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CHAPTER 10. Computer Arithmetic. Subtract Magnitudes. Add. Operation Magnitudes When A > b When A < B When A=B. (+A) + (+B) +(A + B) (+A) + (-B) +(A - B) -(B - A) +(A - B) (-A) + (+B) -(A - B) +(B - A) +(A - B) (-A) + (-B) -(A + B)

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  1. CHAPTER 10 Computer Arithmetic

  2. Subtract Magnitudes Add Operation Magnitudes When A > b When A < B When A=B (+A) + (+B) +(A + B) (+A) + (-B) +(A - B) -(B - A) +(A - B) (-A) + (+B) -(A - B) +(B - A) +(A - B) (-A) + (-B) -(A + B) (+A) - (+B) +(A - B) -(B - A) +(A - B) (+A) - (-B) +(A + B) (-A) - (+B) -(A + B) (-A) - (-B) -(A - B) +(B - A) +(A - B) Table 10-1Addition and Subtraction of Signed-Magnitude numbers.

  3. Bs B register AVF Complementer M (Mode Control) Output Carry E Parallel adder S As A register Load Sum Figure 10-1Hardware for signed-magnitude addition and subtraction

  4. Subtract Operation Add Operation Minuend in A Subtrahend in B Augend in A Addend in B = 1 = 0 = 1 = 0 As ≠ Bs As ≠ Bs As = Bs EA ← A + B EA ← A + B +1 AVF ← E As Bs As Bs AVF ← E = 0 = 0 = 1 A≥B A E A<B A ← A ≠ 0 A ← 0 A ← A + 1 AS ← AS End (Result is in A and AS) Figure 10-2Flowchart for add and subtract operations. As = Bs

  5. BR Register Complementer and Parallel adder V Overflow AC Register Figure 10-3Hardware for signed 2’s complement addition and subtraction

  6. Subtract Add Minuend in AC Subtrahend in BR Augend in AC Addend in BR AC ← AC+BR + 1 V ← Overflow AC ← AC+BR V ← Overflow End End Figure 10-4Algorithm for adding and subtracting numbers in signed 2’s complement representation

  7. Bs B register Sequence counter (SC) Complement and parallel adder As Qs (rightmost bit) Qn 0 A register Q register E Figure 10-5Hardware for multiply operation.

  8. Multiply operation Multiplicand in B Multiplier in Q As←Qs Bs Qs ←Qs Bs A ← 0 , E ←0 SC ←n -1 =0 =1 Qn EA ← A + B Shr EAQ SC ← SC - 1 ≠0 =0 SC END (product is in AQ) Figure 10-6Flowchart for multiply operation.

  9. Multiplicand B= 10111 E A Q SC Multiplier in Q 0 00000 10011 101 Qn = 1 ; add B 10111 First partial product 0 10111 Shift right EAQ 0 01011 11001 100 Qn = 1 ; add B 10111 Second partial product 1 00010 Shift right EAQ 0 10001 01100 011 Qn = 0 ; shift right EAQ 0 01000 10110 010 Qn = 0 ; shift right EAQ 0 00100 01011 001 Qn = 1 ; add B 10111 First partial product 0 11011 Shift right EAQ 0 01101 10101 000 Final product in AQ = 0110110101 Table 10-2Numerical Example for Binary Multiplier.

  10. BR register Sequence counter (SC) Complement and parallel adder Qn Qn + 1 AC register QR register Figure 10-7Hardware for both algorithms.

  11. Multiply Multiplicand in BR Multiplier in QR AC ← 0 Qn+1 ← 0 SC ← n =10 =01 AC ← AC + BR + 1 AC ← AC + BR QnQn + 1 =00 =11 ashr (AC & QR) SC ← SC - 1 ≠0 =0 SC END Figure 10-8Both algorithms for multiplication of signed-2’s complement numbers.

  12. BR = 10111 Qn Qn + 1 Qn + 1 • Initial00000 10011 0 101 • 0 Subtract BR 01001 • 01001 • ashr 00100 11001 1 100 • 1 ashr 00010 01100 1 011 • 0 1 Add BR 10111 • 11001 • ashr 1110010110 0 010 • 0 0 ashr 11110 01011 0 001 • 0 Subtract BR 01001 • 00111 • ashr 00011 10101 1 000 Table 10-3Example of Multiplication with Booth Algorithm. Br + 1 = 01001 AC QR SC

  13. Figure 10-92-bit by 2-bit array multiplier. ao bo b1 b1 bo a1 bo b1 a1 ao ao ao bo b1 a1 a1 bo b1 c3 c2 c1 co HA C S HA C S c3 c2 c1 co

  14. b3 b2 b1 bo a1 b3 b2 b1 bo 0 Addend Augend 4-bit adder Sum and out put carry a2 b3 b2 b1 bo Addend Augend 4-bit adder Sum and out put carry c6 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 co Figure 10-104-bit by 3-bit array multiplier. a0

  15. Divisor: B = 10001 11010 0111000000 01110 011100 - 10001 - 010110 - - 10001 - - 001010 - - - 010100 - - - - 10001 - - - - 000110 - - - - - 00110 Quotient = Q Dividend = A 5-bits of A < B, quotient has 5 bits 6-bits of A ≥ B Shift right B and subtract; enter 1 in Q 7-bits of remainder ≥ B Shift right B and subtract; enter 1 in Q Remainder < B; enter 0 in Q; shift right B Remainder ≥ B Shift right B and subtract; enter 1 in Q Remainder < B; enter 0 in Q Final remainder Figure 10-11Example of binary division

  16. Figure 10-12Example of binary division with digital hardware. Divisor B= 10001 B + 1 = 01111 E A Q SC Dividend: 01110 00000 5 shl EAQ 0 11100 00000 Add B +1 01111 E = 1 1 01011 Set Qn = 1 1 00101 00001 4 shl EAQ 0 10110 00010 Add B +1 01111

  17. Figure 10-13Flow chart for divide operation. Divide operation Dividend in AQ Divisor in B Divide magnitudes Qs← As Bs SC ← n - 1 Sh1 EAQ = 1 0 = E EA ← A+B+1 EA ← A + B + 1 A ← A + B + 1 = 1 = 0 E = 1 A < B E A ≥ B A ≥ B = 0 A < B EA ← A+B DVF ← 1 EA ← A+B DVF ← 0 Qn← 1 EA ← A + B SC ← SC - 1 ≠ 0 = 0 SC END Divide overflow END Quotient is in Q Remainder in A

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