1. ‘Ultraband’: a Case Study John Connelly, Project Manager Thank you for inviting me to present the ‘Ultraband’ project as a Case Study at today’s event.
I have been involved in the project for about a year, but the project was initially developed by the Accelerate Nottingham partnership using funding allocated from the Nottingham ‘Priority Access 2’, which is specifically there to support economic development and job growth in the regions most disadvantaged communities. The project is completely contained within this ‘PA2’ – and businesses located within the target centres are eligible to benefit from this funding.
From my initial starting point I have had a huge amount of support form variety of sources – and especially from colleagues across the Core Cities – many of who are seeking to encourage much greater take up of super-fast connectivity. I would especially like to thank Dave Carter from Manchester.
We have also been supported by Community Broadband Network Ltd – Shaun and Brian have been our consultants through the procurement process.Thank you for inviting me to present the ‘Ultraband’ project as a Case Study at today’s event.
I have been involved in the project for about a year, but the project was initially developed by the Accelerate Nottingham partnership using funding allocated from the Nottingham ‘Priority Access 2’, which is specifically there to support economic development and job growth in the regions most disadvantaged communities. The project is completely contained within this ‘PA2’ – and businesses located within the target centres are eligible to benefit from this funding.
From my initial starting point I have had a huge amount of support form variety of sources – and especially from colleagues across the Core Cities – many of who are seeking to encourage much greater take up of super-fast connectivity. I would especially like to thank Dave Carter from Manchester.
We have also been supported by Community Broadband Network Ltd – Shaun and Brian have been our consultants through the procurement process.
2. Three centres Antenna
Mercury House Ultraband is a pilot project to deploy and test the impact of new advanced digital communications infrastructure on developing businesses in the city, particularly those operating in three centres the digital, creative and technical sectors.
In each of the centres there was only limited pre-exisiting levels of connectivity, and not sufficient to test ‘next generation’ applications and devices.Ultraband is a pilot project to deploy and test the impact of new advanced digital communications infrastructure on developing businesses in the city, particularly those operating in three centres the digital, creative and technical sectors.
In each of the centres there was only limited pre-exisiting levels of connectivity, and not sufficient to test ‘next generation’ applications and devices.
4. Project Objectives Assemble a network
Test applications and devices
Monitor impact on participating businesses
Produce case studies
The network
The project is acquiring network facilities to connect the three sites with each other and with the wider world and to make these services available to their tenants. The new facilities will provide sufficient speed and quality in all the connections to enable businesses to test and deploy new digital services, both as suppliers and as end users. These services include high quality video exchange, file transfer and advanced Cloud-based applications. But also devices and applications not yet invented
Testing applications and Devices.
In addition to making available new infrastructure, the Project will provide businesses with support in developing new applications and services that can be deployed using the Ultraband network. In particular, Ultraband aims to promote collaboration between businesses in the three sites with each other, with other Nottingham businesses and organisations (such as Nottingham’s Universities and Colleges). This will be in the form of business bursaries.
Monitoring Impacting
Is a crucial part of the project and we will shortly go out to tender for a research partner to work with us to ensure that we capture all the learning that can be obtained from this exercise – both in terms of how businesses can procure connectivity – for example by aggregating demand, but also how it impacts on their actual performance.
Case Studies
One of our conditions for participation is that businesses will need to agree to co-operating with research and make information available to the project researchers for wide dissemination.The network
The project is acquiring network facilities to connect the three sites with each other and with the wider world and to make these services available to their tenants. The new facilities will provide sufficient speed and quality in all the connections to enable businesses to test and deploy new digital services, both as suppliers and as end users. These services include high quality video exchange, file transfer and advanced Cloud-based applications. But also devices and applications not yet invented
Testing applications and Devices.
In addition to making available new infrastructure, the Project will provide businesses with support in developing new applications and services that can be deployed using the Ultraband network. In particular, Ultraband aims to promote collaboration between businesses in the three sites with each other, with other Nottingham businesses and organisations (such as Nottingham’s Universities and Colleges). This will be in the form of business bursaries.
Monitoring Impacting
Is a crucial part of the project and we will shortly go out to tender for a research partner to work with us to ensure that we capture all the learning that can be obtained from this exercise – both in terms of how businesses can procure connectivity – for example by aggregating demand, but also how it impacts on their actual performance.
Case Studies
One of our conditions for participation is that businesses will need to agree to co-operating with research and make information available to the project researchers for wide dissemination.
5. Network Goals Top level goal:
Access to affordable transformational digital infrastructure
We have undertaken a very thorough ‘open tender’ procurement process, through which was technology neutral however sought a solution that met our Network Goals
The top-level goal: access to affordable transformational digital infrastructure.
Provide businesses in the target locations with access to digital infrastructure that is ‘transformational’: enabling them both to use or provide applications and services that are either impossible using infrastructure currently available, or would demand connectivity significantly beyond the means of the businesses in those locations.
We have undertaken a very thorough ‘open tender’ procurement process, through which was technology neutral however sought a solution that met our Network Goals
The top-level goal: access to affordable transformational digital infrastructure.
Provide businesses in the target locations with access to digital infrastructure that is ‘transformational’: enabling them both to use or provide applications and services that are either impossible using infrastructure currently available, or would demand connectivity significantly beyond the means of the businesses in those locations.
6. Network Goals Subsidiary goals
Create supply chain opportunities
Flexible infrastructure beyond broadband
Sustainable business model
And the 3 subsidiary goals:
Create supply chain opportunities for local digital businesses - as suppliers as well as users;
Facilitate access to flexible infrastructure beyond narrowly defined broadband – e.g. point to point Ethernet, access to dark fibre;
Create a sustainable business model that serves the interests of stakeholders.
We used these to evaluate submissions and select successful tendererAnd the 3 subsidiary goals:
Create supply chain opportunities for local digital businesses - as suppliers as well as users;
Facilitate access to flexible infrastructure beyond narrowly defined broadband – e.g. point to point Ethernet, access to dark fibre;
Create a sustainable business model that serves the interests of stakeholders.
We used these to evaluate submissions and select successful tenderer
7. To sum up…lessons Demand stimulation
Learning from others
Project is still in its early day…and detailed lessons have still to emerge.
Some key points that are probably already well understood:
SME’s are not taking up super-fast broadband as quickly as they should. This project is research, but ultimately about demand stimulation …communicating the business case for investing…and disseminating the results.
Importance of building the skills in businesses and business centres who have a key role in supporting their businesses
Learning from others – sounds like an advert for Next Gen
Project is still in its early day…and detailed lessons have still to emerge.
Some key points that are probably already well understood:
SME’s are not taking up super-fast broadband as quickly as they should. This project is research, but ultimately about demand stimulation …communicating the business case for investing…and disseminating the results.
Importance of building the skills in businesses and business centres who have a key role in supporting their businesses
Learning from others – sounds like an advert for Next Gen