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“The Ministry of the Thunders” Part 11 “The Third Pull – Something Within”.
“The Ministry of the Thunders” Part 11 “The Third Pull – Something Within”
Isn’t it amazing that all we need, at that pressing time, God has already given to us within our environment! Look at Naman the leper, the answer to his need laid in his house in the little insignificant maid! The answer to Samson's need laid in the Jawbone right in his environment! His exit victory and water laid in the Jaw bone in his environment! What about Moses! all the miracles were right in staff in His environment!.... All is in our environment! God has to change our “seeing“.~Brother Simon Sheveka~
PROVERBS 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. ZECHARIAH 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.
“The Comet “Ison” October 8, 2013 Comet (ISON) seen from the Mount Lemon Sky Centeron 8 October 2013, as it passes through the constellation of Leo.
THE.SEVENTH.SEAL_63-0324E 561-1 {276} …And I'd went up in there, and there was a little foot trail after you lead off--go on up into Lemmon Mountain which is a thirty mile walk, and there about thirty foot of snow up there. 561-3 {282} …I want just the family to think that I just took a walk, and they won't find me. Hide me away somewhere. If I'm going to go away, why, just let me go. Maybe Joseph will find my Bible laying here someday, and let him use It. See? If I'm going away, let me go, Lord."
The name “ISON” is an Anglo-Saxon, Norman French, Old English derivation of “Joseph” meaning Adding or Increasing Ison is “The Sign of Joseph”
The names of the two that discovered ISON: VitaliNevskiand ArtyomNovichonok. The name of the first, Vitali, means life. His last name, Nevski, is an offshoot of Neva, which is a river in Russia and means "sea" or "water". Therefore, the name of the first discoverer breaks down into "Vital or Living Waters". In Latin, the meaning of Neva is radiance or brightness. In this case his name would mean "alive with radiant brightness".
The name of the second is ArtyomNovichonok. The name Artyom originates from Artemisiosand means Wormwood (a bitter herb). The last name, Novichonok ; breaking the name into two parts, the first is Novi. Novi is also a familiar form of November. In November ISON becomes visible to the Mercury-orbiting spacecraft named “Messenger”, and becomes visible to the naked eye.
The second half of his name is Chonok = Searches on this word brings up Chinook which means a warm dry wind which blows down the east side of the mountains “at the end of winter” causing a rapid rise in temperature. Another name is Fohn (foehn) winds and means snow eater.
THE.THIRD.EXODUS_63-0630M 315 …The hours are late. We must put the Word in while there is a ground to put It in, for the cold winter is coming. We see it. The leaves are falling, and we know that winter is close at hand. We must scratch the surface and bury the Seed. So, I pray, Heavenly Father, that You will speak to every heart.
I.AM.THE.RESURRECTION.AND.LIFE_63-1118 33 Now, God has a funeral procession for that flower; seems strange. But the little seed is laying on the ground. Then the fall rains come, like tears dropping from the sky, and pats down upon this little seed, until it buries it.
34 And along comes the cold winter. Now, the petals are gone. The stalk is gone. The bulb in the ground, the roots is dried up. Oh! The seed, when the winter freeze, it freezes the seed. It bursts the seed open, the pulp runs out. Now we're getting along, February or March. There's no petal, no stalk, no seed, no pulp, no nothing.
35 Is that the end of that flower? Not by no means. There's a little germ of life, somewhere, within that seed. That, you might get the dirt in your hands, and take it to the laboratory, and let the scientist examine it, back and forth, and he'll never find that germ of life. God hid it. But just as soon as the world rocks around in the solar system, until it gets around to where the sun begins to strike the earth again. You could not hide that life.
36 If you laid a concrete walk, down through your yard, on top of the grass, the next summer, where is the most grass at? Right around the sides of the walk. Why? It's that life that was laying beneath that concrete. And when it comes springtime, though a rock laying on it, it will not hide it. That life will weed its way right through. That's what makes so much grass around the edge of the walk. You cannot hide life. It has to come up because God has put the sun, s-u-n, over this, the botany life, and it controls botany life.
WHEN.DIVINE.LOVE.IS.PROJECTED.SOVEREIGN.GRACE.TAKES.ITS.PLACE_57-0126EWHEN.DIVINE.LOVE.IS.PROJECTED.SOVEREIGN.GRACE.TAKES.ITS.PLACE_57-0126E E-65 When the cold winter is over, you'll come right to this. You'll come back as a new man, young man, young woman, and be forever that way. No more old age or wrinkles, gray hair, broken down bodies, or sickness will bother you at the resurrection. You'll be immortal, made in His likeness. You have the choice tonight.
GO.TELL.MY.DISCIPLES_ JEFF.IN V-25 N-5 SUNDAY_ 53-0405S 150 I used to say about, speaking down here, about an old spring I used to drink from. It was bubbling and jumping, and jumping and jumping, down around Milltown. I used to wonder why that spring jumped, so one day I set down there and was talking to it. Imagine a man talking to a spring? But I was talking to Nature Who made the spring. And I wondered, "What makes you so bubbly, so jumpy? Is it because that the children come here and drink from you, or I drink from you, or something?"
