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Considerations For Wong’s Model of Classroom Management

Considerations For Wong’s Model of Classroom Management. Dr. John F. vonEschenbach State University of West Georgia. Considerations For Wong’s Model. Discipline: It is a rule; It is a dare; It has to do with behavior; and It has consequences and rewards. Procedure: It is a do;

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Considerations For Wong’s Model of Classroom Management

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  1. Considerations For Wong’s Model of Classroom Management Dr. John F. vonEschenbach State University of West Georgia

  2. Considerations For Wong’s Model • Discipline: • It is a rule; • It is a dare; • It has to do with behavior; and • It has consequences and rewards. • Procedure: • It is a do; • It emphasizes action or doing; • It teaches responsibility; and • There are no consequences or rewards.

  3. Considerations For Wong’s Model • Student academic achievement correlates with the degree of teacher’s control and management of the classroom. • Teachers must have a plan, without it they are planning to fail. • Teach procedures repeatedly so they become routines. • Effective teachers manage a class (do-do-do); ineffective teachers discipline a class (stop-stop-stop).

  4. Considerations For Wong’s Model • Other important elements: • Don’t yell or scream at children; • Be proud of your professional status, display your credentials; • Personalize your classroom with displays of your personal life and the children’s life; • Steal good classroom management plans from other teachers and adapt it to meet your philosophy. • Students work; teachers teach.

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