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L IMESTONE C OUNTY S CHOOL S YSTEM. “Commitment to Children”. Overview of AdvancED District Accreditation. District Accreditation How does it all fit together?. School Vision, Mission, Beliefs. School Improvement Plan.

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  1. LIMESTONECOUNTY SCHOOLSYSTEM “Commitment to Children” Overview of AdvancED District Accreditation

  2. District Accreditation How does it all fit together? School Vision, Mission, Beliefs School Improvement Plan District Vision, Mission, Beliefs District Plan (Goals)

  3. District AlignmentLimestone County Schools…A School System not a System of Schools! School Vision, Mission, Beliefs District Vision, Mission, Beliefs District Improvement Plan School Improvement Plan

  4. LIMESTONE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM“Commitment to Children”“The QAR team does not evaluate at the school level because the system should be evaluating the schools all of the time.” AdvancEd

  5. Builds the capacity of a system and its schools to increase and sustain student learning Inspires a culture of learning and collaboration Supports accountability requirements and strengthens efforts to meet them Is continuous vs episodic -Getting better is embedded in the way you do things Promotes a systems approach Encourages reflective practice

  6. Ensures continuity and collaborative planning for improvement that is anchored in a common vision Examines how all the processes and functions of the system work in concert Provides the district and community with validation and recognition for improvement efforts Provides the district with recommendations that are designed to further the district’s effort to improve Is cost effective for districts and schools

  7. Three Components • Accreditation Standards • The district provides evidence • of meeting the Accreditation • Standards for Quality Systems • Evidence/demonstration, • NOT documentation. • Continuous Improvement • The district articulates, implements, and monitors a systematic process of continuous improvement. • Quality Assurance • The district implements methods that provide for quality • assurance at the system and school levels. • The district hosts a SACS Quality Assurance Review Team: April 19-22, 2009

  8. LIMESTONECOUNTY SCHOOLSYSTEM “Commitment to Children” Executive Summary Report AdvancED District Accreditation

  9. Preview of Executive Summary Report • Section I: Introduction • Section II: Profile • Section III: District Accreditation Standards • Section IV: Peer – to – Peer Practice • Section V: Quality Assurance • Section VI: Conclusion

