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Prof . Jeong-Geun Kim Integrated Radar Systems Lab . Department of Electronic Engineering

전자회로 및 실험 1. OVERVIEW. Prof . Jeong-Geun Kim Integrated Radar Systems Lab . Department of Electronic Engineering Tel) + 82-2-940-5437 e-mail) junggun@kw.ac.kr. Contents. Introduction to the Course Course Learning Outcomes Class Schedule Grading Policy Experimental Reports

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Prof . Jeong-Geun Kim Integrated Radar Systems Lab . Department of Electronic Engineering

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  1. 전자회로 및 실험 1 OVERVIEW Prof. Jeong-Geun Kim Integrated Radar Systems Lab. Department of Electronic Engineering Tel) +82-2-940-5437 e-mail) junggun@kw.ac.kr

  2. Contents Introduction to the Course Course Learning Outcomes Class Schedule Grading Policy Experimental Reports Term Project 01 02 03 04 05 06

  3. Introduction to the Course (I) • 전자회로 및 실험 I • Lecture (1hr) / Experiment (3hrs) • Lecture • Friday (13:30 ~ 14:45) / Chambit Bldg. B105 • Experiment • Tuesday (15:00 ~ 19:00) / Bima Bldg. 601, 602 • Thursday (15:00 ~ 19:00) / Bima Bldg. 601, 602 • Friday (15:00 ~ 19:00) / Bima Bldg. 602 • Textbook • (Main) 전자회로실험-기초부터 심화까지– 이강윤 저 • (Sub) Microelectronic Circuits 6th Ed. – Sedra/Smith • (Sub) Electronic Lab – Nam-Young Kim

  4. Introduction to the Course (II) • Lecturer • Prof. Nam-yeong Kim, Prof. Ho-jong Park, Prof. Bok-ki Kim, Prof. Sang-shin Lee, Prof. Jeong-geun Kim • Info. of assistants

  5. T.A. Assignment • 보고서 수령은 파란색으로 표시된 책임조교의 office를(4페이지 참고) 방문해서 수령하면됨

  6. Course Learning Outcomes 2. Data Analysis (자료분석) • The abilities to analyze related major theories needed to perform experiment for electrical circuit and to apply the theories in experiments 3. Experiment performance (실험수행) • The abilities to understand the required devices of experiment performance and to analyze the characteristics of the devices 4. Basic design (설계기본) • The abilities to plan the experiment related to basic electronic circuits and perform the experiment 5. Teamwork (팀웍) • The abilities to do the role of team member to perform the experiment of basic electronic circuits 8. Communication (의사전달) • The abilities to communicate effectively through the various data, reports, and presentation for experiment performance 10. Continuing education (평생교육) • The abilities to understand rapidly changing technologies and instruments through this course and to recognize necessity of continuing education 13. Practical tools (실무도구) • The abilities to use the advanced experiment, design tools, and instruments needed to perform the experiment

  7. Course Schedule • Lecture will be given at Chambit Bldg. B105 every Friday. (13:30)

  8. Course Schedule (March)

  9. Course Schedule (April)

  10. Course Schedule (May)

  11. Course Schedule (June)

  12. Grading Policy *** Evaluation will be weighted as follows: By mixing relative and absolute evaluation • Attendance : 10 % • Truancy : -1 point per times (over 3 times : F) • Lateness : -0.5 point per times • Examination : 35 % • Midterm exam : 15 % • Based on the experimental theories from 2nd to 7th weeks • Date : 26th April (Chambit Bldg. B105) • Final exam : 20 % • Based on the experimental theories from 9th to 14th weeks • Date : 15th June or21th June (Chambit Bldg. B105) • Prelab Presentation : 5 % (Group evaluation) • Report : 30 % • Preliminary reports : 15 % • Result reports : 15 % • Term Project : 20 %

  13. Experimental Report (1) • General • Write “title of experiment” on the top of the page (1st sentence) • Submission date : before and after performing the experiment • Reclaim date : • Tuesday class → afternoon on Thursday • Thursday class → afternoon on Monday • Friday class → afternoon on Tuesday • Format of Preliminary Report • Volume : over 4 pages • Object : You should be aware what you need to perform any experiments. • Related theories : You must study knowledge and theory related with experiment to be performed. • Equipment and how to use : You should read equipment manual printed on the notebook. • Experimental process : You should be aware experimental process exactly described in the text book. • References : You should write all the materials used to prepare the report. • Simulation results by using PSpice

