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Barriers to Technology Transfer - Environmentally Sound Technologies and Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Dr Steve Halls Director International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC). IETC. IETC is based in Japan and has two offices – one Osaka and one in Shiga
Barriers to Technology Transfer - Environmentally Sound Technologies and Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol Dr Steve Halls Director International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC)
IETC • IETC is based in Japan and has two offices – one Osaka and one in Shiga • IETC’s Mandate is the promotion and transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) to developing countries and those with economies in transition
IETC • IETC’s activities assist decision makers in governments and other organizations by: • Identifying and solving environmental problems • Assessing and evaluating new technologies for adoption and use • Promoting and demonstrating environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) • Development of tools and techniques to assist in the identification, selection and use of appropriate ESTs
IETC • The Centre focuses on and integrates water and urban environmental issues by: • Raising awareness • Information exchange • Capacity building • Demonstration projects. • IETC’s Main Programmes areas are: • Energy and Water for Cities • Sustainable Buildings and Construction • Sustainable Transport • Integrated Waste Management • Tools: e-learning, EnRA and EnTA
EST’s • Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs)are technologies that have the • potential for significantly improved environmental performance relative to other technologies. • are less polluting, • use resources in a sustainable manner, • recycle more of their wastes and products, and • handle all residual wastes in a more environmentally acceptable way than the technologies for which they are substitutes.
EST’s • ESTs are not just individual technologies. They can also be defined as total systems that include know-how, procedures, goods and services, and equipment, as well as organizational and managerial procedures for promoting environmental sustainability.
EST’s & TNA - Activities • Regional Consultations/Workshops/Seminars • E-questionnaires/surveys • Databases – maESTro, ICPIC, SANet, Nett 21 • Knowledge Management & Sharing - “ESTIS” • Expert Meetings • International Seminar • Websites/Communities – “APREN”, “SARNEST” • Portals – “EMERALD”, “KEYSTONE”, “SAFFIRE” • Partners (Co-operation Centres) • UNEP • etc…
Summary - TNA, EST’s & Issues • Current efforts and established processes of technology transfer are not sufficient. • Decision-makers lack of ability to prioritize, identify and select ESTs. • Governments need to enact policies that lower costs and stimulate a demand for ESTs. • Need to integrate human skills, organisational development and information networks for effective technology transfer.
Summary - TNA & EST’s • Barriers to EST Transfer: • This is largely due to the inadequacy of information and decision support tools used to quantify and qualify the merits of ESTs and related investments. • The challenge is even greater in the context of developing countries, given the complexity of factors that influence and determine investment decisions.
Summary - TNA & EST’s • Barriers (contd) • Inadequacy of information and decision support tools represents a significant challenge • Lack of cooperation amongst governments, corporations and the financial community is needed for investments in ESTs to occur. • Governments, the private sector and citizens are not coordinated in their activities. • Lack of systems for collecting, synthesizing and feeding back information and knowledge on ESTs. These must be developed and maintained.
TNA & EST’s • What can be done? • Encourage the adoption and use of ESTs by use of both voluntary approaches and a regulatory framework that allows organizations to innovate and become environmentally responsible. • Clarification of existing environmental laws and regulations relating to technology transfer. • Coordination and harmonization with international programmes and initiatives on technology assessment and verification. • Develop “simple, easy-to-use’ risk management tools for the finance (including investors) sector.
TNA & EST’s • Reduction of significant gaps in the abilities of both information providers and information users. • Technology users and intermediaries could do a better job in selecting ESTs if they knew the range of information systems available and the quality, reliability and veracity of information they contain. • Technology providers could do a better job of promoting their ESTs if they were more familiar with the target audiences and the quality, reliability and veracity requirements of these information systems.
TNA & EST’s • Investments in ESTs and eco-efficient practices require transparent, credible information on which decisions can be based. • Well-defined, effectively applied critieria and guidelines for the identification and selection of ESTs are required • Technology performance assessment processes can encourage the adoption and use of ESTs. • Continuous review and improvement is essential for the creation of an effective system that is responsive to changing social, economic and political realities.
Priorities: EST’s • By raising public and private interest towards ESTs in developing countries, substantial progress could be made. • To guide this process, actions are needed nowin the following areas: • Defining what are ESTs (cf. Chapter 34, Agenda 21) • Development of criteria and guidelines on EST identification and selection • Development of environmental performance criteria and guidelines for ESTs • Establishment of EST Information and Knowledge sharing (regional) networks • Regional, national and local priorities, goals and objectives for the adoption and use of ESTs • Establishing an enabling financial environment to enhance the adoption and use of ESTs.
Thank you for your attention. IETC Website http://www.unep.or.jp