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Sorin Solomon short CV Full Professor at the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Director , Division of Multi-Agent Systems; Institute for Scientific Interchange Torino.
Sorin Solomon short CV Full Professorat the Racah Institute of Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Director, Division of Multi-Agent Systems; Institute for Scientific Interchange Torino. Past Tasks: Head of the Theoretical Physics Section at the Racah Institute of Physics, Head of the Center for Microphysics and Cosmology, Scientific Head of the Visualization Center at HUJ. Awards: Levinson Prize, Bantrel Prize at Caltech, J.F. Kennedy Prize, Weizmann Fellowship, Keren Kayemet Prize. Committees Member: Center for Complexity Science, Jerusalem, Complexus journal, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, Journal of Statistical Mechanics. Representative Paper (out of about 200): The importance of being discrete: Life always wins on the surface with Shnerb, Louzoun, Bettelheim, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 97, Issue 19, 10322-10324, September 12, 2000 Conference Talks(a few tens) , e.g. Plenary talk at EPS-12; The General Conference of the European Physical Society. Book: Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets, with M. Levy and H. Levy, Academic Press, New York, 2000. Media Coverage: BBC, New York Times, Herald Tribune, Boston Globe, Der Standard, New Scientist, Neue Zurische Zeitung, Le Figaro, Business2.0, The Guardian, Nature, Science, Ha’Aretz, Europhysics News, Globe and Mail (Canada), Reuters
T-99 0C A water molecule in a container at 990C
T-99 0C A water molecule in a container at 990C The molecule moves in a disordered way bumping on the walls from time to time.
T-99 0C A water molecule in a container at 990C The molecule moves in a disordered way bumping on the walls from time to time. What Happens if one heats the walls of the container by 2 degrees?
T-99 0C T-101 0C A water molecule in a container at 990C What Happens if one heats the walls of the container by 2 degrees? Almost nothing: the molecule will bump on the walls in average a little bit faster.
T-99 0C T-101 0C A water molecule in a container at 990C What happens if one adds 3 more water molecules (at T= 990C) ?
T-99 0C T-101 0C What happens if one adds 3 more water molecules (at T= 990C) ? T-99 0C Almost nothing! They will also occasionally bump among themselves; Their average speed will be equal to the one of the single molecule before.
T-99 0C T-101 0C T-99 0C What happens if one increases now the temperature by 20C?
T-99 0C T-101 0C T-99 0C T-101 0C What happens if one increases now the temperature by 20C? Almost nothing, they will just increase a bit their average speed.
T-99 0C T-101 0C T-99 0C T-101 0C What happens now, if one introduces in the container 1Kg of such molecules and repeats the experiment of heating the walls by 20C?
T-99 0C T-101 0C What happens now, if one introduces in the container 1Kg of such molecules and repeats the experiment of heating the walls by 20C? Very Dramatic Effect: T-101 0C T-99 0C
T-99 0C T-101 0C Very Dramatic Effect: the spatial and speed distributions become inhomogeneous, and a lot of coordinated motion (bubbles) takes place: The water boils. T-101 0C T-99 0C
T-99 0C T-101 0C Does a new fundamental law of Nature become active in between the 4 molecules and the 1 Kg of water?
T-99 0C T-101 0C Does a new fundamental law of Nature become active in between the 4 molecules and the 1 Kg of water? Yes and No: the actual interaction laws between molecules are not changed.
T-99 0C T-101 0C Yes and No: the actual interaction laws between molecules are not changed.But the existence of a large number of molecules leads to some new, collective, emergent, complex effects of those laws. This is a law of nature of a new type: More is Different (Anderson 1972)
T-99 0C T-101 0C Could it be that similar effects govern the emergence of life from chemistry, of meaning from simple signals, of societies from individuals, of health from simple cells? (Anderson 1972)
Could it be that similar effects govern the emergence of life from chemistry, of meaning from simple signals, of societies from individuals, of health from simple cells etc?
Could it be that many complex phenomena unexplained until nowcould be the result of simple interactions among their simple components? To answer this one needs to transcend the traditional research within a single discipline and use trans-disciplinary methods. This requires growing a new generation of bi- or multi-lingual scientists. This requires more than a juxtaposition of expertizes.