  14. Examples of Figures

  15. Experimental Report (2) • Format of Result Report • Volume : over 2 pages • Experimental results • Tables or graphs • Comparison of experimental, theoretical, and simulated results • By attaching a hand-calculated data • Consideration • Discussion about result data through the experiment • Analysis of the cause about failure of the experiment

  16. Report Check Lists • Figures should be large enough to be easily readable on a computer screen and on paper when printed out. • Figures should use a high enough resolution to be easily readable. • One space should be placed between all numbers and units. • Axes should be labeled with large lettering. • On axes labels, the units should be placed within “( )”, not within “[ ]” • A photograph of any component or circuit presented must be included. • All papers with theoretical contributions must have independent verification with measurement-based validation strongly preferred. • Authors should cite the most recent papers when comparing performance or characteristics of the circuit or technique to prior papers. • Instrument screen captures are not suitable for publication and the data should be replotted. • Whenever possible, theory and corresponding experimental results should be printed on the same graph for easy comparison.

  17. Prelab. Presentation • Prepare the presentation material in the group • The presenter will be selected randomly in the group • Presentation prelab within 10 minutes (  10 pages PPT including simulation results and experiment procedure)

  18. Term Project (1) • Perform the project in a group (3 person) • Topic : any subject related on microelectronic circuits including a multistage amplifier • Evaluation criteria • Completion(20%) • Difficulty(20%) • Role sharing between team members(12%) • Presentationand demonstration (20%) • Reports : Proposal and Final report (20%) • etc: point by voting of student participation (8%) • Schedule • 6th week: Submission and presenstaion of proposal • 15th week: • Final presentation and demonstration • Submission of final report

  19. Term Project (2) • Format of proposal • Amount : over 3 pages (A4 size) • Introduction : Object and necessity of the project • Design theory • Schedule • Role sharing between team members • Budget • References • Format of final report • Amount : over 4 pages (A4 size) • Abstract • Introduction : Object and necessity of the project • Design theory • Simulation results by using Pspice • Experimental results and discussions • Conclusion • Role sharing between team members • References

  20. Term Project (3) • Format of presentation • Object • Operating principle • Simulation results by using PSpice • Photographs of the fabricated devices and systems • Demo • Schedule • Role sharing between team members • Conclusion • References

  21. OrCAD 16.6 Lite Version Download (1) click click http://www.cadence.com/products/orcad/pages/downloads.aspx

  22. OrCAD 16.6 Lite Version Download (2)

  23. Honor Code 최근 듀크대 경영대학원의 MBA(경영학석사) 재학생 9명이 학교에서 쫓겨나게 됐다. 교수가 숙제로 내준 과제물이 서로 비슷하다는 게 화근(禍根)이었다. 학교에선 이런 부정 사례를 포착하고 정밀 조사한 결과 과제물을 베낀 것으로 간주했다. 남의 지적자산을 모방한데 대해 엄벌을 내린 것이다. 듀크대가 자리 잡은 이 곳 노스캐롤라이나주 채플힐의 현지 언론에선 신문 방송 할 것 없이 듀크대 생들의 이번 사건을 대대적으로 보도했다. 이번에 대학으로부터 추방 조치를 당한 이들 9명은 공교롭게도 모두 아시아계 출신이라는 공통점을 갖고 있다. 미국 대학생들도 연루됐지만 상대적으로 가벼운 처벌을 받았다. 일부에서는 이번 사건을 동 서양의 문화적 배경의 차이에 따른 것으로 해석하는 의견도 나왔다. 어쨌든 퇴교 조치까지 당한 상황은 그만큼 사안을 중요하게 본다는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. UNC 러닝센터의 아카데믹 어드바이저인 프랭크 케슬러씨가 들려준 아너 코드에 대한 일화 한 토막. 자신이 고등학교에서 가르쳤을 때 과제물을 낸 두 학생의 리포트가 유사하다는 점을 발견하고 두 학생을 불러 추궁했다고 한다. 알고 보니 인터넷에서 다른 사람의 논문 등을 인용한 것이었는데 공교롭게도 두 학생이 동시에 베낀 것이었다. 케슬러 씨에게 각각 불려간 두 학생 중 한 학생은 인터넷에서 베낀 사실을 실토했지만 다른 한 학생은 끝까지 버티고 자기의 독창적인 생각이었다고 주장했다. 학교 측은 자신의 잘못을 실토한 학생에게는 경고조치를 내린 반면 끝까지 표절 행위를 인정하지 않은 학생에겐 퇴교조치를 취했다고 한다.

  24. 실험조 편성

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