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U N I T 1 9 E X P E R I C E N C E S. R e v i s i o n. A: What are these pieces of paper? (Aslı tear my Maths project) B: Aslı HAS TORN my Maths project. A: Why are you crying? What’s the matter? (I just spill fruit juice on my project)
U N I T 1 9E X P E R I C E N C E S R e v i s i o n
A: What are these pieces of paper? (Aslı tear my Maths project) B: Aslı HAS TORN my Maths project. • A: Why are you crying? What’s the matter? (I just spill fruit juice on my project) B: I HAVEjustSPILT fruit juice on my project. • A: There are red spots everywhere, Daddy. (you have measles) B: Oh! You HAVE HAD measles. • A: My leg hurts a lot. (an insect sting it) B: An insect HAS STUNG it.
A: Where is the nurse? (she take my temperature yet) B: She HAS not TAKEN my temperature YET. • A: Your leg is bleeding! (a dog bite it) B: A dog HAS BITTEN it. • A: Are you hungry? (No, I just eat something) B: No, I HAVE just EATEN something. • A: Would you like to drink something? (I drink a lot today) B: No, thank you. I HAVE DRUNK a lot today.
A: Are you going to buy a new computer? (No, I already have one) B: No, I HAVE already HAD one. • A: Your daughter has a flushed face.(she have measles) B: I know she HAS HAD measles. • A: I can’t see Rüveyda in the class. (she come yet) B: She HAS not COMEyet, sir. • A: I have a terrible stomachache. (you eat a lot of etli ekmek) B: That’s normal. You HAVE EATEN a lot of “etli ekmek”.
A: Is Leyla still in the bed? (she get up yet) B: Unfortunalely yes, She HAS not GOT up YET. • A: Is there a message for me? (someone just leave it) B: Yes, someone HAS just LEFT it. • A: Do you like bungee jumping? (Yes, I try it a lot) B: Yes, I HAVE TRIED it a lot. • A: And you? (No, I try it yet) B: No, I HAVE not TRIED it YET. • A: Is there an interesting news today? (I read the paper yet) B: I HAVE not READ the paper YET.
A: Where are the teachers? They are late. (they have a meeting) B: They HAVE HAD a meeting, I think. • A: What is your English mark? (our teacher read the papers yet) B: I don’t know. Our teacher HAS not READ the papers YET. • A: Whose car is it, over there? (my father change his old car) B: My father HAS CHANGED his old car. It is our car. • A: Why are you so happy? (I win the lottery) B: Because I HAVE WON the lottery.
A: Is The Netherlands a nice country? (I be there twice) B: Yes, it is. I HAVE BEEN there twice • A: We can’t have a picnic today. Everywhere is wet. B: Yes, It HAS RAINED a lot. • A: Why is everything on the table? (we just clean the cupboard) B: We HAVE just CLEANED the cupboard. • A: The road is closed. Do you know why? (the flood destroy it) B: Yes, The flood HAS DESTROYED it. (It rain a lot)
A: Emre is a very lucky person. • B: Why is he? (he just find a wallet) • A: Because he HAS just FOUND a wallet. • A: Look! There is a teddy bear there.(someone forget it) • B: Oh yes, someone HAS FORGOTTEN it. • Teacher: Where is your homework? (we have guests) • Student: I am sorry because we HAVE HAD guests.
: give a hand : give ALİ a hand : give HIM a hand = help : matter : What is the matter? : What is the matter WITH you? • Yardım etmek • Ali’ye yardım et • Ona yardım et • Give a hand • Problem, sorun • Problem nedir? • Sorunun ne?
Measles is a contagious disease. Kızamık bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır. • Ihave told you this five times today. Bugün bunu sana beş kez söyledim. • She HAS WATCHED that film twice. O filmi iki kez seyretti. • A: Do you know that man? (I never see him before) B: I HAVE never SEEN him before.
HOW LONG will it take to go there? Oraya gitmek ne kadar sürer? • HOW LONG will it take to finish your homework? Ödevini bitirmen ne kadar zaman alır? • A: You look terrible. (I just take an exam) B: I HAVE just TAKEN an exam.
Verb 3 woken • thought • left • forgotten • flown • hurt • rung • come • caught • slept • Verb 1 Verb 2 • Wake woke • Think thought • Leave left • Forget forgot • Fly flew • Hurt hurt • Ring rang • come came • Catch caught • Sleep slept
R E L A T I V E C L A U S E - W H O • Someone who is crying • Someone who is sleeping • Someone who has a car • Somebody who teaches • Somebody who lives in Kastamonu • Somebody who answers any questions Ağlamakta olan birisi Uyumakta olan birisi Arabası olan birisi Öğreten birisi Kastamonu’da yaşayan birisi Her soruyu cevaplayan birisi
“Ağlamakta olan kişiler” “Ağlayanlar” • The people who are crying • Those who are crying • The students who have long hair • Those who have long hair • There is someone who can help you. • Is there ANYONE who can help you? • There is somebody who can cook for us. • Is there ANYONE who can cook for you? “Uzun saçlara sahip öğrenciler” “Uzun saçlara sahip olanlar” (?) (?)
