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MACHC Electronic Chart Committee Report. Katie Ries Chair, MACHC Electronic Chart Committee MACHC XI Suriname November 2010. MACHC-Electronic Chart Committee.
MACHC Electronic Chart CommitteeReport Katie Ries Chair, MACHC Electronic Chart Committee MACHC XI Suriname November 2010
MACHC-Electronic Chart Committee Goal: Demonstrate and facilitate the use of official electronic chart data for safe, efficient, and environmentally-sensitive maritime navigation. Objectives: • Facilitate the production and use of ENCs • Improve hydrographic capacity of coastal states • Identify sources for acquiring equipment, software, and training • Speed up ENC production for key ports & major shipping routes • Increase awareness of benefits of using EC data
MACHC-Electronic Chart Committee Two Working Groups: MesoAmerican Capacity Building Pilot Project Improve capacity building of coastal state hydrographic offices in a defined area Initial focus: Partnership with GEF-funded Gulf of Honduras Project ENC Production and Distribution Improve ENC coverage of the entire region in the short to medium term, production of ENC data by national hydrographic offices
Electronic Chart Committee Working Group 1 – MesoAmerican Capacity Building Pilot Project Working Group Members: Guatemala Honduras Belize UK USA
Environmental Protection and Maritime Transport Pollution Control Gulf of Honduras Project • Project Objective: • To reverse the degradation of the coastal and marine ecosystems within the Gulf of Honduras by enhancing the prevention and control from maritime transport-related pollution in the major ports and navigation lanes, improving navigational safetyto avoid groundings and spills, and reducing land-based sources of pollution draining into the Gulf.
Environmental Protection and Maritime Transport Pollution Control Gulf of Honduras Project Component 1: Building regional capacity for maritime and land-based pollution control. Component 2: Building the information base for the Strategic Action Plan. Component 3: Enhancing navigational safety in shipping lanes. Component 4: Improving environmental management and hazard reduction in network of five ports within the Gulf of Honduras
Environmental Protection and Maritime Transport Pollution Control Gulf of Honduras Project Component 3: Enhancing navigational safety in shipping lanes Focuses on improving the hydrographic and oceanographic cooperation in the region to both prevent and prepare for groundings and spills in the Gulf related to marine transportation operations (references active collaboration with MACHC)
Gulf of Honduras Project and MACHC Involvement 2003-2006 • Making the case for Hydrography • Regional hydrographic capacity analysis • Active involvement in the Puerto Barrio, Belize City, and Tegucigalpa project preparation meetings • Input in the project’s final design • Commitment to develop and help execute the hydrographic implementation plan
Components of Hydrographic Activity Implementation Plan 1. Executive Summary 2. Action Plan 3. Budget http://www.iho-machc.org/ documents/ecctg1_doc.html#A
Gulf of Honduras Project and MACHC Involvement 2007-11 Technical Capacity Building Assistance for: • Equipment procurement advice, evaluation and integration • Survey planning (technical specifications) • Hydrographic Survey training, including data processing for delivery to chart
Initial Survey and Chart Update Areas Belize Guatemala Honduras
SEGUIMIENTO DEL PROYECTO GOLFO DE HONDURAS EN LA EJECUCION DEL PLAN HIDROGRAFICO REGIONAL • Objetivos del Plan de Implementación de Actividad Hidrográfica • Objetivo 1: Planificación y Coordinación Regional • Objetivo 2: Capacidad Institucional Nacional • Objetivo 3. Proyectos de Demostración • Producir cartas náuticas (papel y electrónicas) y diseminar a usuarios, • Incrementar conocimiento sobre protección medio ambiental al Marinero • Generar datos ENC disponibles para el sistema de información regional del Golfo de Honduras basado en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG).
EQUIPO HIDROGRÁFICO • Software Hypack Max • Ecosonda Navisound 210 • CF-52 Notebook Panasonic • PCMCIA I/O card • Mareógrafo o sensor de marea Valeport • Sonar de barrido lateral • Velocímetro de sonido • Sensor de movimiento • Sensor de rumbo y posicionamiento
Entrega de Equipo Hidrográfico a los Países Belice: 10 de Noviembre, 2008 Con Capacitación de Feb 19 a Marzo 4 Guatemala: 11 de Octubre, 2008 Con Capacitación del 16 al 27 de Febrero Honduras: 7 de Noviembre, 2008 Con Capacitación del 2 al 13 de Marzo Autoridades de los Puertos y de la Comisión de Transporte Marítimo Centroamericano COCATRAN estuvieron presentes en los actos de entrega de los equipos a los tres países. La dotación de equipo hidrográfico persigue promover una navegación segura en el área del Golfo de Honduras, contribuyendo a la prevención y control de la contaminación proveniente de operaciones de transporte marítimo, igualmente esta orientada a ejecutar el Plan de implementación de la Actividad Hidrográfica con el fin de producir cartas náuticas actualizadas y oficialmente reconocidas por el ente internacional en cada uno de los países.
