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United States Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization. SAT Request Procedures. *United States Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization*. Authority. Mission. Resources. What we will answer today. Who is SATMO? What does SATMO do? How does SATMO do it?.
United States ArmySecurity Assistance Training Management Organization SAT Request Procedures *United States Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization*
Authority Mission Resources What we will answer today. • Who is SATMO? • What does SATMO do? • How does SATMO do it?
Who is SATMO? • HQDAresourced TRADOC/G3 Field Operating Agency (FOA) • Located at Fort Bragg, NC • Executes TRADOC’s OCONUS Army Security Assistance authorized/funded** Training/Advisory Teams • 90% of missions are FMS/FMF (case) related (Title 22, Foreign Ops) • ** By law, SA operates at no cost to USG/DoD/Army • -- Funded up front, or • -- Reimbursed to OMA
USASATMO Mission Deploy, sustain and redeploy Security Assistance Teams (SATs) to execute OCONUS Security Assistance missions that support Department of State (DoS) and Department of Defense (DoD) Security Cooperation Plans and programs.
Governing Regulations • FAA (Foreign Assistance Act) • AECA (Arms Export Control Act) • Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM), DoD 5105.38-M) • AR 11-31 (Army International Security Cooperation Policy) • AR 12 series (Security Assistance) • AR 12-1 • AR 12-7 • AR 12-15 (Joint Regulation) • AR 37 series (Funds and Accounting) • AR 70-62 Airworthiness Qualification of Aircraft Systems • AR 95-1 Flight Regulations
SATFA USASATMO Army Security Assistance Team Policy, Resources, Oversight Congress Executive Office of the HQDA DoS DSCA Unified HQDA Staff OSD ASA/ALT JS ASCC ACs DRUs DASA (DE&C) DISAM COCOM PEO/PMs Operations, Management, Execution AMC (Material) TRADOC (Training) CoE (Civil Works) USASAC DCS G-3/5/7 Notes: Portrays SA functional relationship, not Command and Control. = entry point for customer SA requests Reg Dirs SAT-D Acquisition & Logistics Communities Training Providers IMSO SAMD
TRADOC C2 for SATP Mgmt & Oversight TRADOC GEN DEMPSEY MOU July ‘02 @ Fort Monroe, VA @ Fort Bragg, NC G3/5/7 BG Dana Pittard Mr Bob Seger, SES Dep USASOC Rater & Senior Rater Admin/Log Support SATD John Baer, Director Mission Oversight & Resources SATMO COL Don Clarke, Cdr SATFA John Baer, Director • SATD is— • TRADOC TDA FOA • FMS/FMF Funded • (No TRADOC OMA $$) -TRADOC Schools -Army Non-TRADOC -DoD on Army Posts -Contractor Facilities SAT Teams (PCS) SAT Teams (TDY) • OMC; USLO:ODC; MILGP; USMTM… • [Security Assistance Officers]
USASATMO Organization Commander Deputy Commander Chief of Operations HR/Finance Budget Logistics IMO CENTCOM / PACOM SOUTHCOM / AFRICOM/ NORTHCOM/ EUCOM SAT Managers SAT Managers
Types of SATs RST Requirement Survey Team PDSS Pre-Deployment Site Survey MTT Mobile Training Team TAT Technical Assistance Team TAFT Technical Assistance Field Team ETSS Extended Training Service Specialist TDY < 180 days PCS > 179 days
SAT Composition • Contractor • GS Civilian • Military: TRM must include Justification for Military. • Any combination of the above
MAJOR Changes to AR 12-7 Adds the Army’s Security Assistance Permanent Change of Station and temporary duty team process charts in which the requests are submitted to Headquarters, Department of the Army instead of directly to TRADOC/SATFA Adds PCS and temporary duty Team Request and Internal Army Approval. Expands the responsibilities of DASA DE&C, DAMO-ODO, Director ARNG, CAR, and DCS, G-1. Added team duration will not exceed 3 years. Establishes DASA DE&C as the approving authority for supported and nonsupported tasks that require Headquarters, Department of the Army approval. Added airworthiness requirements Change Security Assistance Training Management Organization’s chain of command to TRADOC G-3/5/7.
MAJOR Changes to AR 12-7 The HQDA governing personnel sourcing principle is that all teams can be totally contractor, given that any team position that does not require military will be filled by a contractor or DA Civilian. The TRM must provide compelling justification why military personnel are required in lieu of contractors and/or DA civilians. The justification must include why each individual team member’s task cannot be accomplished using a contractor or a DA Civilian; and jeopardizes the team’s overall mission success. In accordance with Title 10 U.S.C. 167, the SAO will direct any requests for Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) personnel to the theater Special Operations Command (SOC) for validation, then to the theater Combatant Commander, who will then forward the request to USSOCOM for approval. Upon approval, USSOCOM will direct team sourcing.
