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THE REACTIVE STREAM STABILIZATION (RS2) RESEARCH. Knowledge by Dr. Chester Watson, Dr. David Biedenharn, & Dr. Ken Carlson. Drawings by Dave Derrick. Presentation Overview. Environmental significance Objectives of project Reactive Stream Stabilization Structures
THE REACTIVE STREAM STABILIZATION (RS2) RESEARCH Knowledge by Dr. Chester Watson, Dr. David Biedenharn, & Dr. Ken Carlson. Drawings by Dave Derrick
Presentation Overview • Environmental significance • Objectives of project • Reactive Stream Stabilization Structures - Denitrification, Phosphorus Removal - Field study description and construction • Preliminary lab results • Proposed full-size test site, Ellicott, MS
The Gulf of Mexico "Dead Zone", or hypoxic zone, covers 7,000 sq. miles at times during the summer Current estimates suggest that three times as much nitrogen is being carried into the Gulf today compared with levels 30 years ago Problem:Eutrophication Figure and information from National Center for Appropriate Technology
Erosion can destroy the riparian zone and lower the water table Compromised riparian zones result in an increase in sediment and nutrient transport Agricultural Hydrology stream bank water table stream
For Mississippi River watershed…[1] Annual N losses in surface runoff range from 1- 50 kg/ha, depending largely on the amount of sediment lost Annual N losses through leaching into subsurface drains ranges from 2- 130 kg/ha Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorus (P) • Manure and fertilizer are applied based on crop N requirements – 2 to 3 times excess P • Phosphate pollution is the major cause of algae blooms in many lake waters in the Mississippi Basin (limiting nutrient) • Erosion is the major P transport mechanism – transport during surface runoff events
Primary Objective = Minimize bank erosion Secondary Benefit =Reduce N and P loads Objectives of Project Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection (LPSTP) Passive Reactive Barrier Field Demonstration Study: Reactive stream stabilization (RS2) structure
Denitrification NO3- N2 (g) Carbon source (sawdust) Saturated (anaerobic) Phosphorus removal Alum based water treatment residuals (WTR) Anaerobic Reaction Zone • Ratio of… • sawdust (20 vol %) • coarse sand (35%) • silt sand (35%) • native soil (10%) • Ratio of… • sawdust (19 vol %) • coarse sand (33%) • silt sand (33%) • native soil (10%) • WTR (5%)
CSU Lab test layout A: Denitrification B: Control C: Denit./P removal Irrigation/ Fertilization
Research Monitoring & Analysis • Hydrolab used to measure DO, ORP, temp, conductivity, turbidity & pH • Lab measurement of ortho-P, NO3-N, TOC, alkalinity and NH3-N
FIELD LAB EXPERIMENTS AT COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY • Four field cells (one control), 3 reactive amendments • 1) Organic matter (sawdust) • Denitrification • Biodegradation of pesticides • 2) Water treatment residual (Al) • Adsorption of P • 3) Zero valent iron (ZVI) • Abiotic reduction of pesticides, nitrate • Biodegradation of pesticides
Colorado State Field Lab Nitrogen Removal Results
Colorado State Field Lab Phosphorus Removal Results
Colorado State Field Lab - Conclusions • Organic amendment (sawdust) to a RS2 structure significantly enhances nitrate removal relative to soil-only. • Water treatment residual (WTR) amendments significantly reduces P release to a stream. • Commonly used pesticides can be removed with zero valent iron (ZVI) as an amendment although atrazine removal appears limited abiotically. • Additional research is focusing on the role of biodegradation with mature ZVI & WTR systems
Sources Cited • Downing, John A. 1999. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Land and Sea Interactions. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Ames, IA. 44 p. • Pionke, H.B., Gburek, W.J., Sharpley, A.N., and Zollweg, J.A. 1997. Hydrologic and chemical controls on phosphorus losses from catchments. Phosphorus Loss to Water from Agriculture. C.A.B.I., Cambridge, p. 225-242.
Landowner is Cannon Kirk, phone 662-226-3632. Location: Exit I-55 @ Elliott, go east on Camp McCain Rd., after 4-6 miles turn right (east) on Hayward Rd., it is the first bend upstream of the first bridge.
