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Security of Information Systems Network Attacks. Dr. Igor Santos. Contents. Denial of Service Man in the middle ICMP attacks. Denial of Service ( DoS ). Denial of Service - DoS. Denial -of- Service ( DoS )
Security of InformationSystemsNetworkAttacks Dr. Igor Santos
Contents • Denial of Service • Man in themiddle • ICMP attacks
Denial of Service (DoS)
Denial of Service - DoS • Denial-of-Service (DoS) • Exclusive appropiationof a resource or service with the intention of preventing access to third parties • Attacks designed to collapse a resource or system with the intent to destroy the service • Removing the service delivery of system connected to a network
Denial of Service - DoS • Many DoS are based on bandwidth • If I have more bandwidth than you, I can send you lot of traffic and you get flooded • What if the attacker does not have more bandwidth than the victim? • Use DoSnot based on the bandwidth (eg Ping-Of-Dead, Winnuke, etc..)ç • Use DDoS
DistributedDenialof Service - DDoS • DistributedDenial-of-Service (DDoS) • Denial of service attack in which a number of compromised systems attack a single system, causing the termination of a service
DistributedDenial of Service - DDoS • Goals • Disable the service • Disable the net • Disable the organization • Cause economical losses
DistributedDenial of Service - DDoS • DDoStoWikileaks 28/11/2010 http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57492527-83/wikileaks-endures-a-lengthy-ddos-attack/ Response attackstomastercard, paypal, …
DistributedDenial of Service - DDoS • Anonymousattacksinstitutional webs in response totheclosure of Megaupload 20/01/2012 http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/jan/20/anonymous-attacks-after-megauploads-closure
Denial of Service • Types of DoS attacks • Network Flooding • SYN Flood • FIN Flood • Connection Flood • ICMP Smurf • System Overload • Computation (eg: lots of encrypted sessions) • Memory (eg: heavy SQL queries) • Disk (eg: temporal files) • OS Vulnerabilities • Ping of Death • Land Attack
SYN Flood • Based on the Three-Way Handshake to establish a TCP connection • Attacker initiates a high number of connections that are never completed, leaving the server waiting for the final ACK • They consume a lot of resources on the server and there is a DoS • Very easy to perform
SYN Flood • Pera-attack(Three-WayHandshake)
SYN Flood • Attack
SYN Flood • The problem is that the OS have a very low limit of the number of half-open connections that can handle • If the limit is exceeded, the server does not respond to new connection requests • The half-open connections expire, releasing 'slots' for new connections • If the attack is maintained, the probability that one of these 'slots' is used by a malicious SYN is very high
SYN Flood • Example • Limit 5-30 half-open connections that expire after about 2 minutes • To cause DoS -> send SYN every 4 sec
SYN Flood • Tools • Hping3 • hping3 --flood –S –p 80 <IP> • Others • http://www2.packetstormsecurity.org/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?searchvalue=syn+flood&type=archives&[search].x=0&[search].y=0
SYN Flood • Countermeasures • SYN-cookies • Using TCP sequence numbers as session state control • The SYN queue is released from the state maintenance • Raise'backlogqueue' • More 'slots'toconnectto • If not supplemented with syn-cookies can be counterproductive
FIN Flood • Sending a TCP packet with the FIN flag active and falsified source IP, different ports and source and sequence number • If there is a connection to that IP and source port, and the sequence number matches, the legitimate connection ends • Formerly the OS used consecutive sequence numbers! • Otherwise, simply saturate the network with traffic
ConnectionFlood • The connection-oriented services (eg ftp, http, smtp, ...) have a limit of simultaneous connections supported • When the limit is reached, new connections are rejected • The attacker attempts to monopolize established connections • Similar to SYN flood, but in this case a TCP connection (three way handshake) is established
ICMP Smurf • Based on IP spoofing and broadcast • It involves sending a ICMP packet, for example Echo Request, to the broadcast of a subnet (amplifier) • All machines on this subnet answer the broadcast • If we spoof the packet's source IP, all the responses will go to that IP (victim)
ICMP Smurf • For every packet sent, the victim will receive hundreds of responses -> FLOOD • This attack works if the amplifier router is misconfigured
LandAttack • Bug in the implementation of the TCP / IP stack for Windows platforms • Sending SYN packet to an open port of the victim, with the same source and destination addresses • The OS kernel sends ACKs to itself, and causes a DoS
Ping of Death • ICMP is sent with a total size greater than the maximum allowed by the RFC (65,535 bytes) • The packet is fragmented and reassembled at the destination • If the system is vulnerable, it crashes when reassembling • Current systems are not vulnerable
Man in the Middle (MitM)
Man in theMiddle • MitM: Man in theMiddle • Attack in which one is able to read, insert and modify at will, messages between two parties without either of them knowthat the link between them has been compromised • The attacker must be able to observe and intercept messages between the two victims
Man in theMiddle • MostusedMitM • MAC flooding • ARP spoofing • DNS spoofing • SSL strip
MAC Flooding • Attacktocompromiseswitches • CAM Table(Content AddressableMemory) • Mapsthe MAC addresseswithswitchports • The attacker sends packets with different source MAC in order to saturate the limited memory of the CAM table. • Once saturated, the switch acts as a hub
ARP Spoofing • Alsoknown as ARP poisoning • SendingfakeARPstothenetwork • Usually the aim is to associate the attacker's MAC address with the IP address of another node (the node attacked) • Eg default gateway (gateway) to see all traffic to Internet.
ARP Spoofing • Any traffic directed to the attacked node's IP address, will be mistakenly sent to the attacker, rather than to its actual destination • PassiveAttack • Traffic is only observed • It redirects it the gateway • ActiveAttack • The data are modified before forwarding it to the gateway
ARP Spoofing • Tool: Ettercap • Ettercap -G • Sniff → Unifiedsniffing • Hosts → Host list • Hosts → Scanfor hosts • Addthe Gateway as Target1 • Addthevictim as Target2 • Start → StartSniffing • Mitm → Arppoisoning (sniffremoteconnections)
ARP Spoofing • Countermeasures • ArpON - http://arpon.sourceforge.net • Patriot NG - http://www.security-projects.com/?Patriot_NG
DNS Spoofing • Faketherelationship “DomainName-IP" fornameresolutionqueries • Solvingitwith a fakeaddresscertain DNS nameor viceversa • Tool: Ettercap • Edit /usr/local/share/ettercap/etter.dns • Plugins -> Manageplugins… • Dns_spoof
SSL Strip • Intercept HTTPS traffic • Perform a MitMbetweenthe server and theclient and replaceeveryanquery“https://”withan“http://” • The victim and perpetrator communicate via HTTP • The attacker and the server communicate over HTTPS with server certificate • The attacker is able to see all unencrypted traffic of the victim
ICMP Attacks • Attacks based on sending special ICMP packets (not 'echo-requests') • ICMP redirect • Source Quench • Blind Connection-Reset • …
ICMP Redirect • It makes use of ICMP type 5 - Redirect • Used by a router to indicate to other computers that an alternative route bypassing it • The router generates an ICMP "redirect" with the path information that he believes best • If the team receiving the package "redirect" have faith in what you say, accept the new route • Can be used to carry out attacks "Man in the middle“ • ICMP redirect should be filtered
SourceQuench • It makes use of ICMP type 4 - Source Quench • In the next review of ICMPwill be declared obsolete • It is used for the destination IP lowers the rate at which is sending traffic • It can be used to cause DoS
ICMP ConnectionReset • When a TCP receivesan ICMP serious error, abortstheconnection • Errorsconsideredserious • ICMP type 3 (DestinationUnreachable) • Code 2 (protocolunreachable) • Code 3 (portunreachable) • Code 4 (fragmentationneeded and DF bit set) • Tools: icmp-reset • http://www.gont.com.ar/tools/icmp-attacks/