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Serving Maps on the Web

Serving Maps on the Web. Jump Start GIS Information Series May 18th, 2006 Torrin Hultgren OEI RTP GIS Support Team Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Outline. Static Maps Maps as Web Services Methods for Map Design Displaying a Web Service in a Web Site Web Cartography Guidelines

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Serving Maps on the Web

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  1. Serving Maps on the Web Jump Start GIS Information Series May 18th, 2006 Torrin Hultgren OEI RTP GIS Support Team Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

  2. Outline • Static Maps • Maps as Web Services • Methods for Map Design • Displaying a Web Service in a Web Site • Web Cartography Guidelines • Hosting a Web Mapping Site • The Frontiers of Web Mapping

  3. Static Maps Use GIS to export map to common web format • PNG, GIF, JPG • Good for small, fast maps • You can add interactivity with standard web programming techniques • PDF • Good for larger maps, prints well • Efficient compression, professional appearance • SVG • Excellent vector graphics, not supported natively in IE

  4. Web Map Services • Image Services • Map is delivered quickly as fully rendered image • Individual layers can be turned on and off • Layers cannot be reordered, symbols cannot be changed, and transparency for overlay is limited • Feature Services • Layers delivered as individual features, coordinates and all, so performance is slower • Individual layers can be selected, rendered, manipulated like local data layers • ArcIMS, MapServer, GRASS, etc.

  5. Authoring Maps for ArcIMS • ArcIMS Author – ArcXML/AXL documents • Fast, reliable, good for high-traffic websites • Allows scale-dependent rendering • Tool can be rudimentary and clumsy, often involves editing code manually • ArcMap Image Services • Uses ArcMap for map authoring with very advanced, easy to use tools • Better cartography, can’t handle heavy traffic • MXD to AXL Converter Utilities

  6. A Web Site for a Map Service • A website makes a map service available to web browsers • It frames a map service with navigation tools, translating user clicks into map requests • A website provides contextual information – legend, layers, links • ESRI’s Designer tool creates websites from templates • Designing a website for a map requires fairly advanced web programming

  7. Default ArcIMS Designer Site

  8. Web Cartography Guidelines • Design must accommodate different screen sizes, web browsers, network connections • Use web-safe color palette, standard formats and fonts, efficient compression • Design must be simple and intuitive – web users have little patience • Navigation is as important as content • Design should incorporate the strengths of the web – links, images, other media

  9. Hosting a Web Mapping Application • Web Server Software – Apache, iPlanet, IIS • Map Server Software – ArcIMS, MapServer • Database Software – Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server • The components are modular – could be on same server, could be all different • Servers should be located in a data center • NCC is EPA’s managed hosting solution • ADC (Application Deployment Checklist)

  10. Frontiers of Web Mapping • Other ways of making your data public • Google Mash-Ups • Yahoo and MSN have similar APIs • GeoBrowsers • GoogleEarth • ESRI has ArcGIS Explorer in Beta • ArcGIS Server • Making more advanced GIS tools available without the need for GIS software

  11. Lessons Learned • An effective web map requires two separable but equal parts – the map and the website • ArcIMS is the most widely used web service software, but is not the only option • Web cartography is challenging, but try to accommodate as many of your users as possible • Think creatively – there are ways to accomplish what you can conceive

  12. Resources for EPA GIS Users RTP GIS Website http://intranet.epa.gov/rtpgis/ EPA GIS Workgroup http://www.gisworkgroup.org/ EPA GIS Listserv https://lists.epa.gov/read/all_forums/subscribe?name=gisusers

  13. CSC ITS-EPA GIS Team National Hosting Operations Coordinator: Tim Richards – richards.tim@epa.gov GIS/Remote Sensing Project Manager: Dick Dulaney – dulaney.dick@epa.gov GIS Analysts: Mark S. Murphy – murphy.marks@epa.gov Catherine Harness – harness.catherine@epa.gov Torrin Hultgren – hultgren.torrin@epa.gov Binfei Chen – chen.binfei@epa.gov Senior System Administrator: Janet Braxton – braxton.janet@epa.gov Customer Support Representative: Claudia Benesch – benesch.claudia@epa.gov Senior GIS Consultant: Ray Peterson – peterson.ray@epa.gov GIS Technical Lead: Qi Dai – dai.qi@epa.gov

  14. Next Presentation Address Matching - Geocoding Thursday, June 15th 11:30-12:30 C112

  15. Bookmarks • Static Maps • GIF - http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/ca/sanfran.htm • PDF - http://www.nps.gov/mora/pphtml/maps.html • SVG - http://www.carto.net/williams/yosemite/ • ArcIMS Maps • ArcIMS Gallery - http://www.esri.com/software/internetmaps • EPA Map Portal - http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/em/ • National Geographic - http://mapmachine.nationalgeographic.com • Web Cartography • Tutorial - http://www.kartografie.nl/webcartography • ColorBrewer – http://colorbrewer.org • Future • GoogleMaps Mania - http://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/ • Yahoo Maps Gallery - http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/applications.html • Craigslist Housing Maps – http://www.housingmaps.com/ • CO2 Emitters - http://www.x-maps.com/globalwarming/ • Pirate Map - http://justin.everett-church.com/ymaps/pirateMaps.html • ArcGIS Server Demos - http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcgisserver/about/demos.html

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