Aerial view with approximate research project trench test location in yellow & control section (trench not dug) in pink. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE FROM RED HEN VIDEO
RS2 CONSTRUCTION @ LITTLE BOGUE, ELLIOTT, MS. Dig a trench approximately 1 ft wide, 4 feet deep & 150 feet long. 1) Mark alignment of trench 2) Stage chemical and mulch along trench 3) Using backhoe with 1 ft wide bucket, dig small section of trench & backfill with a mix of 20% Aluminum Sulfate (by volume), 20% Eucalyptus mulch (carbon by volume), & the remainder native material from trench. 4) Move backhoe to next section and repeat dig/backfill procedure until half of the trench length (75 ft) has been constructed. 5) Method is the same for the next 75 ft but adventitious rooting poles will be put in the trench , then the trench will be backfilled. Vegetated test plots of Willow, Sycamore, & River Birch will each be 25 ft long. 6) Install monitoring wells up-gradient and down-gradient of trench to analyze nitrogen and phosphorous removal.
Trench was backfilled with materials to provide a reactive barrier to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Organic matter (OM) was added as a carbon (C) source which is required to sustain the microbial denitrification reaction the removes N. Alum (aluminum sulfate – Al2SO4) was added as a precursor to the formation of aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3), a precipitate that effectively and strongly adsorbs P from water. Organic matter in the form of eucalyptus mulch was added within a target volume fraction range of 15-20% v/v. The type and range of OM has been optimized in the lab. Alum was added to achieve a weight fraction of aluminum (Al) in the trench of 1.8-2.0% w/w. The Al weight fraction is the key design parameter for P removal and the range chosen has been studied extensively at bench and pilot scale.
THE PLAN Drawings by Dave Derrick
Corn field in 2007, Cotton field in 2008 RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS Good native vegetation on floodplain bench & bank Existing condition of floodplain landward of existing LPSTP – flow is toward the viewer
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS On the narrow mid-bank bench (average width 8-10 ft, approx. 8 ft above the streamside floodplain bench), a trench a bucket wide (1.0 ft) was dug to a depth of 4 ft. This should intercept a large percentage of shallow groundwater.
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS There is a 75 ft long control section (nothing done, no trench, just monitoring instruments), and a 150 ft long test trench section. Within the downstream 75 ft of the test trench, three 25 ft-long test plots of adventitious rooting poles of Black Willow, Sycamore, & River Birch were placed, spacing varied from 1 to 2 ft.
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS For the test section shovels were used to backfill the trench with a mix of 20.2% (by volume) Aluminum Sulfate, 18.7% mulch, and the remainder native material from the trench. This also effectively planted the live poles to a depth of 4 ft.
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS Monitoring instruments determine performance of the control and planted & not planted test sections. Instruments at different depths will determine if some groundwater is bypassing the test trench.
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS According to the CSU laboratory tests, the Aluminum Sulfide and carbon (mulch) should greatly reduce the Nitrogen & Phosphorus load to the stream.
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS - aerial view Existing LPSTP Little Bogue Floodplain bench formed by suspended sediment from the stream that was deposited landward of the LPSTP. Tall bank Active rotating crop field - Cotton or Corn
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS - aerial view Flow 75 ft long control section-trench not dug Footprint of RS2 test trench-150 ft long Steep sloped bank Small active gullies at edge of top bank were repaired during this effort
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS - aerial view Flow Within the downstream 75 ft of the test trench, three 25 ft-long test plots of adventitious rooting poles of Black Willow, Sycamore, & River Birch were placed, spacing varied from 1 to 2 ft. Small active gullies at edge of top bank were repaired during this effort
RS2 Test Site: Little Bogue, Elliott, MS - aerial view 200 ft Install instrumentation to monitor long-term project performance.
Looking US @ the project bend, Little Bogue, Elliott, MS. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Looking US @ the project bend, Little Bogue, Elliott, MS. Existing Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection &, floodplain bench Flow PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Looking US @ entrance conditions into project bend. Note floodplain bench, & mid-bank bench where the test will occur. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Looking US @ the mid-bank bench where the test trench will be conducted. Control area in pink, test trench location in yellow. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Looking landward from the LPSTP. Arrows show bench where 4 ft deep test trench will be dug. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Top bank above test trench area. Cotton field to right, pine tree buffer between stream & cotton field PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Looking DS @ trench location on mid-bank bench. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 4-2-08
Looking DS @ pine tree buffer to left & test bench-floodplain bench area to right. Note lush growth. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 11-19-08
Looking DS. Note lush growth on floodplain bench. Willow, River Birch, and Sycamore will be harvested from there. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 11-19-08
Looking DS. Test trench will be on mid-bank bench. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 11-19-08
Looking US. Test trench will be just US from Biedenharn PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 11-19-08
Harvesting cotton on top bank. PRE-PROJECT - RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 11-19-08
Design concept of Reactive Stream Stabilization (RS2) on Little Bogue 1ft 4ft From Drs. Dave Biedenharn & Chester Watson
The tracked mini excavator & Bobcat skid-steer with auger CONSTRUCTION-RS2 PROJECT-LITTLE BOGUE PIX BY DAVE DERRICK 11-19-08