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Transparency and Dialogue : The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue

Transparency and Dialogue : The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue. Henry-Jacques Neau. Acting Director for Transport External Affairs. PIME 2004, Barcelona, February 9. Transparency and Dialogue : The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue. French context

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Transparency and Dialogue : The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue

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  1. Transparency and Dialogue :The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue Henry-Jacques Neau Acting Director for Transport External Affairs PIME 2004, Barcelona, February 9

  2. Transparency and Dialogue :The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue • French context • People expect and get transparent information, but most of them do not particularly look for it • Nuclear energy enjoys a quite favorable trend • The level of mobilization is low • Opponents remain active, and our very controlled industry is not on the same footing as opponents, accountable to no one

  3. Transparency and Dialogue :The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue • Opponents strategy • Opponents use the media to create interest • Ideological and technical areas do not meet • deepening the gap between assessed and perceived risks • non-events painted as fearful • emotional coups, hard to counter : invoking images, such as "Tchernoblaye" for the Blayais NPP • Opponent behavior divert priorities into inefficience • mobilize large police forces • induced media pressure changes our priorities into a large and complex communication policy, which could be opposed to transparency • Authorities' (including local) and Clients' requests and needs multiply; regulations are ever more stringent Answering to opponents is hopeless; addressing their issues towards all others is best

  4. Transparency and Dialogue :The Keys to Nuclear Transport Issue • French Nuclear Industry : Implementing our strategy • Information duty : providing the right information at the right time and at the right place • Proactive communication policy : making the information available to everybody • dialogue with all national and local actors (politicians, mayors, media, organizations…) • webcams (before 9/11), production/transport data on-line • Policy of site visits (25,000 visitors/year, modified since 9/11) • … now facing limits • short and clear messages about complex technical matters • technical and rational messages against scary ones • regulatory and commercial confidentiality • terrorist threats, non-proliferation issues Developing a neighboring attitude

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