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Mars Exploration Program. Background, Status, Challenges and Future January 4-6, 2005. Co-Chairs: Charles Elachi JPL, 4800 Oak Grove Drive M/S 180-904 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-354-5673 (P) celachi!@mail.jpl.nasa.gov Al Diaz NASA Headquarters Ste. 3E39-A Washington, DC 20546-0001
Mars Exploration Program Background, Status, Challenges and Future January 4-6, 2005
Co-Chairs: Charles Elachi JPL, 4800 Oak Grove Drive M/S 180-904 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-354-5673 (P) celachi!@mail.jpl.nasa.gov Al Diaz NASA Headquarters Ste. 3E39-A Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-3889 (P) adiaz2!@mail.hq.nasa.gov Tom Young P. O. Box 518 18210 Poplar Cove Road Onancock, VA 23417 757-787-8878 (P) ayoung5090@aol.com Members: Raymond Arvidson Washington University Dept. of Planetary Sciences 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 314-935-5609 (P) 314-935-4998 (F) arvidson@wunder.wustl.edu Bobby Braun Georgia Institute of Technology Aerospace Engineering P. O. Box 0150 Atlanta, GA 30332 404-385-6171 (P) robert.braun@aerospace.gatech.edu Jim Cameron Lightstorm Entertainment, Inc. 919 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-656-6125 (P) 310-656-6102 (F) Wendlc@lightstormla.com Aaron Cohen 979-696-0144 (P) 310-656-6102 (F) aaronc3921@aol.com Committee Members Steve Dorfman 517 Veteran Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-472-9917 (P) 310-471-4094 (F) poppetd@aol.com Linda Godwin Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center NASA, Code CB, 2101 NASA Road 1 Houston, TX 77058 281-244-8802 (P) lgodwin@ems.jsc.nasa.gov Noel Hinners 42 Mule Deer Trail Littleton, CO 80127 303-972-0569 (P) Noelhinners@msn.com Kent Kresa Northrop Grumman Corporation 9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste. 580 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-248-4380 (P) 310-248-4383 (F) Kent.kresa@ngc.com
Chris McKay NASA Ames Research Center M/S 245-3 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 650-604-6864 (P) 650-604-6779 (F) cmckay@mail.arc.nasa.gov Sally Ride University of California-San Diego CalSpace, 0426 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093 858-534-5827 (P) 858-822-1277 (F) tsigan@earthkam.ucsd.edu Larry Soderblom U. S. Geological Survey Planetary Data Facility Branch of Astrogeological Studies 2255 North Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 928-556-7018 (P) 928-556-7014 (F) lsoderblom@usgs.gov Steve Squyres Cornell University Center for Radiophysics & Space Research 428 Space Sciences Bldg. Ithaca, NY 15853-1301 607-255-3508 (P) 604-255-5907 (F) squyres@astrosun.tn.cornell.educ Committee Members (cont’d) Members Cont’d: Gentry Lee Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive M/S 301-320 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-393-7041 (P) 818-393-3335 (F) glee@mail.jpl.nasa.gov Laurie Leshin Arizona State University Dept. of Geological Sciences P. O. Box 871404 Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 480-965-0796 (P) 480-965-8102 (F) laurie.leshin@asu.edu Shannon Lucid Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center NASA, Code CB 2101 NASA Road 1 Houston, TX 77058 281-244-8938(P) shannon.w.lucid1@jsc.nasa.gov Paul Mahaffy NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 915 Laboratory for Atmospheres Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-6379 (P) 301-614-6406 (F) paul.r.mahaffy@nasa.gov Peggy Whitson Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center NASA, Code CB 2101 NASA Road 1 Houston, TX 77058 281-244-8950 (P) peggy.a.whitson1@jsc.nasa.gov