  10. Limestone County School System COST Accountability Roundtable School Leadership Team Pat Gartman Kenny Jordan Troy Rogers Doug Warner Amy Swinea Anita Bates Beth Bates Kelley Compton Chelsea Gant Cindy Wales Greg Sutton Joey Thompson Kim ShoresShane Carpenter Regina Clem Marcy Mitchell Beverly Henley Shelia Fileds Rebecca Taylor Tracy Compton Farrah Simpson Lauren Campbell Hayden Miller Emma Cooper School Leadership Team Rusty Bates Ronda Garner Jamie Smith Dana Rhinehart Judi Atchley Pam Emerson Sandra Chafin Linda McMellon Mike Jackson Rebecca Taylor Tom Stevenson Betsye Spencer Amanda Kirk Donna Jo Curtis Mary Albro Crystal Boggs Jeff Hodges School Leadership Team Kim McKay Amanda Madewell Donna Cotton Mary Zayed Rebecca Taylor Troy Reed Roger Cobb Betsye Spencer Kim Campbell Krystle Landtroop Emily Emerson Terri Tiemann Donna Randolph Traci Young School Leadership Team Debbie Poland Rebecca Valenzuela Cynthia Newton Kim Scoggins Marlis Vermilion Angie Macklin Lisa McCulley Kaye McFarlen David Savoie Elkmont High School Mickey Glass, Principal Ardmore High School Tommy Hunter, Principal Cedar Hill Elementary School Harold Johns, Principal School Leadership Team Angie Barnes Kay Nelms Brenda Carter Natalia Dooley Tina Murphy Jennifer Carr Amanda Vining Sherry Lannom Nancy Norman Donna Mosley Traci Cherry Johnson Elementary School Joan Austin, Principal Piney Chapel Elem. School Bill Hardyman, Principal Zebbra Green Natalia Dooley Mary Robinson Tara Bachus Debbie Owens Donna Morris Jan Tribble Robbie Lauderdale School Leadership Team Renea Davis Sharon Daly John Kinney Wendy Golden Dehone Toney Vicki Ferrara Elaine Lauderdale Rita Schrimsher Laura Haggenmaker Tammy Aldridge Jack Brannon Charity Hagenmaker Anna Black School Leadership Team Lori Brocato Jody Brown Sandra Bass Kelly Anderson Renee Begg Laura Taylor Marinda Dees Leanne Hudleston Amanda Moss Thomas Young Andrea Swan Karen Carter Dana Jackson Tina Downs Andrew Gentry Frank Hutchinson Kelly Kelsoe Tammy Moss Angie White Debbie Hoffman Danny Rosson Rita Rosson Austin White Austin Welborn East Limestone High School Dennis Black, Principal Dr. Barry Carroll, Superintendent Mr. Mike Owens, Assistant Superintendent Clements High School Donald Wilson, Principal Creekside Elementary School Matt Scott, Principal Career Technical Center Stan Davis, Director Jack Mullins Sharon Gallien Dianne Berzett School Leadership Team Randy Hamilton Suzy Carter Happy Alexander Lori Edgemon Robye Andrews Denise Wood Dawn Harper Wendy Wallace Angielean Stokes Atona Broussard Amy Goff Heather Jewell Beverly Toney Paul Hargrove Rhonda Hilbert Matthew Kyle Cheryl Greene Joe Shunnarah Dianne Borden Denise Wood Leslie Pace Margaret Kelley Jordan Scruggs Cade Weiner Grayson Edgemon Anna Shunnarah Karen Tucker Shanon Kyser School Leadership Team Fred Richter Rusty Strickland Chris Bole Mia Black Dwight Collins Charles Durham Tom Hill Anthony Mitchell Lynn Persell Gayle Black Cliff Smith Gia Russell Owens Elementary School Cleo Miller, Principal Reid Elementary School Dr. Casey Lewis, Principal West Limestone High School Charlotte Craig, Principal Tanner High School Billy Owens, Principal School Leadership Team Sharon Ferguson Vicki Curtis Jan Holt Marla Williams Kerry Gowan Tammy Britton Tara Tipper Shana Gant Misty Alexander Sueann Hobbs Amanda Thomas Jennifer Smith Kathy Atkins Myrtle Caudle Debbie Appleton Debbie Porter Jimmy Biggs Lauren Wooten School Leadership Team Carla McPeters Joanne Gromek Johnny Bachus Sharon Wallace Kelley Lewter Jennifer Smith Suzanne Bates Carla Daws Patsy Rogers Stacy Cook Diana Downs Lisa Davis Brian English Ricky Green Sandra Blankenship Marsha Blankenship Lunetta Reyer Kevin Ward Patti Seibert Bevin Forsyth School Leadership Team Vince Green Sheila Knox Glen Garner Pam Pepper Tonia Wilburn Cynthia LeSueur Karen Brown Sherry Morrow Carol Goode Jaime Emerson Ricky Langford Kristin Andrews Mary Beth Smith Christy White Deana Hollaway Annie Knight Nancy Engle Nancy Shores Faye Hill School Leadership Team Allison Usery Mary Kelly Terry Whitt Mitzi Faulkner Latricia Smith Brenda Durham Elizabeth Anderson Tonia Wilburn Holly Kelley Pamela Marshall Michelle Davis Tina Wiggs Lynn Hodges Maria Zamora Lindsey McBay Deidre Mullins Matt Taylor Dana Womack

  11. Rubric • Highly Functional – the district is exceptional in its demonstration of the standard and exhibits practices not commonly found in other districts. • Operational – the district is demonstrating the standard and using practices you would find in other good districts. • Emerging – the district is beginning to put in place the practices necessary to meet the standard but is not meeting it. • Not evident – the district has not practices in place or beginning efforts to meet the standard.

  12. Section III District Accreditation Standards Chairpeople Standard 1: Vision and Purpose Jack Mullins Dianne Berzett Sharon Gallien

  13. Limestone County School SystemVision & PurposeStandard One:The system establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the system.

  14. VISION Limestone County School System, in partnership with our families and our communities, will strive to ensure that each child reaches his or her full human potential to become a contributing citizen through an educational system emphasizing each child’s unique abilities an individual talents and holding students, parents, educators, and the community accountable for achieving our expectations in a safe, nurturing environment.

