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Writing Skills. Tips to help you improve your writing and be successful on the OSSLT!. Supported Opinion Paragraphs.
Writing Skills Tips to help you improve your writing and be successful on the OSSLT!
Supported Opinion Paragraphs A supported opinion paragraph is a piece of writing that communicates your opinions and ideas. It shows that you can back up your opinion with reasons and examples and argue a point persuasively. A supported opinion paragraph needs: • 1 Topic Sentence • 3 support sentences that explain your opinion, give reasons and examples • 1 conclusion sentence that wraps up your point
S.O.P. ExamplesAre dogs good pets? • I think dogs are the best pets. They make excellent pets because they are energetic and fun and let you get exercise. They are excellent companions because they are affectionate and enjoy spending time with people. Dogs are smart and you can train them to do important interesting and important things. Everyone should experience the joy of owning a dog. • Begin by brainstorming ideas Walks Smart and trainable Play Frisbee Dogs are good pets They are always there for you Teach us responsibility Funny Tricks Protect your house
Tips! - If you are writing in response to a question, avoid beginning your topic sentence with “yes” or “no”. • Give your writing some context by making sure you include the subject. • Expand on your ideas and give details! Example • Question: Is Ms. Lankin an awesome teacher? • How NOT to do it: “Yes she is because…” • How to do it: “Ms. Lankin is the greatest teacher in the history of the world. She is totally awesome because…”
Let’s try one as a class… Do you like winter? • Topic Sentence: • Point 1: • Point 2: • Point 3: • Conclusion:
3 opinion paragraphs For the literacy test you will have to write a series of three Supported Opinion Paragraphs on one topic. That means you are going to have to break your points down into smaller components. Let’s try it with the paragraph about dogs…
Take your first point and try to make a complete paragraph from that 1 point, using it as your topic sentence: • “They make excellent pets because they are energetic and fun and let you get exercise” • Dogs make excellent pets because they are energetic and fun. Dogs need to be walked everyday which means you have an opportunity to get outside, get some fresh air and some exercise. Dogs are a lot of fun because you can play games with them like fetch and tug of war. Dogs are entertaining and funny because they can be trained to do silly tricks. Owning a dog means that you will never be bored and you will always have someone to keep you busy and entertained.
Now do the same with the next two points. You try it! Topic Sentence: Dogs are excellent companions because they are affectionate and enjoy spending time with people. Topic Sentence: Dogs are smart and you can train them to do important interesting and important things. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Conclusion • Point 1 • Point 2 • Point 3 • Conclusion
Sentence Fragments • A sentence must have at least 1 verb and 1 noun or a subject (noun) and a predicate • A predicate modifies the subject and must contain a verb. Example: I am awesome • I is the subject • “Am Awesome” is the predicate • “Am” is the verb Are the following complete sentences? Why or why not? How could we fix them? • A dogis a good pet. • No people on earth. • I like fish. • Also has very high winds. • Includes birds and animals. • Many interests and hobbies. • Frankhas a car. • People there to study many things.
Run-on Sentences • A run on sentence is a sentence that contains too much information and needs to be broken down into smaller parts. This can be done by creating multiple sentences, by using proper punctuation or by removing unimportant details. Is this a run on sentence? How could we fix it? • Liam had a solo in last years concert, he hopes to have one this year too because he loves to perform and is very talented.
How can we fix these? • I am excited for this weekend because I am going to the mall to shop for clothes because I like pizza and I will see my friends therefore it will be fun. • Mr. Singh is a very busy lawyer therefore his work leaves him little time to exercise his dog who is a great pet but is getting fat and sluggish.
Verb Tense • Make sure that when you are writing you keep things in one set verb tense. If you are using past tense,present tense or future tense, use it throughout. • Past tense: we went for a walk • Present tense: we go for a walk • Future tense: we will go for a walk .
How can we fix this?Working with a partner decide on past, present or future tense and re-write this story. • Darryl and I went for a walk last Saturday. It rained and we get wet. So we will go back to the house and stayed dry for the rest of the afternoon. We turn on the TV and watched the big game. Leafs won but they play like a bunch of dogs. They will be better next year and maybe finally made it to the playoffs.
Proof Reading • Proof reading is the act of checking your work to make sure it is correctly written, accurate, and clear. • It is essential to proofread your written work so you do not lose marks for errors that could be prevented. It also shows that you can put forth the effort and time to take pride in your work. • Here’s how you do it!
Proof Reading Check list • Read your work over carefully. • Make sure what you are saying makes sense and flows logically. • Check to make sure all your sentences are complete. • Check for run on sentences. • Check that your verb tense is consistent • Look for mistakes in spelling and grammar • Make sure you are using capitals in the correct places • Make sure your paragraphs are indented
Proof Reading Check List • Make sure you are using words correctly (there, they’re , their, your, you’re, are, our, etc.) • Make sure your paragraphs are at least five sentences and following proper paragraph form • Take a short break. This is important because when your ideas and what you want to say are fresh in your mind, you may not pick up on errors since you know what your work is supposed to say. Leave it for a few minutes and then come back to it to look over again. • Lastly, read your whole article, report or essay again (out loud if you can) to catch any little errors. If it doesn’t “sound right” try re-wording it. • You could also have a friend, parent or teacher check it over too!