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Generated ideas and level of interest (1 of 3). Potential Projects Workforce Needs *Body of Knowledge Project (6) Build external M&S image (who we are, what we do, why is it relevant, why it is important) i.e., branding, cool “propaganda”/videos/images, etc. (4) National Competency List (1)
Generated ideas and level of interest (1 of 3) Potential Projects • Workforce Needs • *Body of Knowledge Project (6) • Build external M&S image (who we are, what we do, why is it relevant, why it is important) i.e., branding, cool “propaganda”/videos/images, etc. (4) • National Competency List (1) • Build business case and strategy for attracting, joining, and maintaining personnel within the M&S workforce (what are the opportunities in M&S?, use gaming technologies to present M&S as a viable career path, e.g., America’s Army) (1) • Professional Workforce • *Profession Certification (includes Ethics considerations) (6) • *Department of Commerce – NAICS request (4) • Continuing education (1) • Department of Labor – Labor classification codes [subordinate to NAICS code] (0) *Something has been started in this area
Generated ideas and level of interest (2 of 3) • Post-Secondary School Education • *Graduate, Undergraduate, Associate degree granting and continuing education programs (6) • Articulation agreements between M&S degree programs (6) • Curricula Coordination amongst university programs (4) • *Undergraduate Education Accreditation (0) • K-12 Education • Using M&S to enhance K-12 education (5) • K-12, college, extra curricula competition sponsorship (4) • Teacher workshops for how to incorporate M&S technology within their curriculum (2) • Student certification (1) *Something has been started in this area
Generated ideas and level of interest (3 of 3) • K-12 curricula sharing and tool sharing (0) • Need programs to target to the different styles and levels of education of interest (primary education, secondary school, college, etc.) (the educational level drives the “shape”:of the program; e.g., Raytheon MOVES STEM program) (0) Industry and Research • M&S Grand Challenges program and define open research questions (open to M&S investigations and within M&S) (2) • Internships and industry champions (2) Potential Congressional Actions • Earmarks for M&S in support of STEM education • Resources (curricula and M&S) for skills training and retraining • Funding for open research problems *Something has been started in this area
Workforce Development Workforce development will address the needs at the national level to ensure the education, development, and training of a workforce that can meet the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics requirements of the future. This will address the issues, standards, and criteria for ensuring the accomplishment and sustainment of a workforce capable of addressing the increasing technological career requirements of our nation.
Strong ethics • Statement drafted, adopted by many professional organizations Cooperative professional organizations • Fledging efforts to increase cooperation – joint conferences, Sim-summit membership Well defined Body of Knowledge • Program initiated Common education programs • Program being developed Professional certification programs • Program in place, acceptance issues Available employment statistics • Proposal for M&S North American Industry Code Submitted Defined research agenda • No program in place or planned Status of M&S Profession
Scoping questions • Who are the M&S Workforce Development stakeholders? • What is the M&S community of Practice? • What do the stakeholders/COP need from Workforce Development? • What is the Body of Knowledge relevant to the M&S workforce? • How should M&S education/curricula be managed? • What is our need for professional certification? • What is the role of ethics in the M&S workforce? To stimulate thinking..