Main research frameworks: • The micro-macro representation • The triangle team • The interdisciplinary research requires typically (at least) 2 senior researchers from the relevant fields (the one knowing about “water molecules” and the one knowing about “boiling”) and one student. It is typically in the mind of the student that the connection between the laws of the water molecules and the laws of boiling will become one. • The research structure of the project will then be • Prof. in Field 1 PhD Student Prof in Field 2 • The conceptual structure will be: • Microscopic Elements Microscopic Interactions Emergent Macroscopic Complex Phenomena • My coworkers and I implemented this scheme in a wide range of domains as seen on the following page. • In the process the students became professors, I indicate in brackets their present position . • One can click for their home pages.
Moshe Levy; Assist Prof Finance HUJhttp://bschool.huji.ac.il/levy_shiki.html Representation of Markets in terms of Inhomogenous individuals Book Acad Press Yoram Louzoun; Assist Prof. BIUhttp://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~louzouy/ Localization in Groups with Self-Enhancing trends Bul Math Bio; Artif life Uri Hershberg; Postdoc Yale http://shum.huji.ac.il/~uriher/ Representation of Diseases in terms of many interacting antigens and antibodies; Phys A Lev Muchnik http://www.nature.com/nsu/020923/020923-18.html Collective Phenomena from Individual Behavior Ester Adi Japha; Faculty BIUElements of children drawings associated with meaningCognitive Development Ifat Levy, Postdoc NYU Brain activity maps elicited by visual stimuliNature Yehuda Stolov, PhDDynamics of Stories and Thought;IJMPC Sorin Solomon Avishalom Shalithttp://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~vish/ Self Organization of Open Self-Representation Eran Shir PhD Stud TA;Internet Group Behav;Europhys News Nava Rubin; Assoc Prof NYUhttp://www.cns.nyu.edu/~nava/ 3D rigid sensation from 2D retina sensors Vision Research Jacob Goldenberg; Assoc Prof HUJhttp://pluto.huji.ac.il/~msgolden/home_page/ Creativity; Novelty Science;NYT
The resulting complexity publications grouped by “target research field” (only papers since 1995 are listed)
Generic Complexity The Microscopic Representation of Complex Macroscopic Phenomena,S. Solomon, Annual Reviews of Computational Physics II pp 243-294, editor D. Stauffer, World Scientific 1995. Collective Degrees of Freedom and Multiscale Dynamics in Spin GlassesN. Persky and S.Solomon, Phys. Rev. E. 54 (1996) 4399; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9603056 Complexity a Science at 30, S. Solomon and E. Shir, Europhysics News Feb-March 2003 p54
Visual System (reconstructing 3D bodies from 2D moving points) Restricted Ability to Recover 3D Global Motion from 1 D Motion Signals: Theoretical Observations,N. Rubin, S. Hochstein and S. Solomon, Vision Research 35 (1995) 569-578. Restricted Ability to Recover 3D Global Motion from 1 D Motion Signals: Psychophysical Observations,N. Rubin, S. Hochstein and S. Solomon, Vision Research 35 (1995) 463-476. The Microscopic Bases of VisionS. Solomon, in Perspectives on Cognitive Science, vol. 2, ed. B. Kokinov (NBU 1995)
Multiplicative Random walks, Lotka –Volterra systems, Returns Distributions and Pareto Laws Dynamical Explanation for the Emergence of Power Law in a Stock Market Model,M. Levy and S. Solomon, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 7, No. 1 (1996) 65-72 Power Laws are Logarithmic Boltzmann LawsM. Levy and S. Solomon International Journal of Modern Physics C , Vol. 7, No. 4 (1996) 595; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9607001 Spontaneous Scaling Emergence in Generic Stochastic SystemsS. Solomon and M. Levy International Journal of Modern Physics C , Vol. 7, No. 5 (1996) 745 ; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9609002 Power-law distributions and L\'evy-stable intermittent fluctuations instochastic systems of many autocatalytic elements.O. Malcai O. Biham and S. Solomon, Phys. Rev. E, 60, 1299 (1999). http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9907320
