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Canadian Marketing The Shape of Things to Come The transformation of Canadian marketing....and CMA. John Gustavson President & Chief Executive Officer Canadian Marketing Association CMA Ottawa Luncheon September 28, 2010. CMA Vision and Mission (pre May 2010). VISION
Canadian Marketing The Shape of Things to Come The transformation of Canadian marketing....and CMA John Gustavson President & Chief Executive Officer Canadian Marketing Association CMA Ottawa Luncheon September 28, 2010
CMA Vision and Mission(pre May 2010) VISION The Canadian Marketing Association will be the pre-eminent marketing association in Canada for all marketing disciplines, channels and technologies. The Association will accomplish this by being a broad-based, well-funded and responsible organization that is the marketing community’s leading: • advocate, manager and authority on key public policy issues affecting marketers; • provider of knowledge, leading-edge marketing intelligence and professional development opportunities; and • catalyst for networking and business opportunities within the marketing community. MISSION To create an environment which fosters the responsible growth of marketing in Canada by: • Representing the interests of our members on key issues; • a) Taking a leadership role in identifying, planning for and reacting to issues affecting marketing in Canada and,b) Influencing and shaping policy initiatives which impact marketing, through education of government, media, special interest groups and the public; • Establishing and promoting ethical standards of practice for marketing and to take an active role in ensuring compliance; • Promoting integrity and high standards of business conduct among our members in the interests of consumers and each other; • Being a major source of knowledge, marketing intelligence and professional development; and • Providing opportunities for members to meet, network, exchange information and do business together. ÉNONCÉ DE VISION L’Association canadienne du marketing sera la principale association canadienne de professionnels représentant l’intégration et le regroupement de tous les créneaux et toutes les disciplines et technologies du marketing. L’Association atteindra cet objectif en devenant une organisation qui sera composée d’un grand nombre de membres, disposera d’un financement suffisant et s’affirmera aux titres suivants : • représentante, gestionnaire et autorité relativement aux grands enjeux liés à la politique publique qui ont une incidence sur les mercaticiens; • fournisseur d’information, spécialiste de l’échange de connaissances nouvelles et agent facilitant l’exploitation des possibilités commerciales; • enfin, catalyseur du maillage professionnel et des créneaux commerciaux parmi les professionnels du marketing. ÉNONCÉ DE MISSION Créer un milieu qui stimule la croissance responsable du marketing au Canada en s’appuyant sur les mesures suivantes: • représenter les intérêts de nos membres dans les débats entourant les enjeux d’importance; • a) assumer le leadership aux chapitres de l’identification, de la planification et de la réaction devant les questions qui ont une incidence sur le marketing au Canada;b) influencer et formuler les politiques qui auront une incidence sur l'industrie, grâce à la sensibilisation du gouvernement, des médias et du public; • définir et favoriser des normes de pratique en ce qui concerne le marketing et en assumant un rôle actif dans la vérification du respect de ces normes; • favoriser l'intégrité et des normes de déontologie rigoureuses auprès de nos membres, dans le meilleur intérêt des consommateurs et des parties intéressées; • être l’une des principales sources de connaissances, d'information et de perfectionnement des compétences dans le domaine du marketing; • enfin, offrir à nos adhérents la possibilité de se rencontrer, d'établir des liens, d'échanger de l'information et de traiter des affaires entre eux.
New CMA Vision (May 2010) We champion Marketing as a key driver of business success. Nous préconisons le Marketing en tant que moteur-clé en matière de réussite commerciale.
New CMA Mission (May 2010) Shaping the future of Marketing in Canada by: • Creating a marketplace for Marketing to succeed; • Ensuring the strategic role of Marketing within organizations; • Building great Marketers and exceptional business leaders. Façonner l'avenir du Marketing au Canada en: • Créant un marché propice au succès du Marketing; • Assurant le rôle stratégique du Marketing au sein des entreprises; • Formant des Mercaticiens hors pair et des leaders d'affaires exceptionnels.
The last decade • Challenging times for everyone • Y2K millennium bug • September 11, 2001 • The recession and the corporate hangover
The last decade • The collective functions of marketing have been fragmented throughout the organization • Marketers today are often seen as the tacticians • Marketers need to evolve their role and enhance their value to the organization Source: TMG International – September 2010
The last decade • Customer shift from monologue to dialogue • Nearly 2 out of 3 consumers (64%) have made a first purchase from a brand because of a digital experience • No other medium has so impacted -- or altered -- the traditional marketing funnel this way Source: TMG International – September 2010 Radical changes in waywe interact with consumers
Internet growth Source: www.internetworldstats.com
Explosion in digital communications • Web marketing • Social media • Behavioural marketing • Mobile marketing
Web marketing • Simple websites have morphed into ecommerce platforms, leading to growth in online marketing and sales • Global business environment for business – anytime, anywhere • Global competition for products and services
Behavioural marketing High level of consumer discomfort with the idea of tracking, despite industry reassurances that information is anonymous Don’t monitor my behaviour – it’s none of your business!
Behavioural marketing Interest-based marketing
Mobile marketing • Consumers spend an average of 2.7 hours on the mobile Internet daily – connecting socially, managing their personal finances and advocacy • Immediacy primary factor driving behaviour of both marketers and consumers • Men look at prices • Women buy • Youth are the key target for mobile retailers Source: Ruder Finn – February 2010
Mobile marketing • Huge potential for business if managed properly • By 2012, the global mobile marketing market, including mobile advertising, smart posters and mobile coupons will exceed $8 billion annually Juniper Research – May 2010
CMA Mobile Marketing Task Force • Determine how mobile channel can be best integrated into overall marketing mix • Deliverables: • Scorecard for marketers • Best practices to be incorporatedin CMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
The last decade – regulation of the marketplace • New consumer protection laws • Private-sector privacy legislation • National Do-Not-Call Registry • Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act (FISA)
Canadian Marketing The shape of things to come
The shape of things to come • Trends • Very complex marketing environment • Proliferation of new media and new technologies that has led to the multi-channel universe • Virtually impossible to manage brand with one central media • The empowered consumer – they control choice and experience • Profound impact of control over branding • Who controls the brand?
The shape of things to come • Trends • Very complex marketing environment • Inter-connectivity – monologue consumer dialogue • “Always on” and “always on us” society makes possibilities for marketers seem almost limitless (CMA Leadership Paper) • Who can predict what will be next given explosion in new technologies over the past decade?
The shape of things to come • Trends • Demographic shift • Multi-cultural mosaic in Canada • Marketing challenges • Profiling someone based solely on their ethnicity • Segmenting someone who exists in many buckets • Baby boomers are retiring • Larger and different demographic group than previous seniors (CMA Leadership Paper)
The shape of things to come • Trends • Global competition will intensify • New markets will grow by leaps and bounds • World with a new middle class market of a billion people or more driven largely by the Internet • Canadian business must think bigger and act quickly to take advantage of global opportunities (CMA Leadership Paper – Marketing on a Global Scale)
The shape of things to come • Threats to marketing • More regulation and restrictions • Electronic commerce -- FISA • PIPEDA review • Amendments to PIPEDA • Clarifying consent requirements • The Do Not movement
Adaptable Flexible Constant learning Well-rounded Your jobs will be very different in 5 or 6 years Be prepared to be surprised
Canadian Marketing The Shape of Things to Come The transformation of Canadian marketing....and CMA John Gustavson President & Chief Executive Officer Canadian Marketing Association CMA Ottawa Luncheon September 28, 2010