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Status and prospects for the e/ g Slice. Contents: Aims Validation Samples Algorithm Status LVL1 LVL2 EF Short Term Goals. John Baines for the PESA e/ g working group. This talk: http://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/atlasuk/simulation/level2/meetings/PESA150503/eGammaSlice.ppt
Status and prospects for the e/g Slice • Contents: • Aims • Validation Samples • Algorithm Status • LVL1 • LVL2 • EF • Short Term Goals John Baines for the PESA e/g working group This talk: http://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/atlasuk/simulation/level2/meetings/PESA150503/eGammaSlice.ppt http://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/atlasuk/simulation/level2/meetings/PESA150503/eGammaSlice.pdf http://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/atlasuk/simulation/level2/meetings/PESA150503/eGammaSlice.ps
Aims of e/g Slice • Validate new software framework with a “real case” • Using DC1 data, update measurements, of: • Efficiency for single particles with pile-up (2x1033 and 1034) • Efficiency for selected signal channels • Rate for di-jet events with pile-up (2x1033 and 1034) • Measure Algorithm Execution Times: • Algorithmic times measured in Athena • Over-heads from data-access measured in the test-bed.
Productions for Validation trigprod-30-04: TrigSiTrack-00-00-06 TrigT2Calo-00-00-28 TrigTRTxK-00-00-05 TrigRegionSelector-00-01-21 TrigConfig-02-02-12 TrigSteering-01-01-27 TrigT1CTP-01-01-09 TrigT1Calo-00-09-18 TrigT1Config-00-00-26 TrigT1Interfaces-00-02-11 TrigT1ResultByteStream-00-01-14 TrigT1RoIB-00-03-14 • Run Sequence consisting of : • Produce Transient ByteStream • LVL1 simulation • LVL2 Calorimeter • LVL2 Tracking (Pixels, SCT and TRT) • EF/offline • Fill CBNT ntuple • Status: • Productions successfully run for LVL1, LVL2 and offline (EF run separately, see later). • Note: This is running a trivially simple LVL2 trigger menu.
Basic Guides to Building & Running • Basic guides linked from: • http://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/atlasuk/simulation/level2/doc/Prototypes/ • How Tos: • How to build the e-gamma slice example • How to submit a batch job to run the e-gamma slice example • Info on the Ntuples filled by the e-gamma slice example and an example PAW kumac • How to add timing measurements using the TrigTimeAlgs Package
LVL1 Status (Ed, Alan) • A bug producing RoIs with reconstructed Energy of -1 GeV RoIs fixed • The e/gamma algorithm has now been well-tested • Rate plots very soon. Early indications are that Lumi02 consistent with TDR Lumi10 is harder but will be done in the near future. • Production of threshold curves in progress • Efficiency studies started using Z->ee • Will need to run on 002091 datasets outside CERN to get full stats needed for higher thresholds Z->ee • 17GeV threshold • Electron required to be well isolated (so no other particles contribute to cluster) • with eta<2.45 • not in gap (eta~1.5) • Isolation causes drop in efficiency at high luminosity. • The thresholds are NOT optimised.
LVL1 Threshold Curves Data from Lumi02, e20 dataset (e20noise_lumi02_002020) Electrons required to be well separated, to have eta<2.45 and not be in gap region (eta ~1.5) TDR plot -> e20 lumi10 NB. no isolation Data from Lumi10, e30 dataset (e30noise_lumi10_002021) Electrons required to be well separated, to have eta<2.45 and not be in gap region (eta ~1.5)
LVL2 Algorithms See previous talks for T2Calo, IDScan, SiTrack. Summary: T2Calo (Pilar): Good agreement with offline using TrigT2Calo-00-00-29 together with new tilecal mapping for RegionSelector in TrigRegionSelector-00-02-05 TrigSiSpacePointTool (Weidong/John): Takes InDetRecInput clusters (SCT_Cluster/PixelCluster) and forms SpacePoints. Detailed studies are underway including comparison with offline SP. SiTrack (Genoa): Bug in vertex-finding code found and fixed in TriSiTrack-00-00-08 giving much better efficiency in events with pile-up. IDScan (UCL) and SiTrack: efficiencies still lower than expected. Possibly due to a problem in packing/unpacking or clustering or SP formation. Being Studied.
