and matters, each Campus President shall be responsible for designating a person or persons to assist students who wish a review of decisions that are related to access to courses and credit granted toward the degree (excluding final grades). • Summary: Your grade should never be a mystery to you, so if there is ever a question or concern about a grade, schedule a meeting with your professor.
Online Learning • This course is HEAVILY technology dependent! • Your instructor uses and infuses the course with ample technology to promote 21st century learning and information fluency skills. • Students are expected to have access to a computer and high-speed internet connection, (OR) must be able to make time to visit the Valencia Atlas Lab during campus operation hours. • Students are expected to log-in to various course websites, such as CANVAS and Atlas E-mail, on a daily basis during the work-week. • Students can also link these websites to their smartphones and receive notifications.
Online Learning • This course is a face-to-face course enhanced through online learning. • This is not an online, reduced-seat-time, or hybrid course. • Online learning takes the place of traditional pen-and-paper work. • Example: Online quizzes replace traditional homework assignments • Example: Online video lectures replace or enhance required course readings • Some topics in the course will be addressed through the use of online video lectures, and comprehension of topics will be assessed through online quizzes and discussion forums. • Content addressed online is just as important as face-to-face content. • It will appear on exams and practicals, and it is critical to your success in the course.
CANVAS • This course relies HEAVILY on CANVAS Learning Management Software. • Students must check CANVAS multiple times weekly. • Students are advised to get the CANVAS app on their phone. • CANVAS “Grades” will show your up-to-date, weighted grades. • It is your responsibility to make sure grades are entered and calculated properly. • CANVAS will house all instructor-designed course content and modules. • All course content will be available through CANVAS for students to save, download, or print as needed for personal use only.
PRINTING • The instructor will NOT print course materials for the class. • This is a West Campus policy. • Students are expected to retrieve all course materials from CANVAS and bring them to class. • Students can choose to: • Have documents on a Laptop or Tablet in a digital format. • Be aware that the Lab is an unsafe environment for Laptops/Tablets due to spills and contamination issues. • Students may prefer printing paper copies of lab-related materials. • Print documents and bring them to class. • Please consider the environment when choosing to print course materials.
Other Software • Students may be asked to use the following free software and apps: • Microsoft Office Suite (free) • ZipGrade • Sli.Do • Kahoot! • Twitter • Doodle • Line • YouTube • This is not an exhaustive list, and students may need additional (free) software or apps, or visit websites at the instructor’s direction.
Laboratory Safety Disclaimer • Occasionally, the lab will involve the use of equipment or materials that may be hazardous, particularly if handled incorrectly. • Students are expected to follow the chemical hygiene protocols (CHP) and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) based on recommendations from their instructor and from the Safety and Data sheets (SDS) or biohazard handling policies. • The CHP and SDS are available upon request from: • Shivani Persaud, Lab Supervisor, Biological Science • Office: West Campus, AHS-325 • Phone Number: 407-582-1927 • E-mail: spersaud19@valenciacollege.edu • A full laboratory safety briefing will take place during the first week of classes – it is mandatory!
Laboratory Safety Disclaimer • Students will receive a full laboratory safety briefing within the first week of the term. • Valencia College and the instructor are not liable for students who may be injured due to a failure to follow CHP, follow other written or oral lab rules, or wear appropriate PPE. • Simply put, if you fail to follow instructions and procedures, you assume all risks and liabilities • You will be asked to leave the lab for not complying with lab safety guidelines. • You will lose points associated with that lab. • You will be considered absent. • You may be potentially withdrawn from the course, depending on the severity of the incident.
Evolution Disclaimer • This class relies upon the biological Theory of Evolution, and is based on the scientific view of the Earth as approximately 4.5 billion years old. • I celebrate diversity and am open to a wide variety of personal beliefs and views. However, we will not be able to discuss non-scientific alternatives to evolution during class time. • Students are expected to provide answers that are in line with the published course materials in order to earn full credit on assessments and assignments. • Students who think they will be unable to fully engage in the content of this course for personal reasons are encouraged to talk to the instructor, and possibly reconsider their enrollment in the course prior to the close of the drop period.
Irritant alert • Many people are irritated by smoke & vape scents, perfumes, colognes, body lotions, and many other scented personal products. • Students who arrive to class “heavily scented” may be asked to leave to prevent others from becoming ill. • First Offense: Warning - Students will not be marked as absent on the first occasion, but will be unable to participate in class activities. Students are expected to make-up the activities to earn credit. • Second+ Offense: Consequences - Students who must be asked to leave more than once will be marked absent – it will count as an unexcused absence, and students will not be permitted to make-up the missed work.
Title IX and Equal Opportunity • Valencia College is a Title IX (Title Nine) and Equal Opportunity College • Valencia College strives to be a community in which all members can learn and work in an atmosphere free from all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, discrimination, intimidation and/or retaliation. • All forms of discrimination and harassment based on protected status are prohibited at Valencia College. • As such, students, faculty, and staff are expected to adhere to Policy: 6Hx28:2-01. • We provide equal opportunity for employment and educational services to all individuals as it relates to admission to the College or to programs, any aid, benefit, or service to students or wages and other terms, conditions or privileges of employment, without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, marital status, sex/gender, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, pregnancy, and any other factor prohibited under applicable federal, state, and local civil rights laws, rules and regulations. • For more information about the services of our Title IX and EOC Policies, visit their website at https://valenciacollege.edu/hr/title-ix/
BayCare StudentAssistance Services • Valencia College has contracted with a private and confidential counseling service to provide short-term assistance to credit students who need to resolve problems that are affecting their college performance. • Examples might include: stress, relationship/family issues, alcohol/drug problems, eating disorders, depression, and gender issues. • Students who are experiencing any of these issues and who are enrolled in credit classes at Valencia should call the toll-free number 1-800-878-5470 to speak to a professional counselor. • If needed, the counselor may refer the student to appropriate resources or to speak face-to-face with a licensed counselor. • For more information, call or visit a Counselor in Student Services on any campus.
West Campus Student Learning Support Services • Tutoring Center: Bldg. 7, Room 240 • https://valenciacollege.edu/students/learning-support/west/tutoring/ • Testing Center: Bldg. 11, Room 142 • https://valenciacollege.edu/students/learning-support/west/testing/ • Open-Access Computer Lab: Bldg. 6, Room 101 • https://valenciacollege.edu/students/library/west/cal/ • Library: Building 6 • https://valenciacollege.edu/students/library/campus/west-campus-library.php • Advising, Security, and other services are mostly located in the Student Services Building (SSB)
Valencia’s Policies and Procedures • Students are expected to comply with Valencia’s policies and procedures. The Valencia Student LifeMap Handbook is your resource to know your rights as a student and the College’s expectations of you as its student. It can be accessed at the following link: http://valenciacollege.edu/pdf/studenthandbook.pdf • If you have questions which cannot be answered by this syllabus or the Student LifeMap Handbook, you may want to check with the official Valencia College Policy website: http://valenciacollege.edu/generalcounsel/policy/
General disclaimer • This document is an outline of course policies and procedures. • This document is not legally binding and carries no weight in a court of law. • The instructor may change any part of this document at any point, for any reason. • When changes are made, you may be informed by any number of mechanisms, such as an announcement in class, through CANVAS, or via Atlas E-mail. • Any changes to the course, syllabus, or schedule are your responsibility to know and incorporate.