İster misiniz? Benden ister misiniz? • WOULD you LIKE? : • Would you like ME : • Would you like ME to help you? Size yardım etmemi ister misiniz? • Would you like me to do your homework? Ödevinizi yapmamı ister misiniz? • Would you like me TO OPEN the door? Kapıyı açmamı ister misiniz?
Kaçınmak hastalıklardan kaçınmak Kaçınabilir miyiz? Hastalıklardan kaçınabilir miyiz? Hastalıklardan nasıl kaçınabiliriz? • Avoid: • Avoid illnesses: • Can we avoid: • Can we avoid illnesses? • How can we avoid illnesses?
TIPS: ipuçları, tüyolar • Tips TO AVOID illnesses: hastalıklardan kurtulmak için ipuçları • Before or after you have your meal; WASH your hands. • Before you eat fruit, WASH them.
Yaptınız mı?, gittiniz mi?, gördünüz mü?, yediniz mi?, izlediniz mi? Türünden genel sorular PRESENT PERFECT TENSE “Yakın geçmiş zamanda” te sorulur. • Ancak detaylarSIMPLE PAST “Geçmiş zamanda” ta sorulur. • HAVE you EVER: Hayatınızda hiç. ŞİMDİYE KADAR • Have you EVER VISITED Anıtkabir? Hayatınızda hiç Anıtkabir’i ziyaret ettiniz mi? • WhenDID you visit? • WhoDID you go with?
HAVEyouEVER EATEN Mexican food? • Hayatınızda hiç Meksika yemeği yediniz mi? • Where DID you eat? • When DID you eat? • What DID you eat? • Was it nice? Nerede yediniz? Ne zaman yediniz? Ne yediniz? Güzel miydi?
HAVE you EVER FALLEN off a horse? • Hayatınızda hiç attan düştünüz mü? • When DID you fall off? • Where DID you fall off? • How DID you fall off? • Why DID you fall off? Ne zaman düştünüz? Nerede düştünüz? Nasıl düştünüz? Niçin düştünüz?
A: Why is this room so cold? (the children break the window) • B: Because the children HAVE BROKEN the window. • A: You look different today honey. (I dye my hair) • B: Yes, I HAVE DYED my hair. • A: Can you control my term paper, sir? (you finish it?) • B: HAVE you FINISHED it? • A: You look terrible. What is the matter? (I not sleep well) • B: I HAVE not SLEPT well.
BE ALLOWED TO: izin verilmek • You can go there. • = you are allowed togo there. • They can eat something. • = They are allowed toeat something. • She can go to bed late. • = She is allowed togo to bed late. • We can use his computer. • = We are allowed touse his computer. • A: They all look exhausted. (they walk around all day) • B: I know. They HAVE WALKED around all day).
yarışma bir ada ıssız bir ada ıssız bir adaDA ıssız bir adada kalmak izin verilmek izin verilmek • A competition : • An island : • A deserted island : • ON a deserted island : • Stay on a deserted island • Be allowed to : • (am, is, are) allowed to : • They can go there. (be allowed to) = They ARE allowed togo there.
kazanmak kazanan kişi yarışma yarışmacı yarışmacılardan biri • Win : • winNER : • contest (n) : • contestANT (n) : • One of the contestants:
Keep a diary: günlük tutmak • Do you keep a diary? Günlük tutuyor musunuz? • A hotel : bir otel • A comfortable hotel : rahat bir otel • AT a comfortable hotel : rahat bir otelDE • STAY at a comfortable hotel : rahat bir otelde KALMAK
What IS the weather LIKE? Hava nasıl? Everywhere is white. (It snow all day) • It HAS SNOWED all day.
Would love: bayılırım, çok severim • I WOULD LOVEto go hiking. “Uzun yürüyüşlere katılmaya bayılırım.” • I’dloveto go fishing. “Balığa gitmeyi çok severim.” • I’dloveto play computer games. “Bilgisayar oyunları oynamaya bayılırım.”
Hayal etmek Hayal etmek • imagine: • imagine = dream: • You can’t imagine: • You can’t imagine How old I am. • You can’t imagine Where I am. • You can’t imagine What I do. • You can’t imagine how much I love you. • You can’t imagine how many books I have read. Hayal edemezsin Kaç yaşında olduğumu, Nerede olduğumu, Ne iş yaptığımı, Seni ne kadar çok sevdiğimi, Kaç tane kitap okudumu HAYAL EDEMEZSİN!
Can you imagine? Hayal edebiliyor musun? • Can you imagine driving a truck? Bir tırı sürdüğünü hayal edebilir musun? • Can you imagine flying a plane? Bir uçağı kullandığını hayal edebiliyor musun? • Can you imagine walking on the moon? Ayda yürüdüğünü hayal edebiliyor musun? • Can you imagine swimming under the water? Suyun altında yüzdüğünü hayal edebiliyor musun?