Some ideas (1 of 2) Potential Projects • *Profession Certification (includes Ethics considerations) • *Department of Commerce – NAICS request • Department of Labor – Labor classification codes • *Graduate, Undergraduate, Associate degree granting and continuing education programs • *Body of Knowledge Project • Curricula Coordination • *Undergraduate Education Accreditation • K-12, college, extra curricula competition sponsorship • K-12 curricula sharing and tool sharing • Student certification • National Competency List • Articulation agreements between M&S degree programs (Mikel Petty) • Teacher workshops for how to incorporate M&S technology within their curriculum • Build external M&S image (who we are, what we do, why is it relevant, why it is important) i.e., branding, cool “propaganda”/videos/images, etc. • Build business case and strategy for attracting, joining, and maintaining personnel within the M&S workforce (what are the opportunities in M&S?, use gaming technologies to present M&S as a viable career path, e.g., America’s Army) • Need programs to target to the different styles and levels of education of interest (primary education, secondary school, college, etc.) (the educational level drives the “shape”:of the program; e.g., Raytheon MOVES STEM program) • M&S Grand Challenges program and define open research questions (open to M&S investigations and within M&S) • Internships and industry champions • Continuing education Potential Congressional Actions • Earmarks for M&S in support of STEM education (race-to-the-top) • Resources (curricula and M&S) for skills training and retraining • Funding for open research problems *Something has been started in this area
Some ideas (1 of 2) Potential Projects • *Profession Certification (includes Ethics considerations) • *Department of Commerce – NAICS request • Department of Labor – Labor classification codes • *Graduate, Undergraduate, Associate degree granting and continuing education programs • *Body of Knowledge Project • Curricula Coordination • *Undergraduate Education Accreditation • K-12, college, extra curricula competition sponsorship • K-12 curricula sharing and tool sharing • Student certification • National Competency List • Articulation agreements between M&S degree programs (Mikel Petty) • Teacher workshops for how to incorporate M&S technology within their curriculum • Build external M&S image (who we are, what we do, why is it relevant, why it is important) i.e., branding, cool “propaganda”/videos/images, etc. • Build business case and strategy for attracting, joining, and maintaining personnel within the M&S workforce (what are the opportunities in M&S?, use gaming technologies to present M&S as a viable career path, e.g., America’s Army) • Need programs to target to the different styles and levels of education of interest (primary education, secondary school, college, etc.) (the educational level drives the “shape”:of the program; e.g., Raytheon MOVES STEM program) • M&S Grand Challenges program and define open research questions (open to M&S investigations and within M&S) • Internships and industry champions • Continuing education Potential Congressional Actions • Earmarks for M&S in support of STEM education (race-to-the-top) • Resources (curricula and M&S) for skills training and retraining • Funding for open research problems *Something has been started in this area
Professional Certificate • Context • Circumstance – Program Exists, • Need – Some issues with acceptance • Opportunity – Re-develop program, improve transparency & level of understanding • Activity • Duration – Update available 3Q, 2010. Long term engagement required. • Relationships – Ethics, BOK • Result – Broadly accepted program, widely recognized, growing membership • Resources – Community support, engagement • Management – Plan, committees exist
NAICS Code • Context • Circumstance – Request submitted to US government • Need – Support from Mexico, Canada, US Industry • Opportunity – Provide support letters, identify and support counterparts in Mexico and Canada • Activity • Duration – New codes published in 2007 • Relationships – Labor codes, industrial project • Result – M&S code in published document • Resources – Communication, active suppport • Management – Leadership team organized, open to new contributions.
Labor Code • Context • Circumstance – No existing labor code for M&S professionals • Need – Lack of information about labor force size, together with lack of information about industry size, complicates long range planning for industry, universities, and individuals • Opportunity – Develop and execute campaign to add M&S code to Labor Department classifications • Activity • Duration – ~ 5 years • Relationships – NAICS code, professional certificate, education/ curricula projects • Result – Existence of M&S labor code • Resources – Volunteer team ~ 10 active members • Management – Model plan after NAICS campaign.
Body of Knowledge • Context • Circumstance – Multiple programs, limited collaboration • Need – Consensus BOK required by Professional Certificate Program, Common Education agenda, research agenda • Opportunity – Establish and support common program • Activity • Duration – 3 year initial project, long term support • Relationships – professional certificate, education/ curricula projects, research agenda • Result – Existence of consensus BOK • Resources – Volunteers at varying levels of activity, endorsemetn, acceptance. • Management – Approach exists, needs support, growth
Accreditation • Context : Engineering programs leading to professional licenses, and other such as CS, are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) • Circumstance: MODSIM is not one of the categories of program that are accredited. Computing Programs eligible for accreditation include computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology. • Need: HR 487 “encourages the expansion of modeling and simulation as a tool and subject within higher education” • Opportunity: As we move forward with other efforts to professionalize MODSIM, we can leverage those efforts to develop accreditation criteria for ABET. • Activity: • Duration: This would be a two year effort to develop accreditation criteria, select the appropriate professional society to sponsor the accreditation, and to work with ABET to include it as an evaluated discipline. • Relationships: This would draw on efforts to develop a Body of Knowledge, governmental classification code, and professional certification program. • Result: Programs in modeling and simulation are eligible for accreditation by ABET, providing measurable standards for academic programs, independent evaluation of programs, a widely recognized mark of quality, and recognition that MODSIM has arrived as a discipline. • Resources: This requires a steering committee with good relationships with the potential sponsoring societies (INFORMS, SCS, SIGSIM, IACSIT, etc.); expertise in ABET accreditation; and coverage for the labor and expenses to travel to socialize the effort. • Management: Managed by the steering committee. • References: http://www.abet.org/Linked%20Documents-UPDATE/Criteria%20and%20PP/C001%2010-11%20CAC%20Criteria%2011-16-09.pdf
