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Santa Rosa . Community Organizations Active in Disasters. Board. COAD of Santa Rosa. Mission Focus. Response. Preparedness. Recovery. Mitigation. Board. COAD of Santa Rosa. Board. COAD of Santa Rosa. Administration. Nominations. Donations. Long term Recovery.
Santa Rosa Community Organizations Active in Disasters
Board COAD ofSanta Rosa
Mission Focus Response Preparedness Recovery Mitigation Board COAD ofSanta Rosa
Board COAD ofSanta Rosa Administration Nominations Donations Long term Recovery Public Relations/Marketing Volunteers Unmet Needs Training Case Management “Ad Hoc” Action Groups
Mission Focus Response Preparedness Recovery Mitigation Board COAD ofSanta Rosa Administration Nominations Donations Long term Recovery Public Relations/Marketing Volunteers Unmet Needs Training Case Management “Ad Hoc” Action Groups
COAD of Santa Rosa COAD of Santa Rosa County is a humanitarian association of organizations who may be active in all phases of disaster. Its mission is to foster efficient, streamlined service delivery to people affected by disasters, while eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort, through cooperation in the four phases of disaster: preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation.
COAD of Santa Rosa COAD of Santa Rosa is not a competing or exclusionary organization. COAD of Santa Rosa is intended to be a network for organizations active in disaster. Each COAD member organization will maintain its own identity and independence while closely collaborating with other COAD of Santa Rosa member organizations.
COAD of Santa Rosa HOW DID WE GET HERE? COAD of Santa Rosa is born out of a very successful Long Term Recovery Organization that fulfilled its role after the last several hurricanes.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Next we started the Business Emergency Recovery Toolkit (BERT) initiative by working with the chambers and business sponsors that cared about business continuity. • In conjunction with BERT we started a Business and Industry desk in the EOC so businesses can access information and assistance during a declared disaster.
COAD of Santa Rosa On March 19th there was a Critical Incident Protocol (CIP) seminar held on Whiting Field and businesses, non profits and government organizations from Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa were invited to attend. The CIP is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funded program run by Michigan State University (MSU). The premise of the program is to create public/private partnerships, something that is getting pushed more and more from the federal government. This was the first CIP program in the state of Florida, so we are setting a trend for the rest of the state.
COAD of Santa Rosa Issues What are the challenges, problems or limitations in building a partnership between the Public and Private sectors? • Legal restrictions • Who pays? • Coordination/communication of asset • Asset control issues • Public Relations • Who is in charge? • Reaching out to businesses
COAD of Santa Rosa Issues continued • Liability (use MOUs) • Differences in perception • Businesses excluded or not involved due to lack of experience, no avenue to approach them • Invitation to join • Time • Politics • Finding/identifying priorities
COAD of Santa Rosa Issues continued • Keeping people motivated • Citizen alert shortfalls • Time/personnel to do the planning • “Out of sight out of mind” no disasters means people lose interest • Remaining engaged • Cultural and Jurisdictional issues between groups like municipalities, private/public sectors, north/south
COAD of Santa Rosa Issues continued • Lack of trust • Security of donations and personnel • Sharing information in standard language • Command and control • Communications • Rules and regulations • Training
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities In order to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a critical incident, what are the possibilities/opportunities for building a partnership? • More Education (ICS) • Trust Building • Cost Sharing • Experience • Regular meetings between players to keep open communications
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities continued • Opportunity to identify key players and bring them together • Exchange of expertise • Joint exercises • Quarterly meetings between public/private sector – partnership building • Share lessons learned • Use of press releases, bulk mailings, flyers, website posting
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities continued • Increased visibility • Promotion of citizen programs • Development of resource database • Ability to exercise plans with more external involvement • Force multiplier • Avoids duplication • Lowers costs of recovery • Allows for prioritization of resources • Quicker responses
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities continued • Sharing cost for planning and training • Sharing knowledge, resources, skills • Cross training between businesses for similar skill sets • Raise awareness through education and acknowledgement/goodwill • Take advantage of free opportunities like CERT, CPR, Business continuity • Ability to reach other target audiences with preparedness messages
COAD of Santa Rosa Issues “Suggest” how you would answer the challenges, problems or limitations in building a partnership between the Public and Private sectors? • Escambia has a COAD, Santa Rosa is forming one and Okaloosa has a VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters)….need to continue to support these organizations.
