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Russia: Pre-WWI

Explore the governance of pre-WWI Russia under Tsarist rule, from Ivan the Terrible to the Crimean War, including reforms under Alexander II and the Russian Revolution. Delve into the Grand Duchy of Moscow, absolute monarchy, and the pivotal role of the Romanov Dynasty. This comprehensive guide by Lucy Hardman, Sophie Kaufman, Taylor Cotie-Mullenger, and Margaret Campbell offers insights into the Winter Palace, Ivan the Terrible's reign, and the turbulent events leading up to the Bolshevik takeover in October 1917.

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Russia: Pre-WWI

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Russia: Pre-WWI By: Lucy Hardman, Sophie Kaufman, Taylor Cotie-Mullenger and Margaret Campbell

  2. Contents • Governing Structures – Tsarist Rule • Ivan The Terrible • Peter & Catherine The Great • Crimean War • Reforms under Alexander II • Russian Revolution The Winter Palace built under Peter the Great

  3. Governing Structure • Grand Duchy of Moscow (1263-1547) • A combination of democracy and aristocracy • Tsars • Absolute monarchy • Appointed own officials

  4. Ivan the Terrible1547-1584 • First Tsar of Russia • Spread terror throughout Russia • Exiled subjects to Siberia • Army killed in his name • Left Russia in uncertain state • Near economic collapse after Livonion War • Tried expanding into Europe

  5. Crimean War1853-1856 • Russia vs. British, France, Ottoman Empire • Russia expanding into Ottoman Empire • Surrendered after loss of Austrian support • Treaty of Paris still left unsettled relations

  6. Russian Revolution - February 1917 • During this period, Czar Nicholas II abdicated, leaving a Provisional Government in power. • A series of strikes, and the shutting-down of almost every factory and enterprise. • Petrograd, the capital, was the focus of attention. • Left most of the army in a state of mutiny. Nicholas II, shortly after abdicating. (March 1917)

  7. Russian Revolution - October 1917 • Bolsheviks, Lead by Lenin, overthrew the Provisional government in Petrograd. • Appointed themselves leaders of govt. ministries & seized control of the countryside. • White army (Liberal and monarchist) went to war against the Red army (Bolsheviks) Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevik leader

  8. Romanov Dynasty

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