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WMO Space Programme Activities, RARS and IGDDS

WMO Space Programme Activities, RARS and IGDDS. David Griersmith Observer for WMO at APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii 20-22 September 2006. Contents. WMO Space Programme – background information Integrated Global Data Dissemination System (IGDDS) Regional ATOVS Retransmission System (RARS).

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WMO Space Programme Activities, RARS and IGDDS

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  1. WMO Space Programme Activities, RARS and IGDDS David Griersmith Observer for WMO at APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii 20-22 September 2006

  2. Contents WMO Space Programme – background information • Integrated Global Data Dissemination System (IGDDS) • Regional ATOVS Retransmission System (RARS) APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  3. Purposes of WMO • To promote and foster meteorology, hydrology, and related geophysical sciences and to facilitate world-wide cooperation for the benefit of humankind: • Networks for meteorological / hydrological and other geophysical observations; • Standardization of observations and publications; • Development of operational hydrology; • Systems for processing and rapid exchange of data; • Applications for socio-economic development (transportation, water, agriculture, oceans, pollution control, etc), environment protection, and policy formation; • Disaster prevention and mitigation; • Research and training. APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  4. Organizational Structure • Congress, supreme body, determines the future policy (meets every 4 years) • Executive Council, 36 Directors of Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services. They act in their individual capacities (meets annually) • Regional Associations (6) - Address regional concerns • Technical Commissions (8) - Technical experts make recommendations on scientific or technical issues within the purposes of WMO • Secretariat with Regional (3) and subregional (4) Offices APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  5. WMO Programme Structure WorldClimate Programme AtmosphericResearchandEnvironmentProgramme ApplicationsofMeteorologyProgramme HydrologyandWaterResourcesProgramme WMO Space Programme Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Programme World Weather Watch Programme Education and Training Programme Technical Cooperation Programme Regional Programme APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  6. WMO space-based sub-system of the WWW’s Global Observing System Unparalleled international cooperation has been achieved in satellite activities* APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  7. Status of the WWW’s space-based component GOS • Standing members • operational satellite operators (NESDIS, EUMETSAT, ROSHYDROMET, IMD, CMA, JMA) • Newer members • NASA – Aqua, Terra, NPP, TRMM, QuickScat • JAXA – GCOM series • ESA – ERS 1 and 2, ENVISAT • FSA –METEOR 3M N1 (R&D inst), OKEAN series • CNES – Jason-1, SPOT-5 • IMD – INSAT series • Republic of Korea – COMSAT-1 • Possible future members • {JAXA – GOSAT} APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  8. WMO Space Programme • Fourteenth WMO Congress (May 2003): • Recognized critical and fast growing importance of data, products and services provided by WWW’s expanding space-based component of the GOS to WMO Programmes and supported Programmes • Decided to initiate a new major WMO Space Programme as a cross-cutting programme to increase the effectiveness and contributions from satellite systems • Director of the WMO Space Programme is Dr Donald Hinsman APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  9. International coordination • CGMS (Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites) • CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) • IGOS (Integrated Global Observing Strategy) Partnership • COPUOS (UNISPACE III) • GEO and its GEOSS (WWW’s space-based GOS, a major GEOSS component) APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  10. WMO Space Programme - Activities • Co-ordination with space agencies within CGMS and CEOS • Organisation for new WMO Expert Team on Satellite Systems • Development of WMO portions of 10-year Implementation Plan for GEOSS • Interaction with the WMO Expert Team on the Evolution of the GOS • Preparation for symposia to identify R&D satellite data and products for transition to operational satellites • Continuation and expansion of the Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology • APSATS – HPTE 16-27 October 2006, Hosted ABoM Melbourne • Improving access to real-time satellite data, and increasing its utilisation [mainly via the Integrated Global Data Dissemination System (IGDDS)] APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  11. Region A Region B Other regional data (non-satellite) Other regional data (non-satellite) Data from Polar and Geostationary satellites available within region Data from Polar and Geostationary satellites available within region Regional Data Collection and Processing Regional Data Collection and Processing Inter-regional Data Exchange Data Dissemination Data Dissemination ADM #1 ADM #2 ADM #1 ADM #2 User Community #1 User Community #1 User Community #2 User Community #2 WMO Space Programme - IGDDS APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  12.   