CAPACITACIONES Comité de Construcción de Capacidad de la OHI ha proveído fondos para la instrucción adicional de levantamiento hidrográfico para Guatemala este año en el Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla. El 25 de Abril - 9 de Mayo de 2010.
Acuerdo Comité Directivo VI Reunión celebrada en Ciudad Belice (Mayo 7, 2010) Acuerdo CD6-10-2010 Los miembros del Comité Directivo a través del Comité Regional de Gestión discuten el grado de avance del Plan de Implementación de la actividad hidrográfica y acuerdan: 1. Que se fortalezca la capacidad y cooperación e intercambio de conocimiento en materia hidrográfica entre los puertos miembros del proyecto 2. Que los países realicen el trabajo de levantamiento hidrográfico cumpliendo con los compromisos adquiridos en el marco del proyecto Golfo de Honduras y provean la información en planos finales a más tardar en el mes de septiembre de 2010. 3. El levantamiento se debe realizar en los 5 puertos del proyecto. 4. Los cinco puertos beneficiarios del proyecto crean mecanismos para establecer una comunicación a nivel de centros de control de tráfico marítimo para prevención de la contaminación de encallamientos y varaduras y control del tráfico marítimo en la región con el propósito de la adopción de un protocolo común regional y de un memorando de entendimiento entre ellos
AVANCES DEL PROYECTO EN LA EJECUCION DEL PLAN HIDROGRAFICO • Honduras • Capacidad tecnica fortalecida • Guatemala • Informacion hidrografica colectada (90%) • Belice • Equipo tecnico capacitado e informacion colectada (10%)
COMPROMISOS DEL PROYECTO • Facilitar la Generacion de DatosHidrograficos • Actualizer/Producer ENCS • Inputs paraunapropuesta OMI paradesignacion de area especialmente sensible (PSSA), con rutasmaritimasreconocidasinternacionalmenteintegrada.
Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) and Vision for Gulf of Honduras PSSA/Marine Highway
Progress ReportGulf of Honduras 2010 Training George Hanson, Belize Port Authority Mario Rojas, DepartamentoMaritimo Guatemala LCDR Chris van Westendorp, NOAA Elliott Arroyo-Suarez, NAVOCEANO
Training Progression (2009-present) • Phase 1 (2009) Objectives • Evaluate equipment setup provided by GoH Project contractor • Personnel will be able to: • Configure / install survey equipment • Conduct survey planning • Acquire hydrographic data to IHO standards • Process hydrographic data to IHO standards • Transmit data to UKHO for chart updates Objectives Completed Yes *SME conducted full setup and system integration Yes Yes / Partial Yes / Partial No No
Training Progression (continued) • Phase 2 (2010) Objectives • Review / inspect setup of hydro survey equipment • Review / Assess tide data collection & Install tide gage(s) • Personnel will be able to: • Conduct survey planning • Acquire hydrographic data to IHO standards • Process hydrographic data to IHO standards • Transmit data to UKHO for chart updates • Troubleshoot and repair hydro survey systems Objectives Completed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes / partial No Yes / partial
Belize Lessons Learned (Phase 2 Training) • Computer maintenance • Windows updates • Anti-virus • Software licensing • Vessel and survey safety • Troubleshooting methodology
Belize (continued)(Phase 2 Training) • Power supply and management • Inter-agency cooperation (Tide) • Data processing & preliminary product generation
Honduras:Basic needs for successful program • Vessel dedicated for hydrographic survey • Assigned survey personnel (i.e. electronics technician) • Permanently installed vessel hydrographic equipment • Increased IT proficiency (i.e. basic Microsoft operations) • Coxswain proficiency for driving survey lines • Culture: Basic survey needs and logistics (i.e. not typical office hours) X (Trainer assessment from Phase 2 Training) X
Guatemala:Basic needs for successful program (Trainer assessment from Phase 2 Training) • Vessel dedicated for hydrographic survey • Assigned survey personnel (i.e. electronics technician) • Permanently installed vessel hydrographic equipment • Increased IT proficiency (i.e. basic Microsoft operations) • Coxswain proficiency for driving survey lines • Culture: Basic survey needs and logistics (i.e. not typical office hours)
Training Objectives for Phase 3 Training • Autonomously conduct full hydrographic survey to IHO standards • SME provides coaching / guidance • Conduct data processing • Side scan sonar processing • Single beam processing • Hydrographic Data Assessment