  15. MISSION Leadingthe way to educational excellence in our Commitmentto children providing a Safenurturing environment for learning through Stakeholdersupport

  16. Vision & Purpose

  17. Focus Question 1: What is the process for establishing and building understanding of and commitment to the vision statement among the school system and its stakeholders? • Committee of stakeholders representing the • communities in the system reviewed surveys • and school data • District vision and mission are posted at central • office and local schools, on the district website, • and included in the student handbook • Websites, newsletters, clubs, and meetings, • provide multiple communication opportunities • with stakeholders

  18. Focus Question 2: What is the process for maintaining and using information that describes the school system, its programs, services and schools and their performance? • Commitment to improving individual and collective • performance of district and school goals established in • the Local Education Agency Improvement Plan (LIP) • and each school’s Continuous Improvement Plan • (CIP) • Central Office Support Team (COST) members paired with schools • Superintendent of Education visits schools to observe • and gather information

  19. Focus Question 3: How does the leadership ensure that the system’s vision, purpose, and goals guide the work of the school system and its schools? • Professional development provided based on analysis of standardized assessment data, failure rates, graduation rates, monthly progress monitoring, PEPE evaluations, and professional development plans • Weekly superintendent cabinet meetings • Monthly principal meetings • Monthly local school faculty meetings • Monthly progress monitoring data analysis • Monthly elementary grade level meetings • Monthly secondary departmental meetings

  20. Focus Question 4: What process is used to ensure that the vision and purpose of the school system remaincurrent and aligned with the system’s expectations in support of student learning and the effectiveness of the school system and its schools? • COST members support schools using information, • instructional review, strategic planning, • implementation and review of the CIP and Action • Plan • Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent and • director of each department analyze data, review • plans and support system’s expectations for student • learning and system effectiveness • Monthly strategic planning sessions and public board meetings

  21. Section III District Accreditation Standards Chairpeople Standard 2: Governance and Leadership Dr. Barry Carroll Sharon Gallien Tara Bachus

  22. Governance and Leadership STANDARD TWO: The system provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and system effectiveness.

  23. Governance & Leadership

  24. Governance & Leadership

  25. Focus Question 1: What is the process for establishing, communicating, and implementing policies and procedures for the effective operation of the school system and its schools? Establishing and Implementing Policies • Board of Education • Superintendent • Policy Advisory Committee Communicating Policies • Limestone County School System website • Local school website • Local media • Meetings (Board meetings, PTO, PTA, PTF) • Limestone County Handbook • School and Class Newsletters • STI Home

  26. Focus Question 2: What process does the system’s leadership use to evaluate system effectiveness and its impact on student performance? Process to evaluate system effectiveness • Central Office Support Team (COST) • Principal Meetings • Leadership Team meetings • Data meetings • State mandated tests • Local assessments • LEA Improvement Plan (LIP) • Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

  27. Focus Question 3: In what ways are stakeholders, including system and school staff, given opportunities to provide leadership and to contribute to the decision-making process? Opportunities to provide leadership District level • Aspiring Administrator Academy • Superintendent Cabinet Meetings • Principals’ Meetings School level • Principals’ Committee • Building Leadership Team • SUCCESS Mentor Program • Committees and Partner in Education Contribute to decision-making process District level • Board Meetings • Central Office Support Team (COST) • Policy Revision Committee • Funding Committees School level • PTO, PTA, PTF • Booster Clubs and Organizations

  28. Focus Question 4: What policies and processes are in place to ensure equity of learning opportunities and support for innovation? Policies • Gender based classrooms • Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide – (ACCESS Distance Learning) • Dual-enrollment • Advanced Placement • Career Technical Center Programs • Gifted Education Programs • ARI • AMSTI Processes • Software Technology Inc. (STI) • Professional Education Personnel Evaluation (PEPE) • National Board Certification • SUCCESS Mentor Program

  29. Section III District Accreditation Standards Chairpeople Standard 3: Teaching and Learning Jan Tribble Zebbra Green

  30. Teaching and Learning STANDARD THREE: The system provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.

  31. Focus Question 1: How does the system ensure the alignment and articulation of curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessments in support of the expectations for student learning? • Alignment • Limestone County Schools Continua of Skills • National Standards • Alabama Course of Study • AHSGE DIBELS • ARMT SAT10 • ADAW • Best Practices Workshops • Articulation • The Board Adopted Continua of Skills and Pacing Guides are posted on the system • website for teachers and the general public • Presented at New Teacher Academy • Presented at grade level/departmental • meetings • Best Practices Workshops