Polar orbiting satellites Polar orbiting satellites Global data in the region locally received data (Recorded/dumped) Geostationary satellites Regional network of HRPT stations Additional products Other data available from within the region (non-satellite) Central processing Local processing Central processing Data Sources Regional consolidation Data circulation and exchange within a region ADM #1 ADM #2 ADM # 3 Advanced Dissemination Methods User community #1 User community #2 Secondary user community User community # 3 An ADM in a Region APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  13. WMO Space Programme - IGDDS • IGDDS architecture generally consistent with what already exists • In addition provides approaches/guidance for: • Improving access to real-time data • Improving utilisation of real-time data APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  14. WMO Space Programme - IGDDS • Improving Access to Real-time Data • Match data reception arrangements to the needs of the various user communities • Utilise cheap, reliable, off-the-shelf user stations/reception mechanisms • Try to ensure only one data reception mechanism is required in order to meet the needs of a particular user community (“one-stop-shop” approach) • Facilitate data exchange between regions APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  15. WMO Space Programme - IGDDS • Improving Real-time Data Utilisation • Facilitate the creation of appropriate regional collection networks that match user requirements • Ensure that data exchanged between regions satisfies certain standards, e.g.: • Product level • Product format • Processing software utilisation • Improve timeliness (where appropriate) • Improve data reliability/availability through the adoption of minimum operational standards for the generation of products exchanged between regions (e.g. service monitoring, redundancy etc.) APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  16. WMO SP: IGDDS in Action - RARS • EUMETSAT ATOVS Retransmission Service (EARS) has increased ATOVS real time access in Northern Hemisphere • Access to near real time ATOVS data important for WMO activities such as implementation planning for the redesign (evolution) of the GOS and THORPEX • Need to extend coverage globally especially Southern Hemisphere • Regional ATOVS Retransmission System [RARS]: • Following requests from the user community the WMO arranged the 1st RARS workshop (Darmstadt, December 2004) with a number of objectives • To consolidate the requirements for ATOVS data around the globe • To define a global RARS network capable of meeting these requirements • To facilitate the implementation of a global RARS network • need for two additional RARS was identified: • Asia-Pacific RARS • South American RARS • ensure consistency of the global RARS dataset via standards in the following areas : • Use same version of AAPP S/W for data exchange between the regions (plus BUFR format conversion) • Quality-tagging of data (for source traceability) • Service management (e.g. service monitoring) • WMO Space Programme coordinates & facilitates global RARS activities (Regional ATOVS Retransmission Services) similar to EARS (part of its core strategy to increase satellite data use) • RARS-2 1-2 Dec 2005; SthAmer RARS 6-7 September 2005; RARS-3 31 Aug-1Sept 2006. APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  17. APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  18. Region B RARS ATOVS data from regional HRPT stations ATOVS data from regional HRPT stations Regional ATOVS Data Collection and Processing Regional ATOVS Data Collection and Processing ATOVS Data Dissemination ATOVS Data Dissemination Data required by Users outsider Region B Data required by Users outside Region A Regional Dissemination Mechanism (e.g. Internet/FTP, DVB satellite broadcast….) Regional Dissemination Mechanism (e.g. internet/FTP, DVB satellite broadcast…) Inter-regional Data Exchange Mechanism (e.g. GTS) Users of ATOVS data collected within Region A Users of ATOVS data collected within Region B Users of ATOVS data collected outside Region A Users of ATOVS data collected outside Region B Objectives and Current Status of RARS Initiative RARS Network Architecture Region A RARS APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  19. Outcome of the 3rd global IGDDS-RARS Workshop31 August– 1 September 2006

