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Explore the vast potential of positive institutions through Appreciative Inquiry. Discover how businesses can be agents of global benefit, linking sustainable value with corporate strategy and positive psychology principles. Learn more about creating positive impact in the world.
The Discovery and Design of Positive InstitutionsVia Appreciative Inquiry david cooperrider ************************************************************************************************************ *For Those Interested in more resources & learning opportunities with David Cooperrider please go to: 1. Appreciative Inquiry Certificate Program (next session Dec. 8-11th Longboat Key Florida) http://weatherhead.case.edu/executive-education/certificates/appreciative-inquiry/ 2. Leadership Deep Dive: http://weatherhead.case.edu/executive-education/programs/subjects/other/deepdive/ 3. Masters in Positive Organization Development--MPOD http://weatherhead.case.edu/academics/masters/positive-organizational-development/faculty.cfm 4. Masters in Applied Positive Psychology http://www.sas.upenn.edu/lps/graduate/mapp/ 5. Online Appreciative Inquiry Training http://www.ovationnet.com/ 6. Next (2009) World Appreciative Inquiry Conference– in Nepal: www.2009worldaiconference.org 7. Taos Institute www.taosinstitute.net/ 8. For hundreds of free tools, articles, power point slides see the “Appreciative Inquiry Commons” http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/ or email for in-house speaking requests: AICommons@case.edu
What An Exciting Time to Be Alive in This Field Points of Departure Early Pillars of Positive Psychology Question of Positive Institutions • Huge Research and Applied Potential • Powerful Business Case—Tenfold Increase • Appreciative Inquiry at Scale of the Whole Our Research Into: Business as an Agent of World Benefit • The Positive Psychology of Sustainability: • Eco-Renewal & Human Flourishing Image Placeholder
"Bankruptcy of the Soul of Our Institutions" Bankruptcy in the Soul of Business the unthinkable? unsinkable corporations; madoff ethics and loss of legitimacy; social and global environmental collisions The (way forward) unimaginable?
Business as an Agent of World Benefit--More Than 2,000 Interviews--173 of Published Profiles --see www.worldinquiry.org“Awe is What Moves Us Forward”
Sustainability Revolution in BusinessFertile Ground for the Study of Positive Institutions
Value is sustainable only when it is positive for shareholders and stakeholders fossil fuel ICE + Shareholder Value Sustainable Value Unsustainable (Value Transfer) Sustainable Value + + Stake-- holder Value -- Unsustainable (Lose/Lose) Unsustainable (Value Transfer) Chris Lazslo (2008) Sustainable Value.
How Do We Link Positive Psychology & Business?Positive Psychology With Corporate Strategy and Sustainable Value? Peterson and Seligman’s Classic Work: VIA VIA 2004
A Working Definition—Positive Institutions3 Circles of the Strengths Revolution Organizations, communities and societal “institutions” enabling: • the elevation and engagement of life-giving strengths, (2) the connected and combined magnification of collective strengths, and ultimately, (3) the refraction of our higher human strengths (e.g. VIA) outward into our world.
AI at the UN World Summit With Business and Industry CEOs and Civil Society Leaders
Global Forum Vision It’s a bright green economy Eradicated extreme poverty (equity) Powered through renewable energy Globally inclusive, dignified work Eliminated perverse incentives Markets “high information” and “aligned incentives” Rewards sustainable value and prosperity… Positive institutions: vigor; purpose; performance
Sustainability is the business opportunity of the 21st century. People. Planet. Prosperity. Task of Historic Magnitude “Positive Institutions” Chapter 1: How?
Appreciative Inquiry Involves a Shift “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
Identify problem Conduct root cause analysis Brainstorm and analyze possibilities Action plans most schools, companies, families and organizations function on an unwritten rule… “Let’s fix what’s wrong and let the strengths take care of themselves” --Gallop Poll Deficit Theory of Change Metaphor: Organizations are problems to be solved
Think about your last 6 meetings: How many of those meetings were convened to “solve the problem of…” ? Can you guess the “best seller” management book-- of all time?
Appreciate “Best of what is” Imagine “What might be” Design “What should be” Create “What will be” Identify problem Conduct root cause analysis Brainstorm solutions & analyze Develop treatment - action plans Problem Solving Appreciative Inquiry (Deficit-based change) (Strength-based change) Problem Metaphor: Organizations are “problems to be solved” Machines; Dilbert-like places of dysfunction. Mystery Metaphor: Organizations are alive, “appreciative systems” are universes of strengths via relationship
Peter Drucker and Our Conversation on “Ai”see Cooperrider (2003) Appreciative Inquiry Commons “The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths…making a system’s weaknesses irrelevant”. --Peter Drucker
Could it Be…Organization Change is All About Strengths? • Why would strength connected to strength…create change? • Its often been said that strengths perform, but how about the idea that…. strengths do more than perform, they transform? • What would it mean to create an entire change theory around strengths? Transformational positivity?
1. Elevate-and-Extend The Elevation of Inquiry into the appreciable world + The Extension of Relatedness Awe, Gratitude and Generosity 2. Broaden-And-Build Broadening of Minds Merging and Magnification of Resources Confidence and Positive Synchronization 3. Establish-and-Eclipse From Generosity to Generativity Vital Engagement: Courage, Significance, and Creativity Upward spiral of doing & undergoing Pro-fusion—stages & the idea of transformational positivityWhat Happens When Strength Connects to Strength? Hope with Hope?