MAJOR Changes to AR 12-7 The Country Team will then submit a detailed TRM through the COCOM for validation to HQDA for decision. The TRM will clearly state the mission, training goals, end state of the mission, and the qualifications the team members should possess per paragraph 3–1. The SAO should also identify geographic or climatic conditions to be considered in selection of team members. For contractor-staffed SAT, the SAO will include, as part of the TRM, a Statement of Work (SOW) to be coordinated with TRADOC. The TRM will be submitted through the appropriate COCOM authority that works Security Cooperation programs to validate the requirements. Upon COCOM validation of the TRM, it will then be forwarded to HQDA for coordination and decision. The Army action agency address is DASA DE&C Suite 8200, ATTN: SAAL–NP, 1777 North Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209.
MAJOR Changes to AR 12-7 The DASA DE&C will coordinate with the DCS, G–1 and DCS, G–3/5/7 and make a decision on the TRM. If the TRM is disapproved, it will be sent back through the COCOM to the country team with applicable justification. If the TRM is approved, DASA DE&C will draft an Execution Message to DCS, G–3/5/7 ODO with a mission statement, metrics for measuring success, and a timeline for completion. The DCS, G–3/5/7 ODO upon receiving the draft Execution Message from DASA DE&C will send a tasker to the SATMO, NG, and TRADOC G–3/5/7 Central Tasking Office to fill the request. Request for team continuation Continuation of the duration of an Army non-contractor PCS SAT beyond three years requires HQDA approval. If a PCS team requires a continuation beyond two years, the SAO will submit a Team Continuation Request Memorandum (TCRM) through the same process as the TRM for approval. To meet Army personnel management timelines, the TCRM must be submitted by the end of the first year. No continuations will be granted without Human Resources Command (HRC) approval.
Require reports IAW AR 12-7 Security Assistance Team Effectiveness. Submit Thru SAO to COCOM to HQDA Copy Furnished TRADOC Upon Mission Complete, or Team Chief Change out for PCS Teams Quarterly Assessment Report. Submit Thru SAO to USASATMO. Operation OPREP-3 Report: Submit by Team Chief/ SAO to Commander USASATMO
Execution Process Considerations • Pre coordination with TRADOC/SATFA/SATMO. • Total Package Approach • PCS SATs: Minimum 18 months notification • TDY SATs: 12 Months notification • 24 months notification for TDA additions. • COCOM-Validated TRM to DASA DE&C • Info addressees SATFA/SATMO and other command/activities involved in coordinating, resourcing or approving SAT requests. Considerations: Lead times required to notify deploying personnel and/or go through the contracting process (2-3 month average for contract approval)
*United States Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization* The Process
Contract Procedures • Performance Work Statement, or Task Order coordinate with SAO • Request HQ TRADOC approve Contract for SAT (Normal Time 3-4 Months) • SATMO coordinate with KO, (MINCC/R2) • Cost: • 1.7% CASS • Off Load normal 1% • 3.8% Admin • 6 to 8 months after receipt of Tasking from TRADOC G3
SATs Restrictions • Cannot perform Combatant Duties. AECA, sec. 21(c) prohibits SA personnel from providing: • Defense services, including training, of a combatant nature. • Training and advising activities that may engage U.S. personnel in combat activities outside the United States are prohibited. • SATs are prohibited from: • performing operational duties of any kind except: • as may be required in the conduct of on-the-job training in the operation and maintenance of: • equipment • weapons • supporting systems. • SATs shall not perform SAO functions or be used to augment the SAO • Exception if specified by the host country in the LOA.
Command Relationships • Chief of Mission, through the SAO exercises general supervision of the SAT and its activities • Commander USASATMO retains UCMJ authority unless MOA/MOU exists to delegate.
COCOM SA Responsibilities • Validate TRM request ASCC Support Teams. Forward to Validated TRM to HQDA DASA DE&C. • Security Assistance (SA) and armaments cooperation responsibilities • Military assessments and SA impact within AO to JCS • Allocate funds made available by DSCA and prepare SAO budgets • COCOMs command and supervise SAOs (SAOs are assigned to COCOM)
SAO Responsibilities • Coordinate SAT mission with HN, ambassador and COCOM to include country/theater clearance • Provide in-country costs to SATMO for pricing • Coordinate for ICASS • Prepare NSDD 38 • Write Training Request Memorandum (TRM) • Ensure needed equipment is on hand for team arrival • Provide administrative support to SAT • Exercise operational oversight of military filled SATs and surveillance for contractor filled SATs • Inventory team Property annually • Oversee equipment turnover to host nation at end of mission
USASATMO Responsibilities • Staff teams (PCS, TDY, contract) • Prepare teams to deploy (SATTOC) • Outfit teams • Manage team expenses • Maintain PCS soldiers on SATMO TDA • Exercise UCMJ authority for PCS teams (unless specified in MOU) • Support teams in-country as needed • Deploy and re-deploy teams
United States ArmySecurity Assistance Training Management Organization Questions *United States Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization*