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Objective I-7

Objective I-7. Identify Active and Passive Use of Voice. Voice. Voice indicates whether the subject is acting or being acted upon. Active Voice. Active voice indicates that the subject of the verb is, has been, or will be doing something. Example:

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Objective I-7

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  1. Objective I-7 Identify Active and Passive Use of Voice Julie Mullins-Turner

  2. Voice Voice indicates whether the subject is acting or being acted upon. Julie Mullins-Turner

  3. Active Voice • Active voice indicates that the subject of the verb is, has been, or will be doing something. Example: For years, Spencer held the football rushing record. Active Voice makes your writing more direct and lively. Julie Mullins-Turner

  4. Passive Voice • Passive voice indicates that the subject of the verb is being, has been, or will be acted upon. Example: For years, the rushing record was held by Spencer. Julie Mullins-Turner

  5. WARNING • With a passive verb, the person or thing creating the action is NOT always stated. The dart was thrown. (Who did the throwing?) Julie Mullins-Turner

  6. Let’s Make It Simple! To decide if a verb is active or passive, follow these steps. • Locate the subject of the sentence. • Ask yourself is the subject performing the action (verb)? • Ask yourself is the subject having the action (Verb) performed on it/him/her? Julie Mullins-Turner

  7. Let’s Try Our Method Ann served the tennis ball to her opponent. • What is the subject of the sentence? • What is the action (verb)? • Is the subject performing the action or verb? Julie Mullins-Turner

  8. Let’s Try Our Method Annserved the tennis ball to her opponent. • What is the subject of the sentence? Ann is the subject of the sentence. • What is the action (verb)? Served is the verb. • Is the subject performing the action or verb? Ann is performing the action of serving. The voice of the verb is ACTIVE. Julie Mullins-Turner

  9. Let’s Try Our Method The ball was caught by Delane. • What is the subject of the sentence? • What is the action (verb)? • Is the subject performing the action or verb? Julie Mullins-Turner

  10. Let’s Try Our Method The ball was caught by Delane. • What is the subject of the sentence? Ball is the subject. • What is the action (verb)? Caught is the action. • Is the subject performing the action or verb? No. Ball has the action (caught) performed on it. The sentence is passive. Julie Mullins-Turner

  11. Let's Practice If a sentence on the following slide is in the passive voice, rewrite it in the active voice. If it is already in the active voice, write “active.” Julie Mullins-Turner

  12. The announcement was heard by only half the students. • My geometry textbook has been lost. • The student council is considering action on the proposal. • Most of the class is going to the afternoon assembly. • Winners’ names will be published in the next issue of The Bugle. • The new menu was tested last week by the cooks. Julie Mullins-Turner

  13. Answers • Only half of the students heard the announcement. • I lost my geometry textbook. • Active • Active • The Bugle will publish winner’s names in the next issue. • The cooks tested the new menu last week. Julie Mullins-Turner

  14. How would a question about effective use of voice look on the AHSGE? Julie Mullins-Turner

  15. Choose the sentence written in the active voice. A. A nap is being taken by the dog. B. In the morning I will cook breakfast. C. Many were struck by the honesty in the poem. D. The campaign for governor was run by Janet Smith. Julie Mullins-Turner

  16. Identify the sentence that is written in the passive voice. A. Jason toured Europe with a national boys’ choir. B. Jamie recruited seven students to work in the art gallery. C. John H. Jones, noted author, was recognized by an alert fan. D. David is studying computer-assisted drafting at the technical school. Julie Mullins-Turner

  17. Choose the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. Her coat was left in the cabin overnight. B. The janitor will be missed by the teachers. C. At 0°, The water freezes on the lake. D. A smile was noticed on Mr. Gray’s usually stern face. Julie Mullins-Turner

  18. Select the sentence that is written in the passive voice. A. The key ring also held a small flashlight. B. The ancient clock chimed only at midnight. C. The lamp turned on when she clapped her hands. D. The telephone was designed to look like a sports car. Julie Mullins-Turner

  19. Identify the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. My aunt gave me a sweater. B. I was given a sweater by my aunt. C. A sweater was given to me by my aunt. D. A sweater was given by my aunt to me. Julie Mullins-Turner

  20. Answers Julie Mullins-Turner

  21. Choose the sentence written in the active voice. A. A nap is being taken by the dog. B. In the morning I will cook breakfast. C. Many were struck by the honesty in the poem. D. The campaign for governor was run by Janet Smith. Julie Mullins-Turner

  22. Identify the sentence that is written in the passive voice. A. Jason toured Europe with a national boys’ choir. B. Jamie recruited seven students to work in the art gallery. C. John H. Jones, noted author, was recognized by an alert fan. D. David is studying computer-assisted drafting at the technical school. Julie Mullins-Turner

  23. Choose the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. Her coat was left in the cabin overnight. B. The janitor will be missed by the teachers. C. At 0°, The water freezes on the lake. D. A smile was noticed on Mr. Gray’s usually stern face. Julie Mullins-Turner

  24. Select the sentence that is written in the passive voice. A. The key ring also held a small flashlight. B. The ancient clock chimed only at midnight. C. The lamp turned on when she clapped her hands. D. The telephone was designed to look like a sports car. Julie Mullins-Turner

  25. Identify the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. My aunt gave me a sweater. B. I was given a sweater by my aunt. C. A sweater was given to me by my aunt. D. A sweater was given by my aunt to me. Julie Mullins-Turner

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