  32. Focus Question 2: In what ways does the system promote and support the implementation of research-based instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that facilitate achievement for all students? • Limestone County School System keeps at the forefront of every decision the needs of the students. All students are supported: • From all levels: • Alabama State Department of Education • Local Board of Education • Central Office Staff • Local School Administrators • Classroom teachers • Support Staff • Parents • Students • Through Professional Development and Various Initiatives: • Alabama Reading Initiative • Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative • HASPS • Best Practices Teaching Strategies • ARI-PALS • Various Tutorial Programs • Various Technology Programs designed for instruction • Best Academy

  33. Focus Question 3: What processes are implemented to ensure that all staff members are well-prepared to support and implement the district’s expectations for student learning? • New Teacher Academy • Advanced Degrees • SUCCESS Mentor Program • Master Schedules • PEPE • Professional Development • Central Office Support Team (COST) • Aspiring Administrator Academy

  34. Focus Question 4: How does the system ensure that all students and staff have access to comprehensive information, instructional technology, and media services? • District Website • Local School Website • Email • Continua of Skills and Pacing Guide • Student Handbook • Comprehensive Course Offering Booklet • Alert Now Notification System • STI Home • Computer Programs • Computer Labs • ACCESS • IVC • Flexible Scheduling for the Media Centers

  35. Section III District Accreditation Standards Chairpeople Standard 4: Documenting for Results Debbie Owens Donna Morris Mary Robinson

  36. Documenting and Using Results STANDARD FOUR: The system enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and system effectiveness.

  37. Documenting & Using Results STANDARD 4: The system enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and system effectiveness.

  38. Focus Question 1: How is the assessment system currently used throughout the school system and its schools to guide analysis of changes in student performance?

  39. Focus Question 2: What are you doing to ensure that assessment results are timely, relevant, and communicated in a way that can be used by the system, its schools, and stakeholders to aid the performance of individual students? System Level COST assessment data review Principals assessment data reviewSchool Level Faculty/Staff meetings Departmental/Grade Level meetingsStudents/Parents Individual Student Home Reports Progress Reports/Report Cards STI HomeStakeholders State Test Results published by local media System and School Report Cards posted on the website

  40. Focus Question 3: How are data used to understand and improve overall effectiveness of the school system and its schools? Assessment results are analyzed and examined in multiple settings and using multiple criteria, including: System to State Comparisons School to School Comparisons Grade to Grade Comparisons Year to Year Comparisons Subject Area Comparisons Classroom Comparisons Individual Student Performance Analysis Individual Student Longitudinal Performance Analysis

  41. Focus Question 4: How are staff members across the system and its schools trained to understand and use data to impact teaching and learning in the classroom? • New Principal Training by District Test Coordinator • New Teacher Training by District Test Coordinator • School Principal, Departmental/Grade Level Chair • School and System Professional Development • State Department Professional Development • COST Collaboration with School Personnel

  42. Section III District Accreditation Standards Chairpeople Standard 5: Resource and Support Resources Mr. Mike Owens Shanon Kyser Robbie Lauderdale

  43. Standard 5: The system has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students. Standard 5: Resources & Support Systems

  44. Focus Question 1: What is the school system’s process for recruitment, induction, placement, development, evaluation, and retention of qualified personnel and support staff across the system and its schools? • Office of the Assistant Superintendent Recruitment and Applications • Various Central Office Departments Screening and Interviews • Principals Interviews • Superintendent and Board of Education Hiring • New Teacher Academy Orientation • SUCCESS Program/PEPE Mentoring/Evaluation

  45. Focus Question 2: How does the leadership ensure that the allocation of financial resources is supportive of the school’s vision, educational programs, and its plan for school improvement? Annual Budget Operational Plans Local School Budget Committees Alternative Financial Resources Annual Audits

  46. Financial Resources Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 This chart shows the commitment of Limestone County Schools to the Instructional Program with Instructional Services receiving 58.7% of all expenditures, including 68 locally funded system staff units.

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