Contest sponsorship • Context: There are national annual contests in mathematical modeling at the high school and undergraduate level, but none in MODSIM. These contests increase the number of students studying and pursuing further education in mathematical modeling. • Circumstance: It is difficult to advance the inclusion of modeling and simulation in curricula at the post-secondary and especially the secondary level. The Consortium for Mathematics and its Appliscations (COMAP) has been running national contests at both levels for decades to attract student interest in mathematical modeling. Many recent entries are supported by sophisticated computer programs. These programs have become self-sustaining from contest entry fees. • Need: HR 487 “encourages the expansion of modeling and simulation as a tool and subject within higher education” and “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics remain key disciplines for primary and secondary education.” • Opportunity: Building off the successful COMAP program, we can develop a national contest that addresses both these needs. • Activity: • Duration: This would be a permanent project. It would require a steering committee and significant seed funding. • Relationships: This would require liaison with COMAP and the relevant professional societies. • Result: Students who participate gain experience and enthusiasm for the study and practice of MODSIM. This activity promotes the study of MODSIM at both the secondary and post-secondary level, and provides a way to identify promising students early in their careers for mentoring and development. Participation rates can be monitored as a clear measure of impact. • Resources: This requires a steering committee and three years’ initial seed money. It should be self-sustaining after that. • Management: by the steering committee. • References: http://www.comap.com/highschool/contests/himcm/2009results.html ; http://www.comap.com/undergraduate/contests/
Need: Listing of all Graduate and Undergraduate programs (UCF) • Context (Rationale): • Circumstance (Motivation): • Opportunity (What allows change): • Activity (What will we do): • Duration: • Relationships: • Result (how to confirm completion): • Resources: • Management: • Advocate (nominator contact info):
Need: • Context (Rationale): • Circumstance (Motivation): • Opportunity (What allows change): • Activity (What will we do): • Duration: • Relationships: • Result (how to confirm completion): • Resources: • Management: • Advocate (nominator contact info):
Need: • Context (Rationale): • Circumstance (Motivation): • Opportunity (What allows change): • Activity (What will we do): • Duration: • Relationships: • Result (how to confirm completion): • Resources: • Management: • Advocate (nominator contact info):
HR-487 (1) commends those who have contributed to modeling and simulation efforts (2) urges that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics remain key disciplines in education; (3) encourages the expansion of M&S as a tool and subject within higher education; (4) recognizes modeling and simulation as a National Critical Technology; (5) affirms the need to study the national economic impact of M&S; (6) supports the development of separate classification for M&S occupations; and (7) encourages the protection of intellectual property of M&S enterprises.
Notional Draft Charter - 1 • The M&S Senior Leadership Workforce Development Working group agrees and commits to actively engage in and support the M&S Workforce Improvement Program. The plan includes multiple specific action plans, intended to accomplish the objectives of the working group. Consensus of the entire working group will be required to add a new goal to the overall project, but no individual or organization will be committed to any effort in any of these projects by other than their own decision. • Telephonic meetings of the working group will occur monthly. An annual face to face will be planned at a location of common agreement, in conjunction with some other event (e.g. I/ITSEC) • Representatives of the working group will participate in the meetings of other working groups to improve collaboration and minimize redundant or conflicting activities. • Membership in the working group is open, but it is expected that each member will be actively engaged in one or more of the projects.
Notional Draft Charter - 2 • Projects are established to achieve the agreed upon goals of the organization. Each project will have a project leader (or co-leader) who is responsible to develop, maintain, and execute the project plan, and to regularly report status in the working group meetings. The status reports will include a report on the teams progress against the plan, and the level of activity. The project teams are made up of volunteers. If a project team has very little volunteer participation, or is making little progress in a 12 month period, the team will be dissolved. At that point another set of volunteers is free to attempt the project, perhaps with different leadership, or a different approach. • Each project team will define for themselves and present to the working group a team charter. The charter should identify the team’s goal, membership, project timeline, and approach. It should also identify project teams that are working on related projects to facilitate collaboration. The purpose of the presentation is to ensure mutual awareness, provide an opportunity to share lessons learned, and to facilitate collaboration.
Notional Working Group Time Line 28 Feb, 2010 Approve Working group charter, initial project list, project lead and member volunteers and overall time line. 30 April, 2010 Review Project Team plans, including charter, project description, project leadership and membership, and project time line Last Friday of each month at 2:00 Central, review working group plans, assess progress TBD Project A complete