New Evidence for the Power Law Distribution of WealthM. Levy and S. Solomon Physica A 242 (1997) 90. http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/power-shiki.ps Generic emergence of power law distributions and L\'evy-stable intermittent fluctuations in discrete logistic systems.O. Biham, O. Malcai, M. Levy and S. Solomon, Phys. Rev. E 58, 1352 (1998). http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9804001 Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Systems of Competing Auto-catalytic Agents lead Generically to Truncated Pareto Power Wealth Distribution, Truncated Levy Distribution of Market Returns, Clustered Volatility, Booms and Crashes.S. Solomon, in Decision Technologies for Computational Finance, edited by A.-P. Refenes, A. N. Burgess, and J. E. Moody (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998). http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9803367 Generalized Lotka Volterra (GLV) Models of Stock MarketsS. Solomon, pp 301-322 in "Applications of Simulation to Social Sciences" , Eds: G Ballot and G Weisbuch; Hermes Science Publications 2000 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9901250 Power laws in cities population, financial markets and internet sites(scaling in systems with a variable number of components)Aharon Blank and Sorin Solomon, Physica A 287 (1-2) (2000) pp.279-288 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0003240
Power, Lévy, exponential and Gaussian-like regimes in autocatalytic financial systems,Z.F. Huang and S. Solomon Eur. Phys. J. B 20, (2001) 601-607 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0008026 Finite market size as a source of extreme wealth inequalityand market instabilityZhi-Feng Huang and Sorin Solomon Physica A , 294 (3-4) (2001) pp. 503-513 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0103170 Long-time fluctuations in a dynamical model of stock market indicesOfer Biham, Zhi-Feng Huang, Ofer Malcai and Sorin Solomon Phys. Rev. E 64, 026101 (2001) http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v64/e026101 Stochastic Multiplicative Processes for Financial MarketsZhi-Feng Huang and Sorin Solomon, Physica A 306 (2002) 412-422 Stability of Pareto-Zipf law in non-stationary economiesS. Solomon and P. Richmond in: Economics with heterogeneous interacting agents,ed. by A.Kirman and J.B. Zimmermann, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems,Springer, Berlin- Heidelberg 2001 page 141 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/012479
Power Laws of Wealth, Market Order Volumes and Market ReturnsSorin Solomon, Peter Richmond Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 299 (1-2) (2001) pp. 188-197 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0102423 Power Laws are disguised Boltzmann LawsPeter Richmond, Sorin Solomon, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2001) 333-343 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0010222 Self-Organization and Non-Self-Averaging Effects inSystems of Discrete Auto-Catalytic ElementsS. Solomon, pp 351-360 in Multiscale Computational Methods in Chemistry and Physics eds. A. Brandt, J. Bernholc and K. Binder, IOS Press 2001; NATO Science Series III: computer and Systems Sciences Vol. 177. Volatility driven markets in a generalized Lotka Voltera formalism Louzoun. Y. Solomon. S. (2001). Physica A 302 220-233 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0109493 Theoretical analysis and simulations of the generalized Lotka-Volterra model.O. Malcai, O. Biham, P. Richmond and S. Solomon, Phys. Rev. E66, 031102 (2002).
Co-Evolutionist Stochastic Dynamics: Emergence of Power-LawsPower-laws in stochastic Lotka-Volterra-Eigen-Schuster Systems S. Solomon, P. Richmond, O. Biham and O. Malcai, in: "Towards Cognitive Economics", Eds: P. Bourgine and J.-P. Nadal, Springer (2003).
Artificial Creativity and Novelty Emergence Creative Sparks Jacob Goldenberg, David Mazursky, and Sorin Solomon Science 285: 1495-1496, 1999; http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/creative-sparks.htm Toward Identifying the Inventive Templates of New Products: A Channeled Ideation Approach,Goldenberg Jacob, David Mazursky, and Sorin Solomon (1999), Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (May), p. 200-210. Meme's the Word, Jacob Goldenberg, David Mazursky, and Sorin Solomon Science 1999 November 19; 286: 1477 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/meme.htm Templates of original innovation: Projecting original incremental innovations from intrinsic informationGoldenberg J. Mazursky D. Solomon S., (1999) Technological Forecasting and Social Change, May, Vol. 61/1 P. 1-12. Creativity Templates: Towards Identifying the Fundamental Schemes of Quality Advertisements; Goldenberg J. Mazursky D. Solomon S. Marketing Science, Volume 18, Number 3, 1999 Scrutinizing CreativityDennis Hollenberg;, Jacob Goldenberg, David Mazursky, and Sorin Solomon Science 1999 December 17; 286: 2269 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/creativity.htm
