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The Cutoff: The Story of the Donner Party

The Cutoff: The Story of the Donner Party. Vocabulary. perpetual. Per-pet-chew-al Continuing forever & ever The perpetua l rain made me think I’d never see the sun again. fiery. “fire- ee ” Easily provoked, full of emotion or spirit

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The Cutoff: The Story of the Donner Party

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  1. The Cutoff: The Story of the Donner Party Vocabulary

  2. perpetual Per-pet-chew-al • Continuing forever & ever • The perpetual rain made me think I’d never see the sun again.

  3. fiery “fire-ee” • Easily provoked, full of emotion or spirit • Because of his fiery nature, he lashed out in anger without thinking.

  4. confide “Cun-fied” • Have confidence or trust in something • Best friends confide in each other by sharing their secrets.

  5. arrogance “Air-o-gan-s” • A feeling or impression that you’re better than others. • Her arrogance led her to believe she was the best singer in the entire choir.

  6. Despair “dis-pair” • Utter loss of hope. No hope at all. • The lost hiker began to despair when he ran out of food and water and still no rescuers came.

  7. Grim “grim” • Gloomy, horrid, harsh, gruesome • The horror movie was quite grim and my mother wouldn’t let me see it.

  8. Gaunt “gah-nt” • Excessively thin, anorexic in appearance • The prisoner had been starved, so he had a gaunt appearance.

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