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FWG in 2009 - 2012

FWG in 2009 - 2012. Indicative proposals. Present situation:. The FWG project during 2008 – 2009 financed by the EU WF (€400k) and DFID (€340k) Focused on two country WSS sector financing strategies (60 per cent of budget) Little flexibility. Proposed guiding principles for 2009 – 2012:.

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FWG in 2009 - 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FWG in 2009 - 2012 Indicative proposals

  2. Present situation: • The FWG project during 2008 – 2009 financed by the EU WF (€400k) and DFID (€340k) • Focused on two country WSS sector financing strategies (60 per cent of budget) • Little flexibility

  3. Proposed guiding principles for 2009 – 2012: • Focus on water, make no distinction between IWRM and WSS • Retain EUWI character • Revert to being a genuine working group • Continue the partnership with the OECD • Support innovative or experimental activities

  4. Possible new activities in 2009 - 2012 • Support EUWI/AWG country dialogues • Work closer with AMCOW – start with briefing on WSS financing strategies • Conduct workshops on water finance in collaboration with GWP • Explore issues in water pricing • Apply FEASIBLE methodology to IWRM • Enhance role of the private sector in WSS

  5. Next steps • 2009 transitional year • Appoint small advisory group • Work with AWG on country dialogues and contacts with AMCOW • Engage consultants to develop project concepts (water pricing, private sector, FEASIBLE/IWRM) • Start with financing workshops

  6. The End

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