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The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara Presented by: Barry Johnson April 5, 2008

Our Gift of Polarities For You and Those You Coach. The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara Presented by: Barry Johnson April 5, 2008 This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Management Associates.

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The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara Presented by: Barry Johnson April 5, 2008

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  1. Our Gift of Polarities For You and Those You Coach The Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara Presented by: Barry Johnson April 5, 2008 This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Management Associates

  2. Purpose To enhance your personal life and coaching performance. • Objectives 1. Improve your effectiveness and the effectiveness of those you coach in addressing the 5 “Cs”: Complexity – Seeing The Forest and The Trees Change – Convert resistance to change into a resource for Stability and Change. Conflict – Create “Win/Win” outcomes by tapping value pairs Chronic Issues – Convert chronic problems into ongoing opportunities. Cross Cultural Issues – Celebrate and capitalize on differences. • 2. By Learning: The value of either/or thinking The value of both/and thinking To distinguish between problems to solve and polarities to manage How all polarities look and work • The four action steps for managing polarities well over time • 3. So that at the end of the workshop you will have made real progress in three areas:Looking at your own coaching through a polarity lens. Coaching with a focus on organizational change from a polarity perspective. Your ability to apply Polarity Management™ in your personal and professional life.

  3. Clean Out Carbon Dioxide Get Oxygen Exhale Inhale Too Much Carbon Dioxide Lack of Oxygen

  4. Positive Results: Positive Results: Activity Rest Negative Results: Negative Results:

  5. Basic Action Steps to Manage a Polarity Well Over Time * Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? 1. Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? 1. GPS = Greater Purpose Statement Effective Leader ** Positive results from focusing on this left pole: What I Value too much of which can lead to the quadrant below: Positive results from focusing on this right pole: At those times I would like to be more… Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole. 1. Early Warnings Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole. 1. Negative results of over-focusing on this left pole to the neglect of the right pole: Sometimes I think I am too… Negative results of over-focusing on this right pole to the neglect of the left pole: What I fear if I do too much of the quadrant above to the neglect of the upper left quadrant: Deeper Fear from Lack of Balance? Ineffective Leader * Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands *** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants

  6. and Competitive Advantage Autonomous Business Units Can’t Compete

  7. The Polarity Management™ Process – 6 Steps 1 -Define the Issue 2 - Include Key Stakeholders 6 – Action Steps and Early Warnings Polarity Paradox Dilemma 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 5 – Assess Realities With This Polarity 3 - Build the Polarity Map 4 - Understand How Polarities Work

  8. Step One - Define the Difficulty Individually first: (2 minutes) List the most important things your clients are dealing with today: What are the most exciting possibilities? What are the most difficult, chronic problems? As a table team: (3 minutes) Compare notes, identify themes and choose one possibility/problem to work on: The client is or should be moving from: And is or should be moving to:

  9. Greater Purpose Statements (GPS) - why balance this polarity? * Values = Positive results from focusing on the left pole ** Values = Positive results from focusing on the right pole & Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole Deeper Fear from lack of balance Basic Steps to Managing a Polarity Well Over Time Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole. Early Warnings Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole.

  10. Guide to Polarity Map Content * Why? Competitive Advantage GPS = Greater Purpose Statement 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Positive Results of Focusing on Stability Positive Results of Focusing on Change Stability Change Neutral Name of Left Pole Neutral Name of Right Pole 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Negative Results of Over-focusing on Stability to the Neglect of Change Negative Results of Over-focusing on Change to the Neglect of Stability Can’t Compete Deeper Fear * Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit

  11. Familiar (Stability) Novel (Change) & Familiar (Stability) & Novel (Change) Based on “The Neuroscience of Leadership” by David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz

  12. and Effective Leadership • Flexibility in responding to new challenges • Innovation and creativity is stimulated • Satisfaction and energy from new opportunities • Clear direction • Completion of projects • Satisfaction and energy from sense of accomplishment Being Expansive Being Focused • Lack of direction • Projects not completed • Staff overwhelmed with projects and frustrated with lack of accomplishment • Rigidly in a rut and unable to respond to new challenges • Lack of innovation and creativity • Staff bored with lack of ideas or new opportunities Ineffective Leadership

  13. Greater Purpose Statements (GPS) - why balance this polarity? * Values = Positive results from focusing on the left pole ** Values = Positive results from focusing on the right pole & Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole Fears = Negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole Deeper Fear from lack of balance Basic Steps to Managing a Polarity Well Over Time Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole. Early Warnings Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole.

  14. Problem or Polarity? – Four Lenses • Is the difficulty ongoing, like breathing? • yes = probably a polarity to manage • no = probably a problem to solve. • 2. Are there two alternatives that are interdependent, meaning you can only focus on one pole for so long before you are required to focus on the other pole, like inhaling and exhaling. • yes = probably a polarity to manage • no = probably a problem to solve. • 3. Is it necessary, over time, for you to have both identified upsides” • yes = probably a polarity to manage • no = probably a problem to solve. • 4. Will focusing on one upside to the neglect of the other eventually undermine your efforts to move toward your higher purpose. • yes = probably a polarity to manage • no = probably a problem to solve.

  15. Basic Action Steps to Manage a Polarity Well Over Time * Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? 1. Action Steps How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? 1. GPS Greater Purpose Statement: ** How will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on each pole? What Action Steps will be taken? Who will be accountable? When? by date or frequency Measures of improvement? Early Warnings*** Measurable indicators (something you can count) that you are getting the downsides of this left pole. Who will know? Early Warnings Measurable indicators (something you can count) that you are getting the downsides of this right pole. Who will know? What will be observable / measurable Early Warning indicators that will let you know you are in the downside of each pole? Who will know? Deeper Fear from Lack of Balance? * Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands *** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants

  16. Barry Johnson, PhD Polarity Management Associates 1496 Manitou Lane Middleville, MI. 49333 616-233-3291 bjohnson@polaritymanagement.com www.polaritymanagement.com

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