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Integrating Genetics in Public Health Practices

Develop a taxonomy highlighting genetics' role in public health, for use by CDC. Define assessment, policy, assurance, and system management. Engage stakeholders and ensure genetic information quality.

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Integrating Genetics in Public Health Practices

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  1. Public Health Functions & Services: The Integration of Genetics Office of Genetics and Disease Prevention Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

  2. Goal of this Project Develop a taxonomy that: • demonstrates the intrinsic role for genetics in achieving public health goals • can be readily understood and widely accepted for use by the public health community • provides a lasting framework for planning, carrying out, and evaluating the integration of genetics into CDC activities

  3. “Public Health in America” Assessment Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Assurance Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Public Health Functions Project, Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, Office of Public Health & Science, US Department of Health & Human Services (1994) Develop Policies Policy Development

  4. The Integration of Genetics?? Assessment Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Assurance Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies Policy Development

  5. The Integration of Genetics • Assessment: The regular systematic collection, assembly, analysis, and dissemination of information, including human genome epidemiologic information, on the health of the community. Human Genome Epidemiology: The study of the role of genetic factors and their interaction with environmental factors in the occurrence of disease in human populations. Assessment Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Assurance Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies Policy Development

  6. The Integration of Genetics • Policy Development: The formulation of policies, in collaboration with stakeholders, that promote the appropriate use of genetic information and the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of genetic tests and services. Stakeholders:General public, patients, health professionals, scientists, policy makers, pharma/biotech industry, insurance industry Assessment Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Assurance Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies Policy Development

  7. The Integration of Genetics • Assurance: The assurance to constituents that genetic information is used appropriately and that genetic tests and services meet agreed upon goals for effectiveness, accessibility, and quality. Assessment Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Assurance Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies Policy Development

  8. The Integration of Genetics • System Management: Assessing and building the capacity of the public health infrastructure to integrate information from genetic research into public health practice. Public Health Infrastructure:“The systems, competencies, relationships, and resources that enable performance of the essential public health services in every community.”(HP 2010) Assessment Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Assurance Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies Policy Development

  9. Essential Services: Research • Research: A systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge of the impact of human genetic variation on health and disease. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  10. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies Essential Services: Research • Epidemiologic & Laboratory Research: Quantify the impact of gene variants on human health, and identify and quantify the impact of environmental risk factors that interact with gene variants. Gene Variants:Heritable mutations or polymorphisms Environmental Risk Factors:Any exogenous factors -- chemical, physical, infectious, nutritional

  11. Essential Services: Research • Epidemiologic & Laboratory Research: Quantify the impact of gene variants on human health, and identify and quantify the impact of environmental risk factors that interact with gene variants. • Policy & Communications Research: Identify and analyze the economic, social, ethical, and political implications of advances in human genetics, including the information and communications needs of stakeholders. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  12. Essential Services: Research • Epidemiologic & Laboratory Research: Quantify the impact of gene variants on human health, and identify and quantify the impact of environmental risk factors that interact with gene variants. • Policy & Communications Research: Identify and analyze the economic, social, ethical, and political implications of advances in human genetics, including the information and communications needs of stakeholders. • Health Services Research: Identify and analyze the factors that influence the impact of genetic information, and the delivery, utilization, and quality of genetic tests and services. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  13. Essential Services: Assessment • Monitor Health: Monitor health status, including genetic factors, to identify health problems within the community. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  14. Essential Services: Assessment • Monitor Health: Monitor health status, including genetic factors, to identify health problems within the community. • Diagnose & Investigate: Investigate the distribution of genetic and modifiable risk factors within the community to determine their contribution to identified health problems and to improve health outcomes. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  15. Essential Services: Policy • Inform, Educate, Empower: Facilitate communication and education about the integration of genetic information into health promotion and disease prevention programs. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  16. Essential Services: Policy • Inform, Educate, Empower: Facilitate communication and education about the integration of genetic information into health promotion and disease prevention programs. • Mobilize Partnerships: Foster collaboration among public and private agencies and constituent groups to promote effective and efficient policy making about genetics. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  17. Essential Services: Policy • Inform, Educate, Empower: Facilitate communication and education about the integration of genetic information into health promotion and disease prevention programs. • Mobilize Partnerships: Foster collaboration among public and private agencies and constituent groups to promote effective and efficient policy making about genetics. • Develop Policies: Establish policies and guidelines for when and how genetic information should be applied to promote health and prevent disease. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  18. Essential Services: Assurance • Enforce Laws: Promote the enforcement of policies and standards enacted to ensure the appropriate use of genetic information, and the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of genetic tests and services. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  19. Essential Services: Assurance • Enforce Laws: Promote the enforcement of policies and standards enacted to ensure the appropriate use of genetic information, and the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of genetic tests and services. • Link to / Provide Care: Ensure the availability and accessibility of intervention strategies that incorporate genetic information to improve health and prevent disease. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  20. Essential Services: Assurance • Assure Competent Workforce: Ensure that present and future health professionals have training and skills in the appropriate use of genetic information to promote health and prevent disease. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

  21. Essential Services: Assurance • Assure Competent Workforce: Ensure that present and future health professionals have training and skills in the appropriate use of genetic information to promote health and prevent disease. • Evaluate: Evaluate the impact of genetic information, and the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of genetic tests and services. Monitor Health Evaluate Assure Competent Workforce Diagnose & Investigate t s e y m S Link to / Provide Care Research Inform, Educate, Empower M t n a e n m a e g Mobilize Partner-ships Enforce Laws Develop Policies

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