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To Law 2.0 and Beyond The Shape of Things to Come

To Law 2.0 and Beyond The Shape of Things to Come. Jeffrey W.Carr FMC Technologies. Or. Or. But Decline as % of Sales. Total Legal Expenses Increased -- Now Trending Down. Performance Benchmarking. Our Vision. We are not lawyers.

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To Law 2.0 and Beyond The Shape of Things to Come

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Presentation Transcript

  1. To Law 2.0 and BeyondThe Shape of Things to Come Jeffrey W.Carr FMC Technologies

  2. Or ... Or ...

  3. But Decline as % of Sales Total Legal Expenses Increased -- Now Trending Down

  4. Performance Benchmarking

  5. Our Vision • We are not lawyers. • We are business people with legal training forged into a cohesive legal team committed to the success of FMC Technologies through focused effectiveness, relentless efficiency, constant improvement, creative disruption and unyielding integrity.                              

  6. Our 1º Law™ Tool Box • Integrated matter management – Serengeti • Performance based pay – ACES • Early case assessment – Decision Pro • Streamlining process – P-Card, Serengeti, Sharepoint • Driving Performance – Meaningful metrics & Snapshot • Delivery/Execution – Project & monthly MPR • Leveraging internal knowledge – Sharepoint • Leveraging external knowledge – Legal On Ramp • Leveraging resources – “Cook Book”; Guidelines • Leveraging time/space – Webex; Telepresence • Continuous Improvement – L2A2

  7. The Matrix

  8. Avoid Lessons Learned Manage/Resolve Efficiently The Circle

  9. The Arrow Healing Denial Anger Resignation Acceptance Anarchy: Old style, silos, rules don’t apply to law Cost focus: Supply chain management Cost Focus: Reduce number of firms Aggregated buy Value Focus: Alliances, Partnering Best practices Value Extraction: Leverage

  10. The Atom

  11. The Pyramid and the Funnel $ Partners vs. Associates Document Processors Volume Centric Focus on Hours or $/page Value Centric Focus on leverage or key info

  12. The Arrow – Redux Marginal costs of delivery reduce Bespoke Standardised Systematised Packaged Commoditised Commodity pricing, tending towards zero Fixed fees Hourly billing Source: R Susskind – “The End of Lawyers?”

  13. Customer/Client In-house counsel Lawfirm 1 Lawfirm 2 Experts Legal Content/ Research Provider Professional Service Providers Fact Holders The Cloud

  14. The Matrix Revisited

  15. Recent Future Risked Risked Hourly Rates/ Efficiency Expectations Hourly Rates No Budget Implications Budgets with Implications Fixed Fees Budgets with Implications Fixed Fees The Pyramid – Stacked AFA’s

  16. Variable (aka Non-Transformational) Discounts Blended Rates Freezing Rates Budgets w/o Implications The AFA Table • Value (aka Transformational) • Fixed Fees • Budgets with Implications • Risk Sharing • Efficiency Expectations

  17. The Arrow -- Again

  18. The FMC Litigation Value Challenge

  19. The Challenge – Phase I

  20. The Challenge – Phase 2

  21. The Challenge – Phase 3 • 33 firms invited to use Twitter and send a “Tweet” • 140 characters or less • What makes you different? • Why should we meet you? • 16 firms invited to “Wow not Woo” Face of Face Meetings • Format up to firm • Memorable moments • Poem • Video of the making of the tweet • Role play of intake meeting • Process mapping

  22. The Decision • The Team • Beirne Maynard • Fulkerson • Littler • Seyfarth • Summit • Sutherland • Valorem • Womble • The Structure (TBD) • Plan A • JV to leverage capability • Plan B • Shark Tank (mini-RFPs)

  23. Your Future This? Or This?

  24. “If you dislike Change, you’re going to dislike Irrelevance even More.”US Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Eric Shinseki

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