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Teaching Personification through Poetry

Teaching Personification through Poetry. Mrs. DesRosiers ~Room 6. http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/upload/a3681603.jpg. Person ification: What word do you see?. per·son·i·fi·ca·tion: (noun)  the practice of representing a thing or idea as a person in art, literature, etc.

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Teaching Personification through Poetry

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  1. Teaching Personification through Poetry Mrs. DesRosiers ~Room 6 http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/upload/a3681603.jpg

  2. Personification: What word do you see? • per·son·i·fi·ca·tion: (noun)  the practice of representing a thing or idea as a person in art, literature, etc. http://i.bnet.com/blogs/geico-gecko.jpg

  3. Word Study • per·son·i·fi·ca·tion: (noun)  the practice of representing a thing or idea as a person in art, literature, etc. • per·son : (noun) a human being • per·son·i·fy: (verb) to be the perfect example of a person who has (a quality) • per·son/ a human being • ify(i)/to make • cat/ completely • ion/ act, result, or state of

  4. The sky is low • THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, • A travelling flake of snow • Across a barn or through a rut • Debates if it will go. • A narrow wind complains all day • How some one treated him; • Nature, like us, is sometimes caught • Without her diadem. (crown) • Emily Dickinson • What is Emily Dickinson personifying? • Why has she chosen to personify the weather?

  5. The sky is low • THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, • A travelling flake of snow • Across a barn or through a rut • Debates if it will go. • A narrow wind complains all day • How some one treated him; • Nature, like us, is sometimes caught • Without her diadem. (crown) • What kinds of words does the author use to set the mood? Can you think of other words she could use to do the same thing? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WzoX6lQBLy8/Sj_cVWZEfHI/AAAAAAAAANk/ADC4b22jP9I/s400/angry-cloud.png

  6. The Sky is Low • THE sky is low, the clouds are mean, • A travelling flake of snow • Across a barn or through a rut • Debates if it will go. • A narrow wind complains all day • How some one treated him; • Nature, like us, is sometimes caught • Without her diadem. (crown) • How does the author intensify the image of an unpleasant day by using personification? • What does the author compare nature to? Why does she do this? • http://www.ssqq.com/stories/images/mud%20volleyball%202002%20wind%20god.jpg

  7. Two Sunflowers Move in the Yellow Room. • "Ah, William, we're weary of weather,"said the sunflowers, shining with dew."Our traveling habits have tired us.Can you give us a room with a view?" • They arranged themselves at the windowand counted the steps of the sun,and they both took root in the carpetwhere the topaz tortoises run. William Blake(1757-1827) • What is different about how Blake uses personification in his poem?

  8. Two Sunflowers Move in the Yellow Room • "Ah, William, we're weary of weather,"said the sunflowers, shining with dew."Our traveling habits have tired us.Can you give us a room with a view?" • They arranged themselves at the windowand counted the steps of the sun,and they both took root in the carpetwhere the topaz tortoises run. William Blake • Why does the author choose to have the sunflowers talk? • What kinds of descriptive words does he choose? Why does he choose these words?

  9. April Rain Song • Let the rain kiss you • Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops • Let the rain sing you a lullaby • The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk • The rain makes running pools in the gutter • The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night • And I love the rain. •  by Langston Hughes • What are Langston Hughes’s feelings towards rain?

  10. April Rain Song • Let the rain kiss you • Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops • Let the rain sing you a lullaby • The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk • The rain makes running pools in the gutter • The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night • And I love the rain. •  by Langston Hughes • What does the author want the audience to do? • How does personification help him make his point? https://shanalogic.com/item_images/1601_shana_cloud_full.jpg

  11. April Rain Song • Let the rain kiss you • Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops • Let the rain sing you a lullaby • The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk • The rain makes running pools in the gutter • The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night • And I love the rain. •  by Langston Hughes • How is his use of personification different from Dickinson or Blake? • What do you notice about the language he uses to describe the rain? How does he use repetition to make his point?

  12. Compare & Contrast Let’s compare and contrast the three poems! What are the different moods of each poem? How does the use of personification by each poet contribute to the mood of his or her poem? What are the different types of words and patterns that each poet uses? Which poem do you like best and why? http://www.nataliedee.com/102305/venn-diagram.jpg

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