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Life on Earth Kingdom Plantae Part II. Rhyniophyta and Lycopodiophyta. Cooksonia. Introduction. Sporophyte generation (2N) is the photosynthetic, conspicuous generation All members have evolved specialized tissues for water ( XYLEM ) and food ( PHLOEM ) conduction
Life on EarthKingdom PlantaePart II Rhyniophyta and Lycopodiophyta Cooksonia
Introduction • Sporophyte generation (2N) is the photosynthetic, conspicuous generation • All members have evolved specialized tissues for water (XYLEM) and food (PHLOEM) conduction • Groups continue to become better adapted to the terrestrial environment
PLANT KINGDOM “bryophytes” “vascular plants” “green algae” Evolutionary Lines
Psilophyton Aglaophyton early lycophytes Zosterophyllum Cooksonia Reconstructed Early Devonian Landscape
Phylum: Rhyniophyta • Known from fossils more than 400 million years old (all extinct today) • Sporophytes had no roots or leaves • Sporangia produced only one kind of spore (homosporous) • Example: • Rhynia (found in chert beds in England)
Phylum: Lycophyta • Plants with true roots and microphyllous leaves • Some species produce compacted sporophylls into a cone or strobilus • Some genera are homosporous (Lycopodium and Huperzia) others are heterosporous (Selaginella and Isoetes)
HOMOSPOROUS PLANTS gametophyte generation with archegonia AND antheridia (monoecious) spores or female gametophyte with archegonia dioecious gametophytes megaspores male gametophyte with antheridia HETEROSPOROUS PLANTS microspores Heterospory vs. Homospory
Lycopodium • Common in New England and the Great Lakes Region • Often used for Christmas decorations (evergreen) • Spores were once used as photographic flash powder
Selaginella • Species are heterosporous with microsporangia and megasporangia • Megaspores develop into female gametophytes • Microspores develop into male gametophytes • Large group with tropical, temperate and desert species
Selaginella striboli megasporangium microsporangium
Selaginella (sporangia) megasporangium microsporangium
Isoetes • Commonly known as “quillworts” • Each microphyllous leaf is a sporophyll, either a microsporophyll or a megasporophyll (heterosporous) • Stem is a fleshy “corm” • Often grow at the margins of ponds and lakes
Lepidodendron • Known as the fossil “scale tress” • Common forest giant of the CarboniferousPeriod • Helped to form present day coal deposits