Training Objectives for Phase 3 Training • Prepare & Transmit deliverables to UKHO for nautical chart updates • Report of Survey / Descriptive Report • XYZ data set (processed & cleaned) • Bathymetric Smooth sheet • Target file • Supporting photographs / feature graphics • Raw data
Training Objectives for Phase 3 Training • Address Dangers/Hazards to Navigation • Identification • Processing • Reporting / Notice to Mariners • Provide Country Progress Report to: • MACHC CBC via Training Coordinators • Gulf of Honduras Project
2011 GoH Training Plans 3rd and final year • Belize In-country Training (NOAA SME) • Collaborative Advanced Training (All countries) • Tide & Geodesy Review (NAVO SME) • Contractor Training – Generation of Field Hydrographic Products & Deliverables to Charting Authority • Training facility: EMPORNAC, Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala • Each country pays for salary / per diem / transportation • Up to four(4) trainees per country
Action Items… • Provide updated MACHC CB Phase 3 Training Submission to MACHC CBC / IHB: 12 November 2010 • US / NOAA • Confirm lodging, training facility, computers availability at EMPORNAC: Confirmed 10 November 2010! • Departamento Maritimo Guatemala
Action items (cont)… • NOAA / NAVO SMEs confirm contractor training dates: 19 November 2010 • Proposed: 2-6 May 2010 • NOAA / GoH Project send letter to GoH countries: 26 November 2010 • Announcement of intent / Invitation for Collaborative Training • Announcement of intent for Belize in-country training
Action Items… • Travel arrangements communicated to IHO Bureau for Phase 3 training: 30 November 2010 • 2010 In-country trainers (NOAA/Navy hydrographers) • Collaborative Training (Guatemala): 24 April – 8 May 2011 • Belize Field Work: 9-23 February 2011
Action items (cont)… • Confirm personnel and funding for collaborative training session: 31 December 2010 • Belize and Honduras • Document hydrographic activity in-kind contributions using format provided by GoH Project Director: 31 December 2010 • Belize, Guatemala, Honduras
Action items (cont)… • Install/level Valeport 740 tide gages and begin data collection of water level tide data: NLT 30 days prior to training • Belize, Guatemala, Honduras • GoH countries ensure preparations made for In-country / Collaborative Training: Prior to NOAA/Navy/contractor personnel arrivals • Facility / lodging availability (Collaborative Training) • Vessel & personnel • Equipment installation • Data collection
Updated Action From MACHC X Produce progress report and results of Phase 1,2,3 Training for MACHC Chair to submit to IHO CBC: 30 June 2011 • Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, NOAA/Navy
Background: International Maritime Organization (IMO) carriage requirements · new passenger ships above 500GT - from July 1, 2012 · new tankers above 3,000GT - July 1, 2012 · new cargo ships above 10,000GT - July 1, 2013 · new cargo ships above 3,000GT,from July 1, 2014
IMO NAV 53 • In October 2007 the IHO convened an extraordinary meeting of its WEND Committee to consider matters arising from NAV53..…which adopted the following definition: “Adequate ENC Coverage is attained with those ENCs required to enable safe port to port navigation for international shipping that correspond to the paper chart coverage for these ports and the routes between.”
At its November 2009 meeting in Barbados, the MACHC endorsed the goal of the ECC/WG2 to: “Achieve adequate regional ENC coverage by December 31, 2010 (using the medium scale INT chart scheme as the baseline for adequate medium scale ENC coverage--usage bands 2/3).”
2010 Workplan • INT Chart Scheme as the “footprint” to guide ENC construction/coverage of the MACHC Region; • assess present MACHC Region ENC coverage in comparison with the “footprint;” • coordinate action plans for addressing gaps and overlaps in ENC coverage between countries; and • establish a communication strategy to track progress and resolve issues
Working Group Members • Brazil • Colombia • Cuba • France • Netherlands • Mexico • United Kingdom • United States • Venezuela • MACHC INT Chart Coordinator
Report Recommendations 1. MACHC ECC finalizes/completes the Region B, Atlantic Ocean side, ENC scheme for small to medium scales (UB2 to UB3), per the timetables indicated in Annex A. 2. MACHC ECC develops the Region B, Pacific side, ENC scheme for small to medium scales (UB1 to UB3). 3. MACHC ECC explores options for providing a means to depict ENC schemes on a webpage in an interoperable manner and appropriate format for GIS, as a pilot project. 4. MACHC ECC corresponds with WEND-WG RHC representatives to ensure that ENC schemes fit seamlessly with adjacent areas (i.e. SEPHC, USCHC).