  20. 3rd global RARS & IGDDS workshop • Participants from : • Australia, China, Japan, Korea (Asia-Pacific RARS) • EUMETSAT and NOAA (EARS) • Brazil & Argentina (South-American RARS) • WMO Secretariat (WMO SP and WWW/ISS) • GEO (Geonetcast and GEO secretariat) • Agenda: • Overall IGDDS project • RARS status and plans • ADM status and plans APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  21. General outcome • IGDDS Implementation plan reviewed,action plan was detailed focus on RARS and ADM projects • Asia-Pacific RARS is starting • South-America RARS is new priority • ADM plans need to be finalised in Asia and America APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  22. EUMETCast Update • Experience with EUMETCast has shown the importance of “scalability” in terms of dissemination bandwidth • EUMETCast started out as a very limited service (for re-transmitting ATOVS data) in 2002 with a bandwidth of 128Kbps • Driven by user requests, EUMETCast has now become the primary dissemination mechanism for satellite data over Europe [includes MSG-1 (Meteosat-8), Meteosat-5, Meteosat-6 (rapid scans), GOES, AVHRR and ATOVS data]. Bandwidth in 2005 was 3.7Mbps, now 12 Mbps • Key factors in the success of EUMETCast: • Cheap, reliable, off-the-shelf user reception stations (<$2000 including PC) • Ku-band over Europe (85cm) • C-band over Africa (2.4m) • Data consolidated onto one dissemination mechanism  “one-stop-shop” approach APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  23. EUMETCast System Overview APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  24. EUMETCast Overall Coverage APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  25. EUMETCast Bandwidth Evolution (Europe) 10Mbps + Rapid scan (M-6) + MSG SEVIRI (M-8) + IODC (M-5) + GOES-9, 10, 12 + DWD SAT + SAF Products +… + Metop data 5 Mbps ATOVS + SEVIRI Trial + AVHRR 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EUMETCast APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  26. EUMETCast APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  27. Gilmore Creek Monterey Edmonton Svalbard Wallops Kangerlussuaq Dartmouth Lannion Maspalomas Athens EUMETSAT RARS (EARS) (1) • ATOVS retransmission from 12 HRPT stations • Pilot AVHRR retransmission from 5 stations 1 minute segments disseminated within 10 min ! • Pilot ASCAT collection from 7 stations • Plans for IASI to be refined after Metop commissioning APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  28. Asia Pacific RARS (1) • RARS currently includes 10 HRPT stations from Japan, Korea, China (concentrated in Tokyo) Australia (concentrated in Melbourne) • Tokyo, Melbourne inject ATOVS data into GTS • Preliminary feedback of positive impact on NWP • 5 HRPT stations to be added by December 2006 APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  29. South-American RARS (1) • Two Pilot RARS • Brazil (S. Pereira) • Argentina (G. Pujol ) • Short-term plans • Experimental implementation and testing (AAPP, OS,..) • Communication trial for concentration and dissemination (FTP, GTS, EUMETCAST) • Operational implementation (products on GTS or equivalent) • User information APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  30. South-American RARS (2) APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  31. ADM projects (1) • EUMETSAT “EUMETCAST” operational • Ku band coverage over Europe (12 Mb/s) • C-band coverage over Europe, Africa, Eastern America • C-band coverage over North and South-America until 2008 APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  32. ADM projects (2) • Asia-Pacific regional ADM ( Recommendation of 2nd workshop) • FengyunCast (China) based on Asiasat-4 C-band • Regional project: • CMA to contact neighbouring countries to establish collaborative regional approach • Collect initial requirements for data • Identify data providers from various countries in the region and beyond • Ensure availability of user stations in various countries • Involve complementary terrestrial links • Report at next workshop APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  33. Ku Band to C band (AsiaSat-4 at 122E) APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  34. ADM projects (3) • ADM projects for Americastaking advantage of the progress made with NOAA-ADM studies, EUMETCAST/America, and NOAA plans for Geonetcast • Continue plans for an ADM over Americas • Ensure continuity beyond current EUMETCAST/America • Including considerations to minimize impact for users APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  35. Interoperability: common set of interface standards Disaster Region Z Energy AgricultureEcosystemsBiodiversity ClimateWeatherWater Health “GEO Information System of Systems” System Z System X System Y WIS Information systems addressing thematic or regional needs APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  36. System Z Interoperability: common set of interface standards System Y WIS(incl IGDDS) System X Requirements Requirements Requirements Requirements Collection Collection Collection Collection Data management Data management Data management Data management Archive Archive Archive Archive DIssemination DIssemination DIssemination DIssemination Discovery & retrieval Discovery & retrieval Discovery & retrieval Discovery & retrieval Data exchange and management functions APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  37. Interoperability: common set of interface standards System Y Requirements System X Requirements Collection Collection Requirements Data management Data management Collection Archive Data management Archive DIssemination DIssemination Archive Discovery & retrieval Dissemination Discovery & retrieval Discovery & retrieval GEONetcast within GEO”ISS” System Z WIS(incl IGDDS) Requirements Collection Geonetcast Data management Archive DIssemination Discovery & retrieval APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  38. EUMETCast HB-6, Ku-band Current Satellite Infrastructure and Coverage Supporting the GEO-NETCast Demonstration NOAA AMC-3, Ku-band EUMETCast South America NSS 806, C-band, APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

  39. Latest and forthcoming planning activities • Just held: • 3rd RARS-IGDDS workshop 31/08-1/09, Geneva • ET-SUP-2, 4-8 September, Geneva • ET-SAT-2, 4-8 September, Geneva • ICG-WIS, 5-8 September, Beijing • Forthcoming: • CGMS 34, 2-7 November, Shangaï • CBS WIS Technical conference, 6-8 November, Seoul • CBS, 9-16 November, Seoul • CM-7 Jan 2007 (High Level Policy on Satellites) • 4th RARS-IGDDS Implementation workshop in June 2007 location TBD in the Northern Hemisphere APSDEU-7 Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-22 September 2006

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