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The Graduate School at the IPK Scientific coordinator: Prof. Dr. Nicolaus von Wirén Administrative coordinator: Dr. Britt Leps.
The Graduate Schoolat the IPKScientific coordinator: Prof. Dr. Nicolaus von WirénAdministrative coordinator: Dr. Britt Leps The IPK Gatersleben and Martin-Luther University establish a graduate school entitled “Yield Formation in cereals – overcoming yield-limiting factors”. The school has been funded under the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation 2012 program by the Leibniz Association, and represents the IPK and MLU’s goal of establishing a joint graduate school which takes advantage of both institutions’ academic excellence in crop plant research. The graduate school is a structural component of the newly established “Science campus Halle plant-based bioeconomy”.
Structuralframework ScienceCampus Halle „Plant-based bio-economy“ Leibniz-Graduate School Other Leibniz- Graduate Schools Graduate Programs ofthe Martin-Luther University Facultyfor Natural SciencesI (Biology) Facultyfor Natural SciencesIII (AgriculturalSciences) Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Development oftheIPK graduateschool • Leibniz-funded graduate school • “Yield formation in cereals – overcoming yield-limiting factors” • (8 PhD candidates) • PhD program at the IPK • with PhD seminars, PSSC conference, workshops etc. • (total > 80 PhD candidates) • IPK Graduate School • (open to all PhD candidates)
Goals ofthegraduateschool • to provide the basis for a target-oriented and structured progression of the doctoral study • to offer a wider range of technical and scientific support as well as personal assistance • to ensure a high quality of scientific work within the framework of the doctoral study • to establish a mutual responsibility between the PhD student and the supervisor • to better recognize the individual potential and to adapt training and educational needs to individual skills and qualifications • to promote besides scientific excellence also personal competences
Elements oftheeducationalconcept • Common elements • Lecture series • Technical/methodological courses • PhD Seminars • Progress seminars/lab meetings • Conferences and excursions • Non-scientific lectures (“soft skill courses”) • Individual elements • Thesis committee • Research proposal • 1st and 2nd year report • Lab rotations • documentation in the study record book
The Study RecordBook • Purpose • facilitates the organisation of the PhD study • documents the progress of PhD work • documents the participation in coursework • basis for obtaining a “PhD certificate” • independent of the PhD regulations (“Promotionsordnung”) of the university • every PhD student will maintain her/his proper study record book
Dr. T. Sharbel The evolutionofsex Hybridization Genomic parasites andevolution Dr. M. Melzer Cellbiologicalstudies in plant research: FluorescenceandConfocalMicroscopy Histologicalandultrastructuralanalysisof plant tissueusinglight, scanningandtransmissionelectronmicroscopy Dr. H.P. Mock Proteomics Dr. N. Stein Structuralgenomicsofbarley, wheatandrye Dr. W. Weschke Maternal-filial interactions in developingcerealgrains(W. Weschke) PCD in plant development (V. Radchuk) Molecularphysiologyofseeddevelopment in legumes(H. Weber) Dr. T. Sharbel Geneticvariation in natural plant population Dr. M. Melzer Kurs für Histologie und Elektronenmikroskopie. (Hands-on histologyandelectronmicroscopy in plant research) Konfokale Mikroskopie mit dem CLSM und dem Spinning Disc Mikroskop. (Hands-on confocalmicroscopy in plant research. Dr. N. Stein Basics in map-basedgeneisolation in barley Dr. W. Weschke Microdissectionandexpressionanalysisofdevelopingseedtissues WPs LMPC-basedmicrodissection (responsible: J. Thiel) mRNAisolationandamplificationatthemicroscale (responsible: V. Radchuk) Tissue-specificexpressionanalysis(in cooperationwith N. Sreenivasulu) (responsible: R. Radchuk) Lectures andcourses
Dr. B. Kilian Plant Domestication: wheatandbarley (2 lectures) Dr. M. Röder Basic conceptsofappliedgenetics Dr. T. Schnurbusch IntroductiontoCerealDevelopmentalGenetics Dr. J. Keller Principlesofcryopreservationforgermplasmstorage in plant genebanks Dr. J. Kumlehn Genetictransformationofcereals Haploid technology in plant researchandcropimprovement Dr. A. Börner ConservationandUtilisationof Plant Genetic Resources in the Federal ex situ Genebank in Gatersleben in combinationwith a visittothegenebank Dr. T. Schnurbusch Practicalcourse incl. hands-on training on tillerandspikemicroscopy, dissectionsandpreparations Dr. J. Keller Cryopreservationmethodsforstorageofpotato, garlicand mint germplasm Dr. J. Kumlehn Plant cellcultureandgenetictransformation Lectures andcourses
Dr. A. Houben Currenttopicsofmolecularcytogenetics (2 lectures) Prof. v. Wirén Nutrientsensing Membrane transportsystems Prof. F. Schreiber 1. Basics ofbioinformatics 2. Databasesandinformationsystemsforbiology 3. Basics ofsequenceanalysis 4. Introductiontostatisticsandtranscriptomeanalysis 5. Biological networks 6. Modeling andsimulation 7. Genebankdocumentationandinformationnetworksfor plant geneticsresourcesandbiodiversity 8. Plant phenotyping Prof. v. Wirén Metabolomeandionomeanalysis A molecular, pharmacologicalandanalyticalapproachtophytohormonalactions Prof. K. Humbeck Leafsenescence - backgroundandmethods Lectures andcourses