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Energy, environment, justice. Chris Greacen Sheila Bijoor Palang Thai www.palangthai.org. Outline. Problems Global warming (only part of the “energy-environment crisis”) Causes Impacts Solutions? Saving energy Renewable energy. Getting hotter:1000 years of global temperature.
Energy, environment, justice Chris Greacen Sheila Bijoor Palang Thai www.palangthai.org
Outline • Problems • Global warming (only part of the “energy-environment crisis”) • Causes • Impacts • Solutions? • Saving energy • Renewable energy
Global temperature dramatically increases, especially during the last decade and scientists predicts the future surface temperature to be … During the last 100 years ช่วงที่มีการสังเกตการณ์ Projections in the next 100 years ในรอบ 1,000 ปีที่ผ่านมา Source: IPCC, 2001 Seehttp://www.ipcc.ch/present/graphics/2001syr/small/05.24.jpg
Greenhouse effect – how greenhouse gases make the world hotter
Carbon Dioxide - The Last 10,000 years Measurements are shown from ice cores (symbols with different colours for different studies) and atmospheric samples (red lines).
Man-made CO2 in 2002 (% of total) Source: IEA
Per Capita CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry, 1996 Thailand (1997): 0.77
Cumulative CO2 emissions 1900-1999 From fossil fuel combustion and land-use change From WRI (Baumert and Kete 2002)
Per capita income (PPP) 1999 From WRI (Baumert and Kete 2002)
The Champagne Glass UNDP, Human Development Report, 1998
Electricity use in Thailand in 2003 Source: Figure 19, Statistical Report Fiscal Year 2003 Power Forecast and Statistics Analysis Department System Control and Operation Division. Report No. SOD-FSSR-0404-05
โรงไฟฟ้าพลังความร้อน โรงไฟฟ้าพลังน้ำ โรงไฟฟ้าพลังความร้อนร่วม แม่เมาะ 2,625 MW เทินหินบุน 214 MW สิริกิติ์ 500 MW ภูมิพล 736 MW น้ำพอง 710 MW N ลานกระบือ 169 MW NE ปากมูล 136 MW เขาแหลม 300 MW ห้วยเฮาะ 133 MW C ลำตะคอง 500 MW ศรีนครินทร์ 720 MW วังน้อย 2,031 MW • EPEC 350 MW บางปะกง 3,675 MW บ่อวิน 713 MW • TECO 700 MW • ราชบุรี • 3,645 MW ระยอง 1,232 MW IPT 700 MW Metro เขต กทม. พระนครใต้ 2,288 MW หนองจอก 366 MW S • ขนอม 824 MW รัชชประภา 240 MW ระบบส่ง 230,000 โวลต์ ระบบส่ง 500,000 โวลต์ • สุราษฎร์ 240 MW โรงไฟฟ้ากังหันแก็ส บางลาง 72 MW
1993 (2536) 2000 (2543) Some effects of climate change… Snow on Mt. Kilmanjaro (Kenya) almost all melted within the past 7 years Source: IUCN
Ice melting areas Polar ice melting Albedo Effect กรีนแลนด์ บริเวณขั้วโลกเหนือ Source of picture: bbc.co.uk
Source: Government of South Australia, 2005 See http://www.climatechange.sa.gov.au/greenhouse/greenhouse.htm
Impact on Bangladesh of sea rise of 1.5 meters Source: UNEP/GRID Seehttp://www.grida.no/climate/vital/33.htm
Economic impacts -- especially from extreme weather “2005 Atlantic hurricane season has clearly been the most active season on record” www.pewclimate.org/hurricanes.cfm#5
Source: BBC UK, 2005; UNEP, 2006 Seehttp://www.grida.no/climate/vital/32.htm
Climate change used to justify…BIG DAMS • Ecological/social damage from flooding • Decimated fish stocks • Especially impacts rural politically disempowered • (Often does cause climate change)
NUCLEAR • Expensive • Waste deadly for at least 250,000 years • We can’t figure out how to dispose of waste • Unavoidable weapons linkages
Global warming is only a tiny part of the energy/ecology/society story… • One large shopping mall (average consumption): 10 Megawatt • Pak Mun Dam (average production): 40 Megawatt • Fish stocks decimated • 10 years of protest, 5000 villagers • Communities forcefully relocated
Are there alternatives? … yes… • Save energy • Use clean (renewable) energy
(Real) Buddhist values • Moderation / simplicity • Emphasis on “being” rather than “having”
Saving electricity is cheaper than generating it Demand Side Management (saving electricity) Source: The World Bank (1993)
GHGs emissions from household and daily activities ที่มา : Australian Greenhouse Office (2003) See http://www.greenhouse.gov.au/gwci/index.html
ปลูกสร้างอาคารให้สอดคล้องกับทิศการรับความร้อน ปลูกต้นไม้ให้ความร่มรื่น และช่วยลดอุณหภูมิ South ที่มา : Australian Greenhouse Office (2003)
California energy conservation programs save $1000 per family/year
Source: Presentation by Ministry of Energy at Energy Strategy Workshop chaired by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. 28 August 2003
Very little electricity comes from renewables… 0.6% from Renewable Energy Source: EGAT PDP 2003
Old way New way Power plant Power plant Biomass Wind power Biomass Solar Customers Energy efficient end-use
Reduces air and water pollution Produces fertilizer Produces electricity Biogas from Pig Farms
Korat Waste to Energy - biogas • Uses waste water from cassava to make methane • Produces gas for all factory heat (30 MW thermal) + 3 MW of electricity • Earns high market returns • Developer estimates 300 MW from waste water + 800 MW from wet cake
Korat Waste to Energy - biogas • 3 x 1 MW Jenbacher gas generators
Micro-hydroelectricity Source: Inversin, A. R. (1986). Micro-Hydropower Sourcebook.