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Chapter 21

Chapter 21. Juvenile Justice. Introduction. Juvenile Delinquency – actions of a juvenile in violation of the criminal law. Juvenile Court – judicial tribunal having jurisdiction over minors defined as juveniles who are alleged to be status offenders or to have committed acts of delinquency.

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Chapter 21

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  1. Chapter 21 Juvenile Justice

  2. Introduction • Juvenile Delinquency – actions of a juvenile in violation of the criminal law. • Juvenile Court – judicial tribunal having jurisdiction over minors defined as juveniles who are alleged to be status offenders or to have committed acts of delinquency. • Truancy – staying away from required school attendance without permission. • Status of Offenses – noncriminal conduct on the part of juveniles that may subject juveniles to the authority of a juvenile court. • Waiver of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction – relinquishment by a juvenile court to allow prosecution of a juvenile in an adult court.

  3. Establishment of the Juvenile Justice System • Parens Patriae – role of the state as guardian of minors or other legally disabled people. • In Loco Parentis – in the place of parents.

  4. Juvenile Diversionary Programs • Diversion Programs – programs that attempt to divert the juvenile from the juvenile justice system. • Early Delinquency Intervention – form of pretrial diversion adapted to the juvenile justice system.

  5. Adjudication of Juvenile Offenses • Delinquency Petition – written document alleging that a juvenile has committed an offense and asking the court to hold an adjudicatory hearing to determine the merits of the petition. • Detention Hearing – proceeding held to determine whether a juvenile charged with an offense should be detained pending an adjudicatory hearing. • Adjudicatory Hearing – proceeding in juvenile court to determine whether a juvenile has committed an act of delinquency. • Juvenile Delinquency Hearing – juvenile court determines whether a juvenile should be found to be delinquent. Analogous to a criminal trial in the adult justice system.

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