TRTxK performance TRT part of xKalman – based on Hough histogram • Ntuples produced with tag TrigTRTxK-00-00-05 (RoI = 0.4 x 0.4) • EFFICIENCY is: • Criteria to choose the best candidate among several (up to 200) candidates based on ATL-COM-DAQ-2000-19 likelihood approach. Cuts are NOT TUNED for the new (but similar) algorithm and geometry (DC1 vs. TDR), but seems works. Number of RoI's with at least one track passed criteria Number of RoI's Sergey Sivoklokov SINP MSU PESA Core Algorithms Meeting 13 May 2003 1
TRTxK performance • Features: • little change in efficiency with pile-up • degradation at high eta (material, inhomegenious field, lack of eta measument in long straws) • the difference for +/- barrel at eta=0 • Eta-dependence for single e20 and lumi02 events (eta = etagen(1)) TDR layout (uniform field): COM-DAQ-2000-19 Efficiency fakes Sergey Sivoklokov SINP MSU PESA Core Algorithms Meeting 13 May 2003 1
TRTxK performance • Reconstructed pT (best track) in intervals of Eta COM-DAQ-2000-19 Sergey Sivoklokov SINP MSU PESA Core Algorithms Meeting 13 May 2003 1
TRTxK Summary • Single electrons performance more-or-less OK in barrel, but much worse than TDR values for end-cap, especially at high-eta region (real magnetic field, material) • Good correlation of reconstructed track (the “best” candidate) with generated trigger electron demonstrated using MC truth association • Fakes seems to be under control, but needs special study • Results for 0.4 x 0.4 RoI. For 0.2 x 0.2 (default in TrigTRTxK-00-00-06) no. of candidates reduced by factor 2(barrel) and 4(endcap) • Jets rejection for lumi02 is about 2. (was 2-4 for lumi10 in TDR-era). Limited statistics. Sergey Sivoklokov SINP MSU PESA Core Algorithms Meeting 13 May 2003 1
TRT-LUT (Manheim) Look Up Table implementation of Hough transform for TRT • New tag: TrigTRTLUT-00-00-04 (bug fix for phi in endcaps) • Code now ready for tests with larger statistics samples and with pile-up datasets
LVL2 CBNT (Ntuple) • TrigAnalysis package: • Fills CBNT with T2Calo clusters and InDetTracks (Pixels+SCT or TRT) • Currently no information on which RoI tracks/clusters belong to • For studies within RoI - also possible to fill LVL2 ntuple filled RoI by RoI • Traceback from tracks to GEANT Kine ID implemented in new TrigNtInDet (to be committed) – entered in Ntuple (T2IDKineRef). • But association to CBNT_Truth entry not possible at present. Needs access to TrackMatchHepMC in SimpleTrackAlgs package (component library => no access at present).
Timing In Offline Athena: T2Calo, SiTrack, IDScan, TrtXk all instrumented using TrigTimeAlgs Ntuples automatically filled by including TrigTimeNtuple in a HLT sequence (to cope with more than one RoI per event a small modification to trigSteering/StepController is required) Need to run on single user machine – need to identify someone to do this. TestBed Measurements (Saul, Werner): T2Calo is being integrated in LVL2 test-bed to provide overall timing including all data-access overheads and including multi-threaded running. EF measurements made using TDAQ TimeStamp Library (Valeria)
LVL2 Hypothesis algorithms • Successive hypothesis algorithms will be run to apply cuts based on T2Calo info and T2Calo + Track info. • Work on this stalled by problems with LVL2 reconstruction. • Will apply these cuts at the ntuple level. • However still need an equivalent “cpu burner” in the test-bed. • These are also required in order to produce a LVL2 result.
EF Algorithms (Valeria Perez Reale) • Offline algorithms incorporated into HLT framework using TrigEFWrappers PackageTrigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigEFWrappers • Includes all wrappers needed to run e/g reconstruction in the Trigger environment: • - TrigxKalmanpp - TriTileRec - TrigegammaRec • TrigiPatRec - TrigCaloRec • - TrigLArCellRec - TrigLArCluterRec • New Tag (TrigEFWrappers-00-00-04) for release 6.0.3: • CBNT_Athena to fill ntuples • Includes SimpleTrack and Truth association algo’s for iPatRec Used 20 GeV electron samples to validated that same performance is obtained as when running Offline
EF Algorithms - Status • EF Algorithms are currently running within HLT steering, but as yet are not seeded by LVL2 • Work still needed to provide LVL2 result to EF. • iPatRec and xKalman are run on the whole event • To simulate seeded mode, only reconstructed tracks in RoI will be used at eGammaRec stage. • Timing measurements for reonstruction of whole event. Measurements for reconstruction inside RoI remains to be done.
Short Term Prospects • LVL1 Efficiency and Rate calculations underway. More statistics will be needed • T2Calo now gives good agreement with Offline. Can start efficiency and rate calculations, but will need more statistics – provided by running in DC1. • Still problem of low efficiency in LVL2 SCT and Pixels. Need to compare online and offline space-points ~ Tools almost in place. Need ~1-2 weeks work to produce and study ntuples and hopefully diagnose problem. Algorithm verification and tuning to continue in parallel. Rate and efficiencies from low stats runs at CERN ~ 1 month? • Tools for algorithm timing studies within offline framework are in place (needs a modified version of StepSequencer). Need dedicated run on single-user machine to fill ntuples. • Test-bed measurements will start soon with T2Calo • Separate performance measurements for EF
Long Term Aims • Following the TDR the detailed studies can start • Aim for some detailed measurements and results for Autumn ATLAS and TDAQ weeks. • Aim for documentation in a series of ATLAS notes towards end of year.