Mike Hawes NASA Headquarters M/S 7P39 Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-0242 (P) whawes@mail.hq.nasa.gov Dan McCleese Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive M/S 301-345 Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-354-2317 (P) 818-354-8333 (F) daniel.j.mccleese@jpl.nasa.gov Doug McCuistion NASA Headquarters M/S 5G39 Washington, DC 20546-0002 202-358-4526 (P) 202-358-2769 (F) dmccuistion@mail.hq.nasa.gov Firouz Naderi Jet Propulsion Laboratory M/S 301-335A 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-354-9291 (P) 818-393-3035 (F) firouz.m.naderi@jpl.nasa.gov Ex-Officio Members Ex-Officio Members: Doug Cooke NASA Headquarters HQ007747 Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-1264 (P) 202-358-3342 (F) dcooke@mail.hq.nasa.gov Orlando Figueroa NASA Headquarters 3K39-A Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-3885 (P) ofiguero@mail.hq.nasa.gov Jim Garvin NASa Headquarters 3K39-A Washington, DC 20546-0002 202-358-1798 (P) 202-358-3095 (F) jgarvin@mail.hq.nasa.gov William Gerstenmaier Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center NASA, Code OA 2101 NASA Road 1 Houston, TX 77058 281-483-1912 (P) wgersten@ems.jsc.nasa.gov Joe Wood NASA Headquarters M/S 3K70 Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-0988 (P) jwood1@mail.hq.nasa.gov
Andrew Falcon NASA Headquarters M/S 9W39-A Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-3589-2082 (P) rfalcon@mail.hq.nasa.gov Bernie Seery NASA Headquarters M/S 3K70 Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-2373 (P) bseery1@mail.hq.nasa.gov Craig Steidle NASA Headquarters Exploration Systems Mission Directorate M/S 2V39 Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-1523 (P) csteidle@mail.hq.nasa.gov Other Attendees Coordinators: Judee Robey NASA Headquarters M/S 3K70 Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-0823 (P) 202-358-3091 (F) Jrobey@mail.hq.nasa.gov Michael Meyer NASA Headquarters M/S Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-385-0307 (P) mmeyer@mail.hq.nasa.gov Systems Engineers: Kent Joosten Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center NASA, Code EX 2101 NASA Road 1 Houston, TX 77058 281-483-4645 (P) kent.b.joosten@jsc.nasa.gov Frank Jordan Jet Propulsion Laboratory M/S 301-340 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-354-7790 (P) 818-393-3800 (F) jjordan@mail.jpl.nasa.gov Education Liason: Michelle Viotti Jet Propulsion Laboratory M/S 301-345 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-354-8774 (P) 818-393-3800 (F) mviotti@mail.jpl.nasa.gov Other Attendees: Tracey Abbott Jet Propulsion Laboratory M/S 301-422 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 818-653-8290 (C) tracey.s.abbott@jpl.nasa.gov Robin Alford Event Planning Contractor Infonetic Greenbelt, MD 301-794-0900 (P) ralford@infonetic.com Marc Allen NASA Headquarters Science Mission Directorate M/S 3E39-A Washington, DC 20546-0001 202-358-2470 (P) mallen1@mail.hq.nasa.gov
AGENDADay 1 Morning — Jan. 4, 2005 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 9:00 Meeting Opening • Convene Meeting • Introduction of Committee Members • Strategic Roadmapping Process Marc Allen • Objectives/Charter/Expectations Roadmap Chairs 10:30 Introduction Firouz Naderi 11:30 Session 1: Robotic Mars Exploration Program Science Goals & Objectives • Science Program Foundation James Garvin • Science Program Implementation Strategy Daniel McCleese 12:45 p.m. Working Lunch: Ethics and FACA Briefing Andrew Falcon / Diane Rausch
AGENDADay 1 Afternoon — Jan. 4, 2005 1:40 p.m. Session 2: Engaging the Mars Science Community • Scientific Support and Investigation Objective Bruce Jakosky 2:00 Session 3: Advances in Our Understanding of Mars • New Understanding from Recent Missions Steve Squyres • Search for Life David Des Marais 3:10 Committee Discussion 6:30 Dinner at Avery Library
AGENDADay 2 Morning — Jan.5, 2005 7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:00 Session 5: Mars Exploration Program • Programmatic Summary Doug McCuistion 9:00 Session 6: Focused Discussions – Missions in Definition • MSL Mike Meyer / Pete Theisinger • MSR Laurie Leshin / Mark Adler • AFL / Deep Drill Andrew Steele • MTO Chad Edwards / Roger Gibbs 12:00 noon Working Lunch to Allow Continuation of Presentations
AGENDADay 2 Afternoon — Jan. 5, 2005 1:00 p.m. Session 7: Human Exploration Mission Architecture and Technologies • Human Mission Studies John Connolly / Kent Joosten • Summaries • Architectural Drivers • Required Technologies 3:30 Session 8: Human Precursor Missions • Contributions Current Robotic Missions Can Make to Human Missions Jennifer Trosper / Frank Jordan 4:30 Committee Discussion 7:00 Dinner (on Your Own)
AGENDADay 3 Morning — Jan. 6, 2005 7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:00 Discusssion of White Papers 10:00 February Meeting Plans 11:00 Committee Discussion 12:00 noon Adjourn