If the spring could've spoke back, he would say, "No, Billy, it isn't because that you drink from it. It isn't because anybody drinks from me. It's something down beneath me here, pushing me and making me bubble, and jump, and carry on like this."
And that's the way, every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. It's not you. It's not human emotion. It's because that the resurrection, or the power of God, is in that human life, and is pressing up into Everlasting Life, moving into Eternal Life. Something in here... You could not hold your peace if you had to. There's something within you.
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.ON.THE.SEALS_63-0324 460-6 {24} Don't try to make yourself odd to be a Christian, because, you take yourself away from God and you, If you can understand it, this is that third pull. You should've caught that the other day. See. So then just... You remember, there'll be no impersonation like there was of the other two.
THE.SEVENTH.SEAL_63-0324E 558-4 {258} …Remember, Satan will try to impersonate. He will try to impersonate everything that the Church will do. He's tried to do it. We've noticed it through the antichrist; but this is one thing he cannot impersonate. There'll be no mimics to this, 'cause he don't know it. There's no way for him to know it. It's the third pull. He just knows nothing about it. See? He doesn't understand it.
HUMBLE.THYSELF_63-0714E 74 …Now, we look at this watch, to find out what time it is. Unless that every instrument in that watch is coordinating, one with the other, we'll never know the correct time. Is that right? And that takes all of us, all together, if we want to see the Third Pull really do something for God, it's coordination with every one of us together, to humble ourselves before God and confess our wrong, and pray and believe God for these things.
CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_63-0728 637 Not knowing... Of course, being spiritual, you watch spiritual things. Not knowing this; God knows it. But if you'll turn and look at the clock, it's on the dot, two o'clock, the end of the Second Pull. The Third Pull is at hand!
HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_63-0825M 31 ….I feel that that third pull is beginning to move, you see, with--within me. I want to pray for everybody.
SOULS.THAT.ARE.IN.PRISON.NOW_63-1110M 345 What if it is? Look at the Scriptures piled in here. Could it be? Is the Third Pull to preach to the Eternal doomed that's rejected the Message of salvation? 346 "Well," you say, "the church is going..." Yeah, they will. They'll go right on, just the same.
347 …The Bride is sealed in with Christ, the last member has been redeemed. The Sixth Seal has produced itself. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth. The Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and set down and claimed what He owned, what He had redeemed. That right? It's always been that Third Pull. 348 Three is perfection. The ministry come to its perfection when it reproduced Christ again in natural, amongst human beings.
LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS_63-1229E 38 So now I am going to say something to you, now, that I haven't said all along. And, that is, the thing that we have looked forward to for so long (for at least many years, four or five years, or maybe longer), the Third Pull, has now been vindicated, and I'm sure you all know what it is.
39 There'll never be an impersonation of that, 'cause it can't be. See, it cannot be. Now it's in existent. ..Right at this time now it's just happened, so it could identify its presence among you, see, but it will not be used in a great way until this Council begins to tighten up. And when it does, the Pentecostals, and so forth, can almost impersonate anything can be done. But when that time comes, when the squeeze comes down, then you'll see, what you've seen temporarily, be manifested in the fullness of its power.
41 Now, you might see some little odd things happen for me. Nothing sinful; I don't mean that. But, I mean, something odd to what the regular trend. Because, where I reached to now, in the ministry, I am dropping back here, watching that spot and waiting for the time to use it. But, it's going to be used.
42 And everyone knows that, for, as certain as the First was identified, so has the Second been identified. And if you'll think real closely, you who are spiritual. As the Bible said, "Here is to him that has wisdom." The Third is properly identified. See? We know where it is. So, the Third Pull is here.
49 It's tightening. And then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out, then watch what I'm fixing to tell you in a few minutes. Watch the Third Pull then, see, and it'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it--it will be for the Bride and the Church. 50 Now we are closer than it seems to be. I don't know when, but it's real, real close. I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know.
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.1_64-0823M 955-Q-248 248... this the third pull and is speaking the Word. It seems entirely possible for you to speak the word and one would be completely and fully restored, placed entirely ready for the rapture in the resurrection, the Son of man. This is so, or is it not? And you would do this if properly pressed upon. Would you not "escape all these things (it's got a ditto there) escape all these things and stand before the Son of man"? (Luke 21:36)
Now, my dear friend. See? Now, I think here that you got a good statement. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Now, that would be so. You said, "Brother Branham..." In other words, here's what I'm... I don't think that it's... I can... I believe I... Not polishing up what you said, but I believe I can make it a little clearer to people. See? You are believing, because of the Spoken Words and things like that that He said about.
And all of you here witnessed the squirrels and all these other things that's been done. But did you notice, that was Sovereignly given. I never asked Him, "Lord, let me do this, speak these things in like that, do these things there." I never asked Him that. He by His own Divine will came to me and said, "You go do this." See? I wasn't asking one thing about it. Moses never asked to go down in Egypt, but was God that sent him down to Egypt.