COAD of Santa Rosa Issues continued • Inform businesses that during declared emergencies the government bid process is out the window, so a database of resources in the community would be mutually beneficial.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Opportunities “Suggest” what specific steps are needed to develop the possibilities/opportunities in building a partnership preparing for, responding to, and recovering from critical incidents. • Develop central data base of resources (Like Homeless Coalition Survival Guide) and Aidmatrix
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities continued • Provide a way for businesses to show they are involved in the community (posters, stickers etc) • Distribute awareness materials through school district to make children aware of local programs • Increase communication commitment by private sector entities
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities continued • Encourage and support continuing education courses such as CPR, first aid etc…for employees, parishioners, etc. • Train and exercise the public and private sector together and have “like” businesses recruit others to participate (in other words sell the idea to your peers)
COAD of Santa Rosa Opportunities continued • Develop exercises that appeal to private sector • Develop email groups to communicate with partners • Bring Chambers, civic organizations and nonprofits to the same table • Solicit sponsorships (corporate) Disseminate information through licensing (business) process • Utilize UWF and West Florida Planning Council for conduits of expertise
COAD of Santa Rosa Remarks or Observations • Would like to see Business Continuity seminars • Co-shared leadership like in LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) • Work with Security groups • Regional training to allow private sector to get involved in • Creates a sense of purpose
COAD of Santa Rosa • So what can a COAD do and how will it do it?
COAD of Santa Rosa COAD of Santa Rosa accomplishes its mission by adhering to the following principles: • Cooperation • Coordination • Communication • Collaboration
COAD of Santa Rosa Cooperation: • Foster cooperation among COAD of Santa Rosa member organizations at all levels and in all phases of disaster
COAD of Santa Rosa Coordination: • Coordinate the development of COAD of Santa Rosa policies and procedures, and, the implementation of services among COAD of Santa Rosa member organizations. • COAD of Santa Rosa serves as advocate and liaison between member agencies and the County, and the State of Florida
COAD of Santa Rosa Communication: • Exchange and disseminate information among COAD of Santa Rosa member organizations and the public, as well as local, state and federal agencies.
COAD of Santa Rosa Collaboration: • We dedicate ourselves to work together to achieve specific goals and to undertake specific projects to assist our community. We form partnerships before disasters strike.
COAD of Santa Rosa Our goal is to bring like minded organizations and people to the same table in a collective effort to solve the issues faced by our community year round. WHY?
COAD of Santa Rosa • 40% of businesses never reopen • 25% of remaining permanently closewithin two years. • “44% of Americans report they don’t know what to do.”
COAD of Santa Rosa • 93% of businesses that lose their data center for 10 days or more file for bankruptcy within one year. • 50% file immediately.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Small businesses alone account for more than: • 99% of all businesses with employees. • Employ 50% of all private sector workers. Provide nearly 45% of the nation’s payroll.
Special Report Small Business Survival Guide Scott Reeves 08.29.05, 4:15 PM ET New York - A hurricane may rip the roof off your office, but it doesn't mean you have to shutter the business. Nevertheless, the Federal Emergency Management Agency reports that about 40% of small businesses don't reopen after a major disaster. This can jolt a region because the U.S. Small Business Administration says independent enterprises provide most of the jobs in a local economy. "Small businesses are uniquely vulnerable to disaster,“ says Donna R. Childs, co-author of Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery: A Small Business Guide. http://www.forbes.com/smallbusiness/2005/08/29/hurricane-small-biz-planning-cx_sr_0829smallbiz.html?feed=rss_business
COAD of Santa Rosa Another Community issue includes: Homelessness • Depending on definitions, there are between 300 and 1000 homeless in Santa Rosa. • What is being done about this?
COAD of Santa Rosa • There is one church hosting a cold weather shelter. • There is an organization working on supporting homeless mothers with children. • There is another organization in Santa Rosa to assist with the homeless issue. • The schools are involved in this community problem • These are just a few examples……
COAD of Santa Rosa • More community involvement is needed to identify who needs help, and how to help them…….before disasters. • More people need to know how to survive the multitude of disasters that could potentially affect our community. • More people can be assisted after a disaster utilizing an organization like the COAD. It worked before, it can work again.
COAD of Santa Rosa • The involvement of the COAD in the community is limited by the participation and motivation of you the membership. • The COAD is being written into the County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
COAD of Santa Rosa • Registered today…….. Business 34 Faith Based 26 Non Profit 36 Government 24 individuals 8 total 128 With 118 actually attending………
COAD of Santa Rosa Committees? What do they do? Nominations will solicit COAD members to become active in COAD leadership, assess those who self nominate, and ensure there is a balance representing membership on the board.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Long Term Recovery Activated when a need arises. Takes care of the issues that revolve around long term care and needs of disaster victims, most likely from a hurricane.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Volunteers Solicit the community for volunteers to partner with a non profit, become active with a church, or otherwise volunteer to help the needy in our community. Register volunteers for a time when they are needed.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Unmet needs Name it……homeless, cold weather shelters, any issue that is beyond the scope of another committee.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Case Management Discovering the needs of the disaster victims and/or homeless and directing them to the right place to get the required assistance. May work in conjunction with Long Term Recovery, Unmet Needs, or may not be needed at all.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Training Provide the best training possible to all COAD member organizations in order to ensure that employees/parishioners are prepared to survive disasters and return to work or being active in the community.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Public Relations/Marketing Spread the word about what the COAD and its members are doing. Raise funds.
COAD of Santa Rosa • Donations Be prepared to manage and distribute donations given to the COAD, work on fund raising.