The AI Summit • “Whole System” in the Room • Internal & External Stakeholders • Strategic Task-Driven Focus is Clear • Future Focus &Continuity Search • From Dialogue to Collaborative Design • 4-D’s Appreciative Intelligence • Common Ground Vision to Real Prototypes • 3 Day Event: 300 to 2000 Participants • Uncommon Action Results
Nutrimental FoodsThe Results One Year Later • Rodrigo Loures, CEO • 300 % Increase in Profitability • 75 % Decrease in Absenteeism • Appointment to President Lula’s Economic and Social Council • World Business Academy Award • Rise to Best 100 Companies in the Nation • Sustainability Leader
Why Does Experience of Wholeness… • Bring out the best in human beings? • Propel innovation? • New life? • Eclipse negative patterns? • So easy?
AI Summits: Three Ways to Understand Positive Profusion—What Do You Observe?
Did you notice the young sailor’s energy? An estimated $300 billion is lost in the US economy due to disengaged employees?
Business Impactand Research Results BUSINESS RESULTS: Navy: $2 Billion* “Winning the Battle for People” Trucking Company: Stock Follows Increasing Engagement Scores $14 to $41 *Testimony House Armed Services Committee 2004 WHY SO EASY? Vigor, Passion, System Engagement, Dedication Pipeline of Customer-focused Innovation/Speed 38 % Higher Productivity (Glavas 2009)
William James’ Call in 1902 The kind of change that happens… “when things are hot and alive within us, and where everything has to re-crystallize about it”(William James, 1902, p. 162).
James’ interest: The Fertile and Explosive Positivity that Changes Lives • Emotional occasions, especially violent ones, are extremely potent in precipitating mental rearrangements. The sudden and explosive ways in which jealousy, guilt, fear, remorse, or anger can seize upon one are known to everybody. Hope, happiness, security, resolve, emotions characteristic of conversion, however, can be equally explosive. And emotions that come in this explosive way seldom leave things as they found them (James, 1902, p. 163-164 ). • What to call “it”?
Positive Profusion—Three Observable Phases • Elevate-and-Extend • Broaden-And-Build • Establish-and-Eclipse Activation of Energy Establish and Eclipse Extension of Relatedness & Universal CapacityHigh Pro-Fusion of Strengths “Broaden and Build” Elevation and Extension of Inquiry Lo w Activation of Inquiry into “What Gives Life?” “Appreciable World” Initiating Advancing
Fairmount Minerals StoryBirth of the “Sustainable Design Factory”
External Stakeholders: Customers Suppliers NGO’s Neighbors/Communities Board of Directors Imagine 300—Three days Stakeholders—designing green products, services. Internal Stakeholders Operations Administration & Corporate Services Customer Service Engineering Logistics Quality Sales Technical Support / R&D Appreciative Inquiry Sustainability Summit Bringing the Whole System of Strengths Into the Room
The AI 4-D Cycle for Applied Positive Change Discovery “What gives life?” The best of what is. Appreciating Destiny “How to empower, learn, and improvise?” Sustaining Dream “What might be?” Envisioning Results/Impact Affirmative Topic Design “What should be – the ideal?” Co-constructing
Highlights • 40% Annual Growth in Earnings Past Two Years • 2007 US Chamber of Commerce’s #1 Corporate Citizenship Award • Community Partnership and Innovation • Emerging as Top Rated Star in the Industry • The Positive Psychology of Eco-Renewal
Fairmount Started with Appreciative Inquiry in 1990 With a Focus on Empowerment 40% CAGR Past Four Years
Engagement .61 .49 Perceived Corporate Citizenshipof the company High-Quality Connections .58 .29 .37 Creative Involvement “Hot off the Press” Research on Positive Institutions Glavas (2009) Case Western Reserve Univ. Ante.S.Glavas.1@nd.edu
A Question for You About the S-Revolution: Which organization will help save more lives in the next five years than any other— children, women, and men—who are picking cotton in toxic and chemically treated fields all over the world—fields that are so toxic that when you touch the cotton it feels like an electric jolt around your fingers?
It employs 1.9 million people • Its serves 138 million people per week. • It has approximately $350 billion in sales • It’s attracting the most brilliant and radical environmental minds e.g. Amory Lovins • It’s raising many eyebrows
Sustainability goals at To be supplied 100% by renewable energy • Stores 25% more efficient in 7 years • Fleet 25% more efficient in 3 years To create zero waste • 25% reduction in solid waste in 3 yrs • Improve packaging of every product sold To sell products that sustain our resources and the environment • 20% supply base aligned in 3 years Source: released in speech by Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott October 24, 2005
Sustainable Value… Design Networks Energy Waste Products
Implications of Packaging Eco- Innovation & People Turned On • Prevented millions of pounds of trash from reaching landfills • Across the supply chain, the initiative will save 667,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere • Equal to taking 213,000 trucks off the road annually, and saving 323,800 tons of coal and 66.7 million gallons of diesel fuel from being burned. “The packaging is renewable in 90 days instead of 9 million years”
Implications of Packaging Sustainable Value Innovation Broadening this initiative to 255 items in Toys: • This employee driven initiative saved 3,425 tons of corrugated materials • 1,358 barrels of oil annually • 5,190 trees • Millions of dollars in transportation costs
3 Circles of The Strengths Revolution Boeing Fairmount HP Interface Dealer Tire Toyota GMCR UN Navy Wal-Mart United Way Green City on Blue Lake, etc. PI “Ai”
"Bankruptcy of the Soul of Our Institutions" Two World’s “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…it was the spring of hope.” --Charles Dickens
What Matters Most in Ai?Our Inquiry Must Be the Change …We Want to See in the World!