Agent Based Simulations of Stock Markets Microscopic Simulation of the Stock MarketM. Levy, H. Levy and S. Solomon, Journal de Physique I France 5 (1995) 1087-1103. A microscopic model of the stock market; Cycles, booms and crashes,M. Levy, H. Levy and S. Solomon, Economics Letters 45 (1994) 103-111. The Complex Dynamics of a Simple Stock Market ModelM. Levy, N. Persky and S. Solomon Int. J. of High Speed Computing 8 (1996) 93 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/pers.ps Behaviorally realistic simulations of stock markets; Traders with a soul, ComputerSolomon S Physics Communications 121-122 (1999) 161 . http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9901003 Pioneers on a new continent: on physics and economics Sorin Solomon and Moshe Levy Quantitative Finance (IoP) Volume 3, Number 1, C12 February 2003
The Interacting Gaps Model: Reconciling Theoretical and Numerical Approaches to Limit-Order Models. L. Muchnik, F. Slanina, and S. Solomon. Physica A 330 (2003) 232. Statistical Mechanics of Conventional Traders May Lead to Non-Conventional Market Behavior, Lev Muchnik and Sorin Solomon Physica Scripta. Vol. T106, 41–47, 2003 An updated Review of the LLS Stock Market Model: Complex Market Ecology, Power Laws in Wealth Distribution and Market Returns, Sorin Siolomon and Moshe Levy, p69, in New Directions in Statistical Physics, ed. Luc Wille, Springer-Verlag 2004
Other Mental Processes The Dynamics of Childrens's Drawings.E. Adi, I. Levin and S. Solomon, in Perspectives on Cognitive Science, vol. 2, ed. B. Kokinov (NBU 1995) Emergence of Representation in Drawing: The Relation Between Kinematic andReferential AspectsEster Adi-Japha, Iris Levin and S. Solomon Cognitive Development 13, 25-51 (1998) What Are Stories Made Of? Quantitative Categorical Deconstruction of CreationY. Stolov, M. Idel, S. Solomon, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 11, No. 4 (2000) 827-835 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0008192 Structures of the Mind and Universal MusicJacob Goldenberg, David Mazursky, and Sorin Solomon Science 2001 June 29; 292: 2433 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/structures.htm
Global Propagation by local rules Marketing percolationJ. Goldenberg, B. Libai, S. Solomon, N. Jan and D. Stauffer Physica A, 284 (1-4) (2000) pp. 335-347 , http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0005426 Social percolation modelsSorin Solomon, Gerard Weisbuch, Lucilla de Arcangelis, Naeem Jan, Dietrich Stauffer Physica A: 277 (1-2) (2000) pp. 239-247 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/soc-per.ps Self-organized percolation and critical sales fluctuationsWeisbuch G, Solomon S Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 11: (6) 1263-1272 SEP 2000 http://shum.huji.ac.il/~sorin/ws.ps Social Percolators and Self Organized Criticality. in Handbook of Graphs and Networks:From the Genome to the Internet,pp.113-132 eds. S. Bornholdt and H. G. Schuster, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2002. Solving Traffic Jams: Human Intervention or Self-Organization? E. Mar Or, E. Shir and S. Solomon, International Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 14, No. 8 p 1007
Emergence and Patterns in Stochastic Autocatalytic Systems The importance of being discrete: Life always wins on the surface Nadav M. Shnerb, Yoram Louzoun, Eldad Bettelheim, and Sorin Solomon Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 97, Issue 19, 10322-10324, September 12, 2000 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/adap-org/9912005 Adaptation of Autocatalytic Fluctuations to Diffusive Noise N. M. Shnerb, E. Bettelheim, Y. Louzoun, O. Agam, S. Solomon Phys Rev E Vol 63, No 2, 2001; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/0007097 HIV time hierarchy: winning the war while, loosing all the battles Uri Hershberg, Yoram Louzoun, Henri Atlan and Sorin Solomon Physica A: 289 (1-2) (2001) pp.178-190 ; http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/nlin.AO/0006023 The Emergence of Spatial Complexity in the immune System. Louzoun, Y, Solomon. S., Atlan. H., Cohen.I.R. (2001) Physica A, 297 (1-2) pp. 242-252. http://xxx.lanl.gov/html/cond-mat/0008133 The risk of being unfair, the unstable fate of globalization. Louzoun. Y. Mazurski. D., Goldberg. J. Solomon. S. (2003) Artificial Life 4(9) 357 - 370 Innovations Refuse to Die:-The Unforeseen Longevity of Society Fundamental Ideas. Mazurski. D., Goldberg. J. Barak.L. Louzoun. Y. Solomon. S. (2003) Technological forecasting and Social Change In press Proliferation and competition in discrete biological systems. Louzoun, Y., Atlan, H., Solomon. S., Cohen, I.R (2003) Bulletin of mathematical biology 65(3) 375-396 Reactive Glass and vegetation patterns, N.M. Shnerb, P. Sarah, H. Lavee and S. Solomon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 0381011 (2003) [pdf file]