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Mathodactyl Teaching Utility DeSign specification

Team Illusion Members: Nathan Vickers Stephen Schoenberger Joshua Dodson Philip Fahnestock. Mathodactyl Teaching Utility DeSign specification. Overview. Web interface that allows teacher remote access of learning system

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Mathodactyl Teaching Utility DeSign specification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Team Illusion Members: Nathan Vickers Stephen Schoenberger Joshua Dodson Philip Fahnestock MathodactylTeaching UtilityDeSign specification

  2. Overview • Web interface that allows teacher remote access of learning system • Provides a quick and easy way monitor students and make critical changes • Use MySQL database to pull information

  3. Data Design • Heart of the data is in the database that the website will communicate with • Listener and talker modules

  4. Architecture • Model-View-Controller architecture combined with components of an event-driven architecture • User events cause database actions which display results back to the user

  5. Example of MVC Architecture

  6. User Interface Design • Website built in HTML with CSS scripting • Viewable on any web capable platform • No special software (or hardware) • Login must occur to view/edit any data • Will be friendly and keep user in control of his/her situation within the system

  7. Testing Concerns • Classification’s of tests will include • Database testing • Layout/design testing of the website • Alpha and beta testing by teachers • Ensuring data is delivered in • A user friendly manner • No delay such that multiple users will not hamper the system

  8. Limitations • Reliable connection between the website and database must exist to ensure 24x7 uptime • Website must be secure and have secure connections to external entities